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Everything posted by Wet'n'Dry

  1. The Met Office forecasts Pork Bellies will lead the markets on Monday am, coffee beans and orange juice are suspected to rise but a falling corn crop will lead to an unstable market. Meanwhile, they haven't a scooby what the weather will hold!!
  2. Torrential rain here now, garden flooded and the road resembles a river, no discernable wind direction either No slugs or snails were hurt during the composition of this post
  3. Sorry but they have already gone into orbit, and not for amusement. Now my garden is clear, and if they were so insignificant why are there products available to destroy them? Edit to add: I never killed them, I relocated them.
  4. They have also issued a warning that petrol will soon be dearer than diesel
  5. Well if no one has any lightning vids at least we might be able to post some snail kicking vids, or even snail golfing
  6. No cause of death: Kent and Essex gobbled it up .. Yum Yum
  7. Is anyone else seeing this low level rotation? It's gone bloody mental all of a sudden!
  8. Massive IC flash here, 3 miles distant and very high, from west to east, the thunder lasted a whole 40 seconds!!!!
  9. I read earlier that any severe activity would be on the eastern flank of any major precip, but that's not set in stone as these things so often prove to go against all predictions!
  10. Bang flash wallop directly overhead, more beers please!
  11. Beer or lightning, beer or lightning, beer or lightning, beer or lightning, beer or lightning, beer or lightning, oh sod it, I'll have some of both !!
  12. I would give that mass approaching from the south a chance to feed, plenty of fuel available as it marches north
  13. A long deep ruble of thunder just heard south of Basildon
  14. The concert down in Bognor has been suspended, the compere said it was getting too dangerous!! http://roxmusicandarts.org/festival-live-stream/
  15. The concert down in Bognor has been suspended, the compere said it was getting too dangerous!! http://roxmusicandarts.org/festival-live-stream/
  16. Nail some plywood sheets over your car, that will stop it getting dented
  17. No please don't apologise, you are the the upcoming generation of weather forecasting, good luck!
  18. William you need to appreciate the overall picture and what brings weather of whatever type to your region. 'Bring it on' and 'black lines' do not make a forecast come true. I realise you are young and learning but try to restrain yourself. Try to read through the model discussion forum to try to understand how certain events come about!
  19. Nice capture Dell, generally with digi cams it's best to disable auto focus and set it to infinity, great first post!
  20. Looks like a squall line forming stretching NNW from Brighton, dragging moist air up from the channel on its eastern flank.
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