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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. A big disappointment that was, but I was expecting it. It has been raining since the early hours but only 3mm in my rain gauge. Strange.
  2. I like my sleep too much to stay up but will have the windows open and blinds only halfway down so i can see an hear it if it rolls in.
  3. That a lovely picture, but it honestly almost blood red. My camera keeps making it lighter though. That's more like what we've got.
  4. Unbelievably red skies tonight. My camera can't seem to capture just how red it is. Hopefully someone near me will get a picture
  5. I'd liken it more like a fat person on a leash just out of reach of the juicy doughnut.
  6. Well this has all been rather dissappointing so far. Not even a drop of rain.
  7. Is it going to rain here or not? That's not actually a question, more of a rhetorical one.
  8. Me too, despite not coming from a religious family. Apparently I answered this one day with 'Why does he need to push it? He's God, can't he just magic it to a new place'
  9. How has it not rained here yet, it's almost like night outside??? Lots of mammatus on the underside of the clouds too.
  10. Up to 40mm forecast later according to BBC and still looking thundery for the weekend. Enjoy it folks!
  11. Hopefully that bad boy will extend as far as North West Kent.
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