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Everything posted by Mapantz

  1. Another observation from my own data.. It's been the windiest December since 2013.
  2. 46mph was the top gust here. 10 minute average got to 24mph. May surpass 46mph tonight, as the wind direction will be different. My anemometer can suffer turbulence from next door's chimney when the winds are southerly.
  3. Nasty drizzly weather this evening. Looks like two spells of strong winds tomorrow/Thursday.. 9am - 4pm, then 9pm to 3am Thursday.
  4. A quirky stat that I pulled from my data; 3 days in a row, in February 2019, saw more sunshine than the whole of this December, so far.
  5. Merry Christmas to all in this regional thread - both lurkers and posters. Very windy again this afternoon/evening. Gusting to 37mph. Rain has sort of arrived now.
  6. I reckon there must be some unobserved areas that may have seen zero?! It's looking like the dullest month I've ever recorded, that's for sure!
  7. Although the wind down here has been nothing compared to areas further north, it has still been much windier than what was forecast.
  8. My temperature sensor stayed at 13.1°C for 4 ½ hours yesterday! 9.6mm of rain this morning. Still spitting, but signs of it moving away. Looking forward to a starry night.
  9. It's a mild one here tonight. Currently 13.1°C I've got the windows open so I can hear the sound of the wind outside.
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