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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Despite having some serious CB and soe angrty looking skies, the best we've had is heavy rain, not even hail. This years storm activity (or lack thereof) can go get lost .
  2. Chucking it down here all of a sudden, which is weird because it's really sunny.
  3. Looks interesting Robbie, there is certainly a lot of convection in the air judging by the clouds. maybe I'll get lucky today?
  4. Heavy rain is all we got. No good stuff again! *throws tantrum*
  5. The skies to the south are looking quite stormy. What do you think of the chnaces of any storms if they develop, hitting me?
  6. It was yesterday, but we're spreading the celebration over three days. Saturday was Thorpe park, yesterday family and cake and Wednesday a posh steak dinner. So I still consider myself celebrating!
  7. A nice thunderstorm would round my birthday weekend off nicely. A present from Thor maybe?
  8. What he said ^^^^. Beautiful and sunny here at the moment, but some interesting clouds building up. I am scared to get optimistic this year after so much disappointment.
  9. Heading to Thorpe Park tomorrow. the weather is looking decent, hope it isn't too busy at this time of year.
  10. We've had it 3 years in a row here. You always get people the next day proclaiming it's a sign the world is coming to an end. I had my hair done last year on the day after thundersnow happened and all the hairdressers were going on about how it isn't normal and it meant 2012 might be real and it meant the world was coming to an end. I just sat there like this .
  11. OK: January: Very cold, thick snow on the ground and continued blizzards until the end of the month. We'd have a better way of dealing with the snow obviously although for several days even our best equipment won't be able to deal with it and the nation will have no choice but to frolick in the snow all day. High 4C/Low -15C February: Snow eases off but blizzards are still likely, snow is now eay to deal with, but still moderate on the ground. Bright days and the snow is melted by the end of the month. 6C/-5C March: First signs of springs. Light rain showers wash away any remaining sludge and freshens up the landscape. Days feel warmer, but nothing much happens weatherwise. 17C/3C April: Really starts to warm up with occasional April showers thrown in. Still the occasional cold day, but most are warm enough not to need a jumper or coat. The occasional hot day signals the start of the hot summer to come. 21C/10C May: The heat starts to kick in. We will have hot May bank holidays and relief comes in the form of the very occasional downpour (not electrical). These are the first BBQ days of the year and it's time to bring out the shorts and flip flops. 25C/15C June: Hot, hot, hot! Very little, if any rain all month. Expect the typical British pastime of not putting any suncream on and most of the population looking like lobsters. A heavy thunderstorm brings some relief at the end of the month. 32C/24C July: Same as June. Papers headlines will say 'What A Scorcher!' with pictures of packed beaches (this has also happened numerous times in May and June) 37C/24C August: Still hot, but the heat becomes more humid as moisture collects in the air. Mid August brings the start of some strong thunderstorms although these will only be a few short storms with a couple of all nighters. 32C/21C September: Still warm, but the cool down has started. BBQ's and sunbathing are still on the agenda but this is thunderstorm month. Not a week goes by without having at least 3 storms. Several all nighters (like the good old days). Expect many multicells and a couple of supercells. 28C/18C October: A few strong thunderstorms still igniting over most of the country but get less as the month goes on. A few chilly days and it feels like the world is getting ready for winter. Most days are still enjoyably warm and it doesn't rain (except in thunderstorms). People have their last BBQ's. All in all a pleasant month after the hot summer and active thunderstorm month of September. 22C/12C. November: Much cooler this month. Time to get coats out again and mornings are cold and crisp, but during the day the sun still warms up the earth and feels nice on your face. The month is interspersed with a handful of showers, some heavy. Nights are cold. 12c/1C December: First half starts out bitterly cold with wet and windy weather. Torrential downpours are common. Heavy snow arrives just in time for Christmas and everyone enjoys a white Christmas all over the land. Snow is think on the ground and will be until the end of January. The conective energy in the armosphere from the hot summer and warm autumn create plenty of thundersnow. 7C/-6C
  12. All your ideal years are so detailed compared to mine. Think I shall have to give a more detailed one later!
  13. I know I'm not in the affected area but it certainly windy and wild here (minus the rain).
  14. Sorry I have edited and clarified I don't mean people on here, but others. The way people talk about it you'd think it was news that, shock horror, winter happens to be cold!
  15. I'm getting pretty fed up of people saying 'oooooh it's supposed to be getting very cold at the end of the month and they (forecasters I presume) are saying it won't be long till it snows. We've got a cold spell coming'. Well yes, it happens every year. IT'S CALLED WINTER. To clarify I don't mean people on here. i mean other people.
  16. Certainly a distinct nip in the air the last couple of days which I haven't feltsince the beginning of the year. Heating won't be going on until the beginning of November. Winter is fast approaching folks.
  17. Having had a look through all of these the conclusion that can be drawn is that we all want hot summers, lots of snow in winter and a generous mount of storms!
  18. Very nice year and your June is how I swear the old summers used to be.
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