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Everything posted by pottyprof

  1. You seen the hook too Paul? Can't see anything from the west of it due to the low cloud.
  2. Can't believe it..... A line of storms and the one that would have delivered if it hadn't fizzled out and a cracker of a storm off to our east. The same thing happened yesterday evening too. Arrrrrrrrgh!! :lol:
  3. Just like AGW The conspiracy stuff may or may not be correct but that wasn't the purpose of starting this thread. Art Bell may not have been the best choice to post but it was one of a handful of better examples of the signal. I started the thread purely to see if anyone was interested in counteracting conspiracy with a sensible discussion based on fact. Perhaps not then ey?
  4. We already have the power to make weather. Seeding with silver has been a successful way of forcing rain. As for if HAARP is capable of controlling anything..... I dunno? We know that it heats up the Ionosphere with a beam of focused RF to the equivalent of about a Gigawatt of power focused in one spot. We know that it makes the sky glow in a similar way to the aurora. It is capable of forcing the Ionosphere to expand and create a loop out into space. When the power is turned off the Ionosphere snaps back like an elastic band. There have been concerns raised by some Earth scientists about knock on effects for the planet. As for the conspiracy stuff....................... Pass
  5. This experimental site has been blamed for all kinds of things, from mind control to deaths of animals and earthquakes to weather control. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have an article on the closure of HAARP for the short term due to budget cuts. Interesting to read that the American military are interested in carrying out a few experiments. http://www.arrl.org/news/haarp-facility-shuts-down What the signal sounds like sometimes... One curiosity in all this is since the facility closed, there has been a shift in weather patterns towards more normal pressure. This is probably down to sheer coincidence but it makes you wonder...........
  6. Rather heavy raindrops from the cell to my south. Just on the edge of it and looks quite heavy over the Derbs/Notts border area.
  7. It doesn't help that the local school is in the next street and their boiler chimney has been hit every time we've had a local storm since it was installed.
  8. I'm thinking about lowering the lightning attractors. Ham radio is a great hobby but the antenna farm isn't a good idea when storms are forecast,
  9. Too generalised. I trust the work of science and scientists. I distrust those scientists that involve themselves with politicians and global corporate companies. I also agree that we need to clean up our mess and provide assistance to those who are/will be affected by climate change. Climate change may or may not be wholly/partially man made but climate change is real. Where do I fit into that picture? There are many people that have a similar view that are getting really pished off with being categorised. While this continues then the subject will continue to be poisoned by a minority on either side of the debate, who use the internet to preach that they are correct no-matter what. We see this taking place on this forum and every other climate forum/blog/site. Is it really a good way of explaining what is happening to our planet? I also dislike being categorised.
  10. But mistakes are made SI. It is a fact of life. When mistakes are made there should be an announcement admitting it rather than trying to cover it up. People would be more trusting in what gets presented. There really should be a list issued by the IPCC of what was wrong and how it's been put right and done in a simple format so the man on the street could understand it. Wording is another issue. How many times in the past have people started jumping up and down because things aren't worded quite as they should be? In some cases it's just something petty but you do have to stop and and re-read things at times just to check you read something correctly or not and understood what was said before launching into an essays worth of circular argument...... Well some of us do anyway.
  11. I totally agree. I'm not against preparing and trying to prevent. I am however, against political involvement and people claiming things are right when really, we don't know. As a starter whoever allowed building on flood plains and financing these developments over recent years need prosecuting. The idea that we may be entering into a period of wetter weather isn't a new one. The money from the fines could be spent on flood prevention or providing housing and business premises in more suitable locations.
  12. Pure and simply the science community shoot themselves in the foot by making things 'hush hush' and playing along with the politicians. The press have been rumbled on their influence over politics and it won't be long before the same happens with science. There is an unhealthy dose of politics involved which is why climate science has been given the rough treatment it has over recent years. The backtracking recently on things that were supposedly set in stone goes to show how little we know. The science is fine. It's the way it is presented. Some of the crap that has happened in this climate forum over the years has been down to people pushing their own self interest without any respect for anyone else. It's the same with every other climate forum. The people in the middle who don't know what to believe are left in limbo by arrogant attitudes from both sides and left feeling excluded from the subject. Believing yourself as being right does not make your view accurate or accepted as fact by others. Barking it over and over again will not make it any more accurate or make it happen. Throwing a hissy fit or playing the pedant just turns people off when in actual fact, this time wasted could be used for common good. There are new scientific discoveries made all the time. The quantum world is showing that while the general rules of physics still stand, there are other things happening within that collection of rules that changes outcomes. Do we fully understand what is happening? No we don't so until we do, why is there this thing whereby we insist we are right when we may only be partially right? The science is right. The interactions and possible outcomes are yet to be understood properly. That is where we are. Please note the words 'you, yourself', etc are generalisations and not aimed at any individual. People get so sensitive about this issue at times.
  13. From now on if anyone posts to disrupt any threads they will earn a week suspension automatically. There will be no further warnings.
  14. From now on if anyone posts to disrupt any threads they will earn a week suspension automatically. There will be no further warnings.
  15. I expect there may well be larger fragments entering the atmosphere and as you say GW, why would it be any different? Hopefully it will all burn up as it enters but as you point out, we only have to look back a few years to see what happens when a comet breaks up. I don't think we'll have to worry about impact from large lumps because it will be travelling fast enough and be far enough away to avoid this issue. We could, I suppose, be facing 'fire from the sky'.... What will be, will be.....
  16. Interesting read BFTV. What's causing this ice to melt above the lakes? Any ideas? Perhaps our internal engine is a bit too warm? Who knows?
  17. I noticed that the last few days has seen an upsurge in spots, but only in the south. Has anyone worked out why this is happening? It's been a recurring theme this cycle where the north was active then south. It's only been the last 12-18 months where both hemispheres have been active at the same time.
  18. Had quite a few Honey Bees in the garden today. Just in time to pollinate the strawberries....
  19. Have we maxed out? Is there any sign of reversed polarity yet?
  20. They move in the same kind of way that hover flies do.. I'll show the kids the clip tomorrow. They'll love that.
  21. Beautiful birds. Fascinating to watch them feed. So delicate in their movement.
  22. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/06/14/navy-dark-lightning_n_3440446.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk3%26pLid%3D187180
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