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Everything posted by Frosty_wsm

  1. I'm not one of those many though, see that small clear bit down south lol. Detail like that will chop and change multiple times between know and nearer the time anyway.
  2. If I remember rightly my brother saw me disappear under shed loads of snow when I thought it a good idea to open the back door to have a look at the snow drifts! Not sure about any similarities as not very good reading the charts but I did see Steve murr mention Dec 81 a few days back regarding what some of the models were showing at the time but a lot has changed since then but if we can get an active southerly jet with low pressures being deflected to pass close the south as they head east then who knows. As you say though, it was multiple falls of snow that created that havoc back in Dec 81, I expect we struck lucky and had a few channel lows, can't even get one of those buggers these days though it seems.
  3. Quite looking forward to a rain to snow event, if it happens of course but I'd much prefer rain to snow than the other way round! What I'm waiting on, and it's bound to happen, is for someone in the mod thread to bring up the old chestnut about snow not settling if its been raining beforehand. That is, quite frankly a load of bs, if the snow is heavy enough and the temps drop enough then it'll settle, it's as simple as that. I can remember the last time we had a rain to snow event, remember that one when we were waiting for the lower dew points to be pulled in off the colder continent, took ages for the rain to start turning to snow but it did and despite the amount of rain beforehand we ended up with lying snow.
  4. A repeat of Dec '81 would be nice, around a foot of snow at sea level, must have been insane up on the mendips considering the snow depths we had. Trying to think if that was the same event where we had snow drifts literally up to the top of the back door!
  5. Just had a look in there, watched the gopro video clip, must be awesome to live in a part of the country where you can get snow like that just from continuous showers! And here's me getting all excited over a few wet flakes falling lol. Got everything crossed that the 06z gfs was picking the correct evolution for later next week, I probably have more chance of winning the lottery but one of these days those awesome charts for our region will verify but in case they don't I'll dig out the Dec 81 photos I have and remind myself about what can happen in the west country where heavy snowfall is concerned.
  6. Some members seriously need to take a chill pill, their mood swings from one end of the scale to the other, just like the models have been, is being very tiresome! The 06z gfs is so different to the 00z it's laughable that anyone who is saying comments like it's all over or that we'e looking at a +nao euro heights setup are getting way too far ahead of themselves. just sit back and watch it unfold, it's fascinating seeing the models struggle with the current setup.
  7. Really heavy shower about to hit here according to the radar, red echos, be rain here though at sea level 3 miles inland.
  8. Current radar shows it hitting the mendips around 11pm, if the band keeps moving at it's current pace, so tempted to head up there later.
  9. Could really do with the ukmo onboard though, I remember previous years where both the gfs & ecm were showing cold charts and the ukmo wasn't buying it and it turned out to be correct. I've got everything crossed that this time it's wrong and the gfs/ecm is more on the ball.
  10. Not concerned at all at the moment about what the met office are predicting for dec/jan/Feb, they predicted a front loaded winter last year and look how that turned out! I'll just sit back and watch it all unfold over the next few months.
  11. What an awesome week of weather we've had, been out everyday making the most of it, hoping for more of the same over what's left of autumn and as we head into winter.
  12. These unseasonable strong winds have brought down a large chunk of tree just across the road from me.
  13. I'd rather be putting up with the extremely hot oppressive weather some parts of southern Europe are currently experiencing instead of this absolute crud weather pattern we've been stuck in for what feels like ages, at least there's things one can do to keep themselves cool in hot weather.
  14. Thunder wasn't as loud as the storm back in May, even when some lightning strikes were right above but I was seeing loads more lightning in that storm last night compared to the May storm
  15. Flashes to the sw/s/se now, can't see this missing here, almost constant rumbles in the distance too.
  16. I can see the north somerset area missing out again from this second line of storms, which would take the p**s if that's how it plays out!
  17. Always makes me smile to see you moaning in here, it means great summer weather is on the way!
  18. Feels cool in the wind right now, especially when the sun isn't shining.
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