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Everything posted by jean91

  1. We managed a very good -12.5c here in Orly Airport on the 7th january 2009 with snow on ground and a clear, no wind night .This is not often that we reach -12c for here so did went for a walk!!!!!! January 2009 was a much better month for lowest temps than december 2010 . The last time we did reach -12c was on the 1st january 1997.
  2. Evening all, Here for my part of Suburbs near Paris it was a clear, sunny, pure blue sky with a top temp at 5.1c with a easterly breeze all day but not too strong.Give me theses days anytime the lowest this morning was -1.3c Now at 2330 local time we are just at 0.1c so i should get below 0c in a few minutes.lowest forecasted for my area around -2 or -3 c 1021.9 hPA and rising. If only we could manage colder minimum temps that would be better!!!!!!
  3. As posted earlier i will always recall 1995 as i was in uk studying and working, one of best time in my young days but long gone though!!!!!!!!And thanks for Thundery Wintry showers and your number 17 post .In my entire life it was the first time i realized i could bear cold much better than hot weather. I think it was just a training for what was to come : August 1997 more unbearable as hotter as more sticky and humid ( but some good thunder storms) and then the famous August 2003 .
  4. Third frost for Orly Airport at -1c at 8 am it did not stay under freezing very long .they annouced some low clouds for the area but the sky kept clear all night.A beautiful blue sky now with 0.3c.
  5. For my part 8 miles south of Paris (Orly Airport )we had 2 in december last one on the 19th december and the 2 ones at -2c . Paris did only get- 0.3c so technicaly a frost but it is the highest night temp ( lowest) so far into the winter. Getting much cooler than previous nights here but will be hard to get a frost as they annouce clouds over the region tonight.It is partly clear now!!! i bet for a 1.5c for my area.
  6. Oh ? Here in France August 2003 beats them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!minimum or maximum only thing 2003 did not beat is the straight days in a row over 30c ( for Paris ) not sure but think it is 16 or 17days ( august 1997 may be on or just a touch under record for in a row over 30c)
  7. Just to say that i am glad to live in the suburbs of Paris : They only managed a 0.2c on the 19th december and for my area about 8 to10 miles south we managed a -2c on the 11th and the 19th december (Orly Airport). So far it is close to being a record for Paris for the highest lowest temp so far into the winter!!!
  8. remember quite well this spell of hot weather too.i was studying in uk during 1995 and decided to stay on and work during the summer. Would always remember on my days off would take the tube to go as far off from London and enjoy the countryside.Could have done with air con in London Also remember quite well that in 1995 a heat wave occured in Chicago and don't remember the author but a book was published about it : heatwave of 1995: autopsy of a disaster ( sociologic book not weather related ) Question though? was August 1995 warmer than August 1997 ? In France August 1997 was unbearable, ( 16 straight days over 30c in Paris) much more so than 1995 but thundery too.How was August 1997 compared to 1995 in UK?
  9. 8.8c cold feeling? windy? Today in my suburbs near Paris not much to say : cloudy most of the day apart clear spells around midday.6.9c for the minimum ( should be the max!!!!) and 11c for the maximum.Feeling not cold as no wind ( been the same for a few days now) now 1035.8 hPA Up to now ( 10th january) anomaly for Paris and suburbs is nearing or a bit over 4c !!!
  10. Yes we all need to keep hope but then we take what comes!!!! First winter am trying to look each day on runs and slowly learning thanks to some postings here too! and am certainly not losing hope! never!
  11. Here it goes http://france.meteof...gilance/Accueil They have shut down all sea crossings and all flights to and from Corsica since afternoon.In fact there is no way to go to Corsica but swim for the time being!!!!! Below some gusts in kilometers though!!!!!
  12. Yes it is associated with it. But Météo-France did forecast well values in Corsica but in the South west corner they did underestimated the values : http://www.infoclima...reel.html#carte you can see pretty nasty gusts in a large south. What is also noticeable is the foehn effect that comes with it.
  13. About 115 miles gust recorded in Cap Sagro in Northern Corsica and at the opposite on the west in Cap Béard Port- Vendres nearin 96 mile gust Very impressive tonight in the south of France. hope they are all inside.
  14. Don't want to put that on again (not the thread for it anyway) but to reassure you folks some here also wonder why Météo-France ( metoffice equivalent) did not put some areas in yellow ( first alert) Also for Corsica tonight , they( Météo-France) are annoucing possible 125 miles gusts on exposed capes especially for North Corsica .Sorry this does not concern the Atlantic!
  15. don't have much time now so will later put more details on my 2011 events but i would remember the 27th june being stuck in a crowed train for well over an hour when it was 36.6c outside getting back home from work. All stations broke their all time records for a june month near my area since 1947 exept Orly airport which had 36.6c against a all time high of 37c on the 26th june 1947.Paris did not broke its record either. Stuck in a crowded train with such a high temperature. Traffic was very disrupted following many incidents and one was on catenaries ( not sure of the english word) and this due to the heat!!!!! Immidiately home and went straight in the shower!!!!!
  16. Hello'all A quick turn on here as am still at work and been also very windy here in Paris. At Roissy Airport which is about 20 miles Northwest of Paris a gust of 62.25 miles! not bad really! .The strongest gusts around 2.30 PM . but still quite windy now but probably less than earlier. Funny though about one hour ago we had a fairly strong gust with a clear sky ( was out with a colleague who was on smoking break out). When on my lunch break in the most exposed streets among the tall buildings it was really stormy!!!!!!!
  17. On a 27 mile gust for my area and still a nice 8.1c, i am off to bed.Wish you all a safe night.
  18. True it is a good thing it happens during nighttime. Thanks all for posting i am trying to follow but not used to all places and also am more used to kilometers.But very nice to follow you all. Meanwhile here it is really quiet apart from a breeze
  19. Could anyone tell me about birmingham? my bro is here for a work meeting.First time he is in uk!!!!! As for metoffice it does not look bad for birmingham. You all take care. And guys always check what region you all from when you post but think i need to revise my uk geography!!!!!!!
  20. Hello all, Hope not too much damages for everyone. Here in Paris it also has been windy but not too bad.Strongest gust recorded 46 miles. Cloudy and windy all day although the strongest winds were in the afternoon. No rain before 6 30 pm then at around 7 45 pm just when i was back from the grocery store the cold front passed!!! Only if we had lightning and thunder it would almost have been like summer.with a nice 12c just as the cold front was approaching. Intensity 75mm per hour and it lasted a good 7 to 9 mins.
  21. Today in Paris : highest temp a nice 14.2c a cloudy day with some drizzle from time to time but really not much. We should get the cold front later this evening as posted earlier today the minimum temp was 12.3c which is the warmest 1st january minimum ever in Paris so just a daily record then.Not far off the 13.7c of the 18th january 2007 record!!!
  22. Happy new year to all.And nice fisrt 2012 to all. Well after the warmest year here in Paris the lowest night temp was 12.3c with some drizzle from time to time during night ( not much really). I was in Paris earlier in the late afternoon and people really filled the streets , don't think they would do that with a -10c!!!!! Now cloud all over ( as it is for last 24hour) 13.1c now at 10 am!!! 1015.6 hPA Rh 86% Nearing daily record forecasted here for Paris( nearing 15c for top temp!!!) and some daily or decade records have already been broken In France for highest night temps .
  23. Well, warmest year ever in France for 2011 before 2003 and 1994.With a all mean temp of 13.62 to 13.65c ( not definite figure yet) against an average of 12.15c for 1971-2000 . It made the headlines on wednesday here in France. No one may remember that the warmest 12 month period were from June 2006 to May 2007 with a stunning 2.3c anomaly. April and November with 4c and 3c are the ones with higher anomaly and 5 months are with anomaly of 2c or more ( including April and November) As for myself April was quite noticeable , as was the heat of late september ( helped moved my bro and was sweating as in summer) Most warmest months came in second though : second warmest November, April ,second warmest autumm but first warmest spring. November was also noticeably warm here . July is the only month with a negative anomaly of -1.3c To sum up 2011 warmest year ever as a calendar year with 1.5c anomaly Nationaly June 2006 to May 2007 warmest12 month period ever with a worrying 2.3c anomaly
  24. Cannot check precisely for Paris now as need to go back to work but we are around a mean of 14c for Paris for 2011 against an average 1971-2000 of 12c.Will check tonight and after the 31st december for the final figure.
  25. Yes Sorry all temps above in my post are National ones 12.15c Nationally .
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