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Everything posted by Purplepixii

  1. Lol try being down here in the South! It's 20oC here, blue sky, fluffy white clouds whipping across it thanks to the breeze, sunshine and one of my neighbours is having a bbq! Amazing what difference a few miles makes eh? :blush:
  2. anyone with access to the NW radar confirm a positive inter-cloud over between France & Sussex?
  3. OMG I just got so excited to receive an email with this title, shame it's 150miles away lol! ============== TSentryâ„¢ THUNDERSTORM ALERT NOTIFICATION =============
  4. I got woken up at 5:30 this morning by very heavy rain and strong winds - I was having a nightmare about tornadoes too at the time! 5.6mm rainfall here (so far) today, 15.7oC, 91% humidity and wind gusting at 14.2km/h. Sun keeps appearing then disappearing behind clouds. Oh and the binmen haven't been yet so I'm keeping that fact in mind incase I hear "thunder"
  5. *jumps in the car* Right, fellow southerners who's in for a mass tickling fight up north?
  6. No storms here but sky is rather impressive! It's gone quite dark and there seem to be a multitude of different cloud types scudding across the sky - some slow (higher up) and some fast (nearer the ground) and of varying colours and shapes. Oh, and as I type it's just started raining again! I did think that I heard thunder earlier but when I looked out of the window it was just one of the neighbours putting out his wheely bin - those damn things give me so many false alarms that I'm tempted to tie cowbells on them all so they don't get my hopes up! :ph34r:
  7. Nice to see the Storm Tracker looking busy, just a shame to be in the blank area between france & northern uk!
  8. Looking out my window at blue skies with big fluffy white clouds & it's very breezy but that's it. We had our torrential rain this morning - 4mm in an hour according to my weather station although it felt like much more than that to me! 8mm total in last 24 hours. Keep the storm reports & photo's coming - they're making me very jealous but I enjoy them anyway
  9. Finally, some hope of storms tomorrow (according to the M.O. anyway...) Woohoooooooo! Thursday: Bright with sunny spells and a scattering of showers. Showers will be locally very heavy and thundery.
  10. Wierd weather down here today, blazing sunshine one minute then heavy showers - seems like Mother Nature just can't make up her mind!
  11. Arrrghhhh the timer hit 35 seconds (ish) and I aged 35 years (ish) !! :ph34r:
  12. Hooray the IoW Storm Tracker is back up and looking rather spangly & pretty it has to be said! Had an email from Shaun, the admin of the website with this message to let me know - maybe we should help him out seeing as it was possibly us lot that hammered the site! B) "The isleofwightweather storm tracker is back on line. The cost, just under £1,000. Please support us by visiting our advertisers. Many thanks, Shaun Wheeler
  13. Your wish has been granted methinks. It was lovely and cool after our rumbles but now I've got loudly-twittering birds, blazing sunshine, temp is 22.2c (and climbing), wind "chill" = 25.5c and humidity is 70%. Are we in for another hard-to-sleep-coz-it's-sticky sleep? :huh:
  14. darn I am lost without the IoW storm tracker :-( so, anything else to look forward to today down south?
  15. Hiya, no it isn't. Rain does keep coming and going though, sometimes heavy, sometimes light. Anything your way?
  16. Temp now 19.2c, humidity 83%, wind chill makes temp feel like 18.6c
  17. I know, it's infuriating! It happened a few weeks ago too, guess the ISP doesn't like the amount of bandwidth us storm-addicts are using! :blush: Just had a text from brother-in-law who is in Brighton and doing happy dances coz the storm has kicked off there lol
  18. Nope it's deffo black screen, not blue. As a side note, rain has just started again here quite heavy!
  19. Bah it's all stopped here. Didn't see much in the way of lightning despite standing outside to watch for it (neighbours must think I am barking mad lol). I kinda get the feeling it passed to the east of me and judging by the tracker that seems to back it up. Ahh well, a little bit was nice, but would like some more please! Have noticed that Wimbledon keeps dropping out to a black screen - don't know if that's a Sky problem or problems transmitting there?
  20. Louder more persistant rumbles now and it's raining. It has gone so dark that I've had to put lights on! :o
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