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Everything posted by pottyprof

  1. Interesting article. That bone is huge. I wonder if there are any bigger ones left to uncover somewhere?
  2. Had a decent half hour of lightning, hail, heavy rain and very loud rumbles of thunder. Powerful flashes of lightning still coming out of the cell now over Doncaster but not as frequent. Makes a nice change...
  3. It needs a group of responsible people to drop them off somewhere out of the way and park their car in the nearest river.... It's been getting worse over recent years and I can't remember the last year you haven't mentioned it at some point Paul. Youtube holds the evidence. Endangering yourself is one thing but putting other people in danger is another. It's only a matter of time before these idiots cause loss of life by getting in the way of an escape route.
  4. Had the odd beefy shower here today. Missed out on the thunder as it looks like those cells went past to our north and south as usual.....
  5. I've seen this reported on a couple of sites recently and I thought you guys might be interested in it. http://physics.aps.org/articles/v7/5
  6. Seems it's a bit cold down under... http://travel.aol.co.uk/2013/12/28/chinese-icebreaker-trapped-ice-antarctica-ship/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl3%7Csec3_lnk4%26pLid%3D233171 What happened to the melt season and the warmer waters?
  7. http://travel.aol.co.uk/2013/12/10/antarctica-coldest-place-temperature-earth-extreme-weather/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl2%7Csec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D232890
  8. They were probably felt very locally John. Going by the depth, I'd say it was a collapse of old mine workings as there are many in that particular area. Most of the pits over there were deep mine pits.
  9. One of the things you've overlooked Ian is the ionisation that happens when these lumps of rock fly through the atmosphere. I'm not sure how dense the ionisation was and as yet, I've not come across any data online. I have however sent a couple of emails to people who may have an idea as to where this kind of data is kept. Will post any detail here if I get to know anything.
  10. Funnily enough, I'm sat here listening to the effects of the geomagnetic field having a bit of a wobble...
  11. Interesting stuff.. It's great to see the evidence of warmer climates past that climate change brings. 6000 years ago, so not that long ago either.. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.....
  12. Actually there were a few scientists who backed the 2013 figure in about 2006-7. I think that was when another area of the scientific community were guessing that the sun was going to burn us up and boil the seas this cycle. I wonder why most solar scientists believed it was going to be the most active cycle on record? In fact I don't wonder....
  13. I wholeheartedly agree with you on this Dev. It's not all about warming, which you know my opinion on that but we are slowly poisoning the planet and we do need to act. I think if we forget about the warming (for now as it's on hold) and place pressure on governments and companies who just waste endless amounts of resources then I personally believe we can do something before we do get over the line permanently. One annoying little speck is the likes of the Coop removing apple pies out of a simple paper bag and putting them into a box with a large plastic window in it and the plastic isn't currently recycled. I'm starting to ask to see the manager every time I want one to request a reduction in the packaging. I'm hoping this will catch on and the more we waste their time the more they will listen. Time will tell.....
  14. I've only just popped my head round the virtual door as I have had much more important things to focus on than the he said/she said point scoring stuff in recent weeks, plus my on-going health issues have been causing me many problems. If there are any issues then I'm sure if you click 'report post' then someone will take a look. If you can't be bothered to do that and just moan in any of the threads then I'm sure nobody will be that interested. I used to put up with the personal insults and remove posts amongst other things, without waiting for them to be reported for the good of the community here on Netweather but something had to give. Sorry I can't be of any further assistance at this point in time as my interest in this subject has become virtually non existent and I don't want to do anything that would be seen as being biased. Please follow the forum guidelines.
  15. Certainly do Jim.... Late but viewed...
  16. Only just caught up with this. Some great photo's in there..
  17. Another likely explanation is that NASA and NOAA haven't got a clue what it's doing. The original peak was supposed to have been last year (2012) when activity suddenly picked up but then dropped off. Then they decided it was a double peak when activity suddenly picked up earlier this year... What are they planning on? A triple peak? Their assessment was probably right when a few years ago they said in a live netcast "well actually we've just discovered we don't know as much about the sun as we thought we did". One of the poles has changed polarity but the other stubbornly hangs on to what it has had for the last decade or so.....
  18. Errrrrrrrrr.... I give in. You having some kind of pub quiz Dev?
  19. I don't know why I'm putting myself through this Pete. I nearly found something of interest and then I realised where I was...
  20. Not seen many wasps this year at all. Usually they've been getting tipsy on windfall apples. Plenty on the floor but only the birds and slugs/snails going for them.
  21. NASA have been studying the Earth's magnetic field and have found some interesting features....
  22. Just had an interesting experience here. Hail the size of 2p pieces very briefly and a tremendous hail roar. Didn't get chance to record any of it as the camera is flat.. Screen grab from the radar...
  23. I've seen that same kind of view all day today... Had yet another storm that was a dead cert to hit here only for it to split and head either side. We've just had a light shower that lasted a couple of minutes..
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