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Everything posted by kmanmx

  1. Unfortunately if it falls as snow I wouldn't expect it to look like much more than glitter in the air. It's really weak PPN by the time it gets here.
  2. If the NMM is correct, some of us may see some short, light showers. Mainly from late this afternoon to about midnight. Certainly wouldn't expect accumulations from it though. Euro4 makes it look even less than NMM.
  3. Too anyone already convinced about the snow prospects for Tues/Wed, I wouldn't go about writing anything off at the moment. Predicting 2 or 3 days out with regards to snow is not very accurate at the best of times, but this particular developing system is proving harder to get a grip of than usual. There is still quite a bit of uncertainty. It is going to be cold, we know that. But when and where the precipitation falls, and what it falls as, we don't know very well yet. Lots of things can and likely will change between now and then. I would pretty much ignore the BBC forecast for Tues and especially Wed right now when it comes to snowfall. Each run seems to have been an upgrade for the past day or two. So i'm keeping positive, next week (well, technically this week, as we're on Sunday..) certainly looks to be interesting if nothing else. It'd be shortsighted to write it off at this stage. I know as well as any that we are used to seeing the hype build up only for it to fall flat on it's face just as we get close, but I reserve judgement until we have high confidence in the forecast
  4. I'd agree. Some of the GFS charts look impressive, but if you analyze it further, especially snow accumulation, places like Leicester don't look they are going to get much. Perhaps a few centimeters. It's still quite far out though so plenty of time for upgrades, we can only hope
  5. Ha, had totally forgotten the fact it's quite likely to just be rain. 2C here !
  6. Will be interesting to see if those showers produce anything later tonight. Might stay up a bit late to do some radar/street light watching It's Saturday afterall.
  7. With the way the models are coping at the moment, this is totally FI. But looks like there is still potential for something decent to happen next week. This is snow accumulation by Thursday.. obviously not remotely accurate but interesting anyway.
  8. Yeah I took a quick look and then backed away. At least it's nice and cold. So there's that. Not all doom and gloom, could quite easily be 10c and raining.
  9. I might, just might, get up early and take a look. I love my lie ins, but possibly love snow even more. Holy sweet mother of ...
  10. Totally agree. A lot of them guys/girls are really smart and talk about stuff i've never heard of. But there seems to be a lack of common sense. The models are disagreeing on events at t48, and yet people are then looking right out to t144 and analyzing every frame and moaning at the lack of cold. Hold up ! we're not even sure what's happening at the weekend yet, so don't go and get caught up on stuff 5 to 7+ days away. Oh well. It's amusing to watch them squabble.
  11. Remember to check the percentages It has me down for 5 hours to, but only ranging from 50 to 30% each hour.
  12. That's true I guess Nice to see some positive mental attitude, the model thread is borderline suicidal! Hopefully will see at least some snow tomorrow
  13. Even in what is typically reliable time frame we don't have much agreement from any of the models. I suppose it keeps it interesting if nothing else I look forward to seeing what the weekend brings
  14. The charts are pretty great. Not to be a party pooper but that is practically FI as far as making predicatable snow forecasts go. If it's still like that on Sunday i'll be getting more excited. I'm REALLY hoping it comes off though
  15. No snow here (well obviously, it's Leicester ) . It's incredibly icey though. The work car park is literally an ice rink. You could ice skate on it !
  16. Heavy stuff seems to have gone to the north side of leicester, so only light stuff here. Won't amount to anything. Still nice to see some snow though.
  17. That big blob is heading my way. Look to arrive in the next 20 minutes or so. Here's hoping Looks like most of you have had some pretty heavy snow, even if only temporarily.
  18. Snowing heavy now. ...Aaaaaand its stopped
  19. Definitely just rain here. (North West Leicester, at work).
  20. Does indeed look quite good. Should get a better idea of things later tomorrow morning and afternoon. At the end of the day MetOffice have access to their own supercomputer and weather models that i'm sure are more likely to be accurate than what we can get hold of. So it'll be interesting to see if they update the weather warnings.
  21. Looks very similar here. No big flakes now though. 5p in size and moderate intensity.
  22. Here's a pic for you all It was raining for about 2 hours. It's now already settling on the road after about 15 minutes. Pretty good.
  23. And it's now snowing in southern Leicestershire. Some good sized flakes too Fantastic.
  24. I wouldn't worry. Forecast is spot on so far. If anything the temp is falling quicker than expected. Pretty sure we just get the snow later than those west of us.
  25. It's great that it's snowing for you guys ! I think our (east mids folk) time will come in 2 or 3 hours. MetO has rural areas around me in south Leicestershire down for a good 6 hours of snow after about 8pm.
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