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Everything posted by HammerJack

  1. Morning - MetO warning out for potential storms this afternoon.... Can't post link as on phone.
  2. A lovely day here today. Been sunny and nice and warm all day.... As for winter forecasts... Hahaha. Enjoy reading the tripe. I do tend to start reading them but take them with the largest pinch of salt. Last winter was ment to be cold.... But no
  3. Heavy rain, and thunder here. Just got caught in it over the park playing football.....
  4. This picture take now is from a high point in Chafford hundred looking over the river to Kent..... Looks darks and menacing.... Sorry it's sideward... On phone
  5. Milky skies now :-) my word that run was challenging. I still keep smiling about last nights storm, and maybe what might happen tonight. Feels very humid and close. Fingers crossed for tonight, and I hope anyone who was to lazy to wake up this morning at 3 am (haha) see and hear something great tonight. This feeling is not close to snow watch, but for summer time BRING IT ON..... :-)
  6. Yep. I wear a suit all week for work... Not even allowed to remove our ties.....
  7. Morning An absolute cracker last night. Woke around 3am to hear torrential rain, then the room lite up with flashes of lightening and the loudest thunder I have heard in years. I think it lasted around 40 minutes, woke around 5am to hear more thunder. This has certainly whetted the appetite for more storms. You can't beat a nighttime storm..
  8. Couldnt agree more. Just look back to last Thursday. Cold grey rain and windy.... I'd take this for the next week or two. Plus running in this weather is great fun (I get a good suntan) haha
  9. Yes. It was lovely and sunny around 6am, but now the cloud has come. Going to be another very hot one today :-)
  10. 95% cloud cover now. It feels hot hot hot out there. I think tonight will be atrocious for sleeping, unless you are lucky and have air con.... Not going to pay to much attention about Saturday yet. Had my fingers burnt too many times.... But things do look promising, and I hope the storms arrive overnight. That way we could hopefully see a great lightening show, and secondly I can enjoy a dry and hot weekend...
  11. Mostly cloudy here today, which I suppose has suppressed the temps a bit. As I said yesterday I'm a fan of all weather types and like extreme as long as it doesn't impact lives.... The only extreme weather I hate is wind. I call it the invisible killer. Have all the windows open at home at the moment, so hopefully will cool down all the room..... Especially the bedrooms
  12. Weather warning issued by the Met regarding Saturday.... Still cloudy here. Have no idea how warm it is outside as I haven't been out of the office since 8am
  13. Nice breeze blowing now. Feels cool. So on that note I'm going to climb the wooden hill to bed. Until tomorrow people.... Goodnight!
  14. Lovely summers day here today. About 40% cloud cover now, and a nice breeze.... That should help for comfy sleeping tonight. As a fan of extreme weather... Looking forward to the heat as the week goes on - but I'm sure I will be cursing it, as I will be to hot in work, and to hot to sleep. LOL
  15. Another great day here. Bit more cloud than yesterday, but when that sun came out it felt hot. There is more of a breeze also, which is making it feel more comfortable.Looking forward to maybe reaching the magic 30c this week.As for the MetO - I find there weather app pretty consistant and it's free! You picked a great week!! Great part of the UK for a holiday, I've been there loads of times. Have a great time.....
  16. Actually feels quite tropical outside. The clouds seem to be getting darker.... Would like to see some lightening. Still the rumbles continue.....
  17. The thunder seems more distant now. Not a classic storm - but hey, I'm not complaining
  18. Thunder getting more regular - haven't seen any lightening though....
  19. Cracking afternoon here. Very sunny and very warm. Heard my first rumble around 6pm, followed by some very heavy bursts of rain. Still thundering now. Must of heard roughly 15 rumbles. Perfect summers day :-)
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