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Team Jo

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Everything posted by Team Jo

  1. Very quiet in the city at the moment, 10c, partly cloudy, feels almost warm. Be careful today folks!
  2. Gone very Dark! Winds are Gusting considerably, the cats are spooked and my boiler pilot light keeps blowing out. Not much Rain here yet, just drizzle - Lauren you must be quite nearby to me?
  3. 12c here, Wind starting to pick up, 52km/h recorded down the road at Biggin. Making a considerable howl between the two blocks of flats. No rain.... Yet. My Rain Alarm app is going off like the clappers though, so I'm guessing it's incoming!
  4. Well I broke my ankle last week so have a lot of time in my hands to sit and obsess about what may/may not happen. I sat and arranged all my web page bookmarks in safari today, in the vain hope something, anything will make the gloom shift. And then I bought an arctic duvet. I will continue to make a snow dance, consisting of hopping around on one set of crutches. COME ON COLD!!!
  5. Easterly/north easterly is always good here. When it blows, my slightly draughty kitchen window makes a particular whistling noise, usually indicative of a 'snow wind'. Beckenham is one big hill, with a decent dip, so usually you can't get up or down it after a good snowfall. I usually ''evacuate" to my Mum's on the Thames estuary when it starts.
  6. Foggy all morning but sun now trying to push through, bit nippy at 6c. Tiny N breeze.
  7. I thought it was okay, Nothing hugely new, but still interesting nonetheless. Lots of cool retrospective. Good to have some sensible heads talking about it. Shame I got picked on for my excitement on twitter the whole time by one crummy individual pouring scorn on it all. But hey. I like having something to look forward to. As uncertain as it may be
  8. Woah. Cheeky spin on this bad boy! Maybe so,e crashes and bangs for us a bit after, but Lots of rain for the foreseeable... Can you imagine if this was August?! Lol
  9. Just started to rain hard here in Beckenham. Popped over the offy a few minutes ago and the guy that works in there knows my weather -freakery.. He said we had a good few crashes and bangs here this afternoon. I missed it all! Covent garden had nothing!!
  10. Keep it out! Gin cures all ills I have to say it is weird having this kind of weather in November, almost like everything is happening 8 weeks later than normal. Ah, 'Frenchie'... I must have been the most annoying person in the world spamming my twitter feed with news of this amazing storm that was going to zap and squash us flat. and then at 2am, we all disbanded in despair because it fizzled. THIS is why you need gin (I have wine tonight)
  11. I ordered a twin pack of sledges (for grocery dragging) and a sledge with steering yesterday. Got caught out last year and struggled to carry mulled wine / cheese without falling over. AND I will clearly need them for the cold & 12 inches of snow (topped up each day by a heavy shower) which will last from 21st Dec to Easter. Actually, make it 30 inches.
  12. My most hated is sunshine and 'blustery showers'. call me odd, but it irritates me in a totally irrational way, I just want the weather to do one thing or another. Stop teasing me with a blast of warm sunshine and then soak me to the bone. Make a decision!! From a non- irrational comfort perspective, although I am a cold weather fan, there's not much worse than a howling cut-your-legs-off winter easterly when it's not quite cold enough yet for snow, and there's rain like piercing needles of doom that make your face hurt on the way to work.
  13. Ah, the Daily Fail are at it again this morning..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054374/Halloween-heatwave-Spooky-weather-horizon-forecasters-predict-warm-sunny-weekend.html Grrrr!
  14. Dark and damp in the city this morning, rain has ceased... For now! Mild - light breeze. Not chilly enough for a proper coat. Umbrella on standby.
  15. Just started raining quite heavily again. It's been very localised today, some quite tasty downpours in Beckenham, very little in Bromley, and then loads again in the Eltham area. Looking at the radar it seems the start of the all-night rain has just gotten to us.
  16. Not comparable to the weather/rain that some of you poor things have had today, but it's just started coming down quite heavily here. - looking at the MetO radar, there's quite a big yellow blob sitting over me at the moment. Just thought I'd chuck my twopennth in. Hope everyone stays safe. Jo&ollie
  17. Bright Hazy morning in the city. Mild @ 11c. Stiff breeze. No rain!
  18. Not significant by any means, but it has gotten significantly windier in the past few hours this evening. Whole day was weirdly warm, and then temperature has dropped, the wind is definitely carrying a little chill in the air. Heating is on
  19. I've been fortunate with the Level and frequency of snowfalls in the past couple of years, living in a bit of a Snow-Magnet-Zone, and my Folks living right on the Thames Estuary. Last November I went to visit them on the Monday, then Monday Night/All Day Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday we had continuous snowfall, and I didn't end up leaving for over a week, just couldn't get the car out. I measured the Snow at 12" in the back garden, with 3-4ft drifts up the front door. I was excited like a small child, and my mum and I trekked with sledges to get the food shopping and wine in through the snow. It was so unexpected / unusual for november, made it all the more exciting. I'm trying not to have such high expectations for this year, or at least that kind of snow/cold as early, but it's really hard! - - totally unbeknownst to us, This time last year we were just 30 days away from the first big flakes....
  20. Got Back from the Dominican Republic early hours of Monday morning, going from a 30c heat down to 3c at Gatwick means that the heating has been on and off ever since. I usually have it on a timer between 4am and 6am for warmth in the morning and then 5pm-7pm when I get back from work. If I'm honest, I tend to leave it on past 7.... but not too late, I'm in a 1 bed flat so it retains the heat quite well & gets a bit stuffy otherwise. I would rather eat ketchup on toast and save money on food than be cold. The other thing I'm a huge fan of are micro fleece blankets, I've got 4, only cost about a tenner from costco, and they are super super instant warm. Couple on the bed and a one on the sofa! Pops swears by his electric blanket, but the one time I tried it I felt like I was in a sandwich toaster....
  21. Biggin Hill reporting 2c Pop's weather contraption in Essex is reporting 3.2c My geraniums are cowering in fear!
  22. I'd love to help, I'm quite new to posting, but I've been a long time lurker Plus my job is pretty quiet from mid November onwards, so I can absolutely spare the time. I spent most of last winter helping people out on twitter and Facebook with snow and ice and transport running commentary.
  23. Wow. Maybe it hadn't occurred to you that people living in prone parts of the world do so because they simply cannot afford to up sticks and move elsewhere? Choose your words more carefully next time champ.
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