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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. There was a nice anvil in the distance yesterday, but it didn't seem to be active. Oh well at least i got to look at a nice cloud
  2. I really feel like I've just been sat here twiddling my thumbs for months waiting for something, anything to happen.
  3. On another forum people have been asking where the hurricane was and that it was all a bit of a fuss about nothing. Yes, I was telling you this but seemed reluctant to want to hear it.
  4. Fairly windy here with gusts. Clouds are moving super fast.
  5. Good lord some people are getting HYSTERICAL on another forum I post on. I calmly pointed out the UK is incapable of having a hurricane and told them not to worry. This has been met with 'how dare you tell me not to worry, I have children for goodness sake!' I laugh.
  6. I think the majority of the country who aren't really in the path of it are making too much of it. The East may very well see some decent stuff, but I think there's a hell of a lot of clutching of straws from everyone else. I'm not upset as I wasn't expecting anything in the first place.
  7. If I'm being totally honest, i think people are thinking this is going to be much more impressive than it really will be.
  8. Can see it approaching from my window now. Here now. Some dogwalkers in the field have just got soaked to the bone.
  9. How long till the heavy stuff hits us. It's started raining again here, but it's not heavy yet.
  10. It's died down again here. Definately had worse so far this year at the moment.
  11. Windy and rainy here. Can't say it's especially windy and rainy, though I hear it will get worse later. Only 1.5mm of rain so far.
  12. Woohoo! In the pink zone. Wait a minute that sounds wrong....
  13. 62mph winds expected? Last time it was that windy I got blown over when I walked past a really tall building. It created a sort of wind tunnel. It would have been OK, except for it happened in front of a group of foreign tourists.
  14. Woohoo. Should be fun. haven't had anything like that for a very long time.
  15. We have hail forecast for 13.00 on the BBC. In all my life, I've never seen hail forecast on BBC, it's either been rain or snow. Of course it must have been forecast before, just never seen it.
  16. Feels like I'm abroad outside. Nice and hot and humid with a sort of smoggy feel in the air.
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