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Everything posted by ronan

  1. This weather is truely remarkable. I have never ever witnessed such a cold and snowy start to winter in my lifetime. 3 inches of snow on the ground for the past 6 days and its frozen solid now. Looks like we will see some more snow later today which would be the icing on the cake. Currently hitting -8.5 here in Derry. Its just a winter wonderland outside, everything white. Just just note of caution. Keep an eye on our elderly neighbours as this weather can be deadly for them. Anyways enough of me ranting on and Happ Christmas to you all. Ronan
  2. It definately is the snow on the ground but the freezing fog is the main factor. Can't wait until xmas mornig to head up to the Glenshane for a bit of sledging with the wain then home for a big turkey dinner. Good times. The winter is only starting and its the best start that i can remember in years. Never felt cold like it. I think and have been saying for weeks that we could be in for one of the coldest winters in years.
  3. Truely spectacular conditions here in Derry. I've never witnessed cold like it before and i'm 26. Freezing fog all day long and everywhere is frozen solid. There is about 3 inches of snow on the ground and there has been virtually no thaw. Unfortunateley my car had got the the full force of this and has frozen solid. Had to leave it at work tonight and get a taxi home! Nightmare! Was very strange earlier when i'd finished work. Was walking to get taxi when a very fine snow shower occured. Don't know if it was the fog, definateley didn't look like it. Left a sheetinf white on the ground and cars.
  4. Its got very dark and overcast here now and starting to snow. :winky:
  5. Just had a good laugh at this. Angies lunchtime weather. Bit of a balls up at the start. Watch the weather forecast down the right hand side of the page http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/forecast/2579
  6. Morning all. Been snowing with a bit of hail mixed in since last night. Nothing spectacular but nice to see and we are into our 3rd day of lying snow. Think theres a bit more snow to come later today. Would be nice to get another cm or two. :unsure:
  7. Nothing worth talking about in Derry except brief grauple and snow showers. Whats the prospects for the rest of the week folks? I see the south of england is in for another pasting
  8. Absolutely nothing here in Dery. Not really worried as there is 3 inches on the ground. Really good for being so early in the winter.
  9. Don't know whats going on here!! For the past 2 hours its been sleety hail. Thought we were gonna get another pasting tonight but doesn't look as it its gonna happen!!
  10. Morning all. Total whiteout conditions here. Looking at the radar theres some pretty hefty showers heading straight for me. Sky is getting very dark. Glad to hear that most of you have snow on the ground. http://www.meteogroup.co.uk/uk/home/weather/radar/united_kingdom.html
  11. Heavy snow showers off and on all night. Have about 2 inches here in Derry now. Hoping it will creep up to at least 4 inches by the morning!! Exellent stuff!!
  12. Just back from the pub As i was making my way home there was a heavy rain shower. As soon as it hit the ground it froze. Conditions are now really. Was really surprised that it didn't fall as snow as temps are hovering around -1 to 0. The suspension is really getting to me now, just can't wait until sunday.
  13. I think anywhere has a chance this weekend. Snow currently getting a bit heavier here in Derry and is settling on roads and grass. Current temp. is 0.5.
  14. Hi all. Was nice to get a half day from work today. Made it home in time for the lunch time forecast. Loved the fact that Angie mentioned that Derry and Antrim would be worst affected come Sunday. We have had very light snow falling in Derry for the past 2 hours which is nice to see. I think sunday could be a special day with at least 10cms for my area. Lastest radar looks godd to. http://www.meteogroup.co.uk/uk/home/weather/radar/united_kingdom.html
  15. Just in from work and as i haven't got internet access in work i've been itching all day to know whats happening. Things still looking very good for the weekend. Nive to see some of you has seen some of the white stuff tonight. Was out for a smoke earlier in work and there was a short shower of hail and snow. Current conditions are very icey. Looking at the radar there seems to be a few hefty showers heading towards the Dublin/Wexford/Belfast areas. Anyway i hope you all see something in the coming days and who knows what we should expect in the coming weeks and months. Latest radar. http://www.meteogroup.co.uk/uk/home/weather/radar/united_kingdom.html
  16. The past two weeks have definately been a rollercoaster!! My heads ready to explode! I think we could be heading for some of the heaviest snow that N.Ireland has seen for some time in December. It this all comes off then i'd say we would be in for a white christmas of some sort even if its lying snow from sundays event but next week is looking promising to
  17. Good mornng to you all. Things looking great this morning.Roll on the weekend. Sunday looks to be the best of the days for snow but i think we could see snow as early as saturday. Happy times
  18. Hopefully i'll have scenes like this come sunday. The lamp post is my best friend. LOL
  19. Ther ya go. Think it should be ok now. Would be great if we had scenes like this come the end of the weekend. Last go at this. I'm useless at doing this picture thing!!!
  20. Only eastern parts of Ireland would see snow on thursday. I'll certainly be keeping an eye on the lamposts at the weekend. Forgot to resize the below picture. :lol:
  21. I can't see there being much of a downgrade now. By late thursday we should have a better idea as it will be in the more reliable timeframe. I would give ourselves in the NW a 50-60% chance of seeing some decent snowfall on sunday. Hopefully we will have scenes like this by the start of next week. My dog enjoys the snow as much as i do. :lol:
  22. Looks to be an upgrade again. Suday looking to be a very snowy day again. I swear i'm gonna have a heart attack by the time this cold spell is over!! The precip charts look amazing!
  23. Cheers for that John. As we all know alot can change in 3 days. I'm sure some of us will see some of the wintry stuff over the weekend. :o
  24. Thanks very much for that John. So do you think we will see much from this northerly at the weekend? Feeling very disheartened today from all this downgrade talk!! Sure have known that its the norm for our wee country!
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