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Everything posted by CRACKPOT

  1. Nothing wrong with that no - but then you get them showing charts with rain on!
  2. Matt on National weather looks as though Wales in snow line from 3-4am Tuesday morning. Then the Wales weather comes on - it's 7°C and obviously rain. This winter is promising a few days out then not delivering - now that is crap. Gives you hope and then consistently crushes it. JK
  3. ....but..... a long wait until it possibly happens.... it keeps disappearing and that's worrying. If we can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory - we will !
  4. If you check the radar this is not really coming inland it's tending to move on a more southerly track - it really is struggling to get past the centre spine of Wales. JK
  5. Tuesday's event is going to have minimal effect guys - just a few flurries at best. Don;t get any hopes up. JK
  6. All I'm seeing now Andy from different sources is not much ppn around and latest it's gone by end of next week. Admittedly a week of cold might give something but constantly being told it's nothing major - apart from very cold.
  7. Derek's latest tweet mentions very little snow or much precipitation whatsoever. Mentions rain and a little sleet Monday/ Tuesday.......
  8. It's gonna be March before we know and hoping next winter delivers- or promises and fails. Rinse repeat....
  9. Didn't actualy believe we were going to get any snow did you? Wind and rain - not quite as exciting - but at least it's a bit fresh JK
  10. Ha ha - it's fine - I got a blister on my heel that didn't take kindly to me and I could only wear crocs to work for 3 weeks while the antibiotics worked on it and it healed up! More snow for me the better - l still retain my childhood enthusiasm if not more. I like the older you get the less you bounce - I concur!! Hope you got good boots now Andy after that episode last year if not give me a shout and I'll point you in the right direction
  11. Not if we don't tell our friends and neighbours..... yet!! Lets get our supplies in first then let them all know Andy - hopefully a long winter as you said - the peppering we had before Christmas I picked up a foot injury due to having to walk an hour in the snow to get my missus one morning - I now have new boots - so I want to try them out! (I sound like a 10 year old there - I'm not - I've been a member on here since 2003 - so thats 14 years and I've been on the planet 37 years before that!) Snow events are rare - but do happen. Eyes down.... JK
  12. Just got to get it into reliable now Andy
  13. Looks like that's it for a while (not that I seen much this time around!) - Elevation looked key this time - along with evaporative cooling. Pretty much as expected I believe. JK
  14. ...but the PPN is not really there Andy......
  15. The front doesn't look as intense now and is fragmenting - this is going to be a dud this time.
  16. I know this front is supposed to pivot - but if you check the radar the intensity has gone and seems to be fragmenting? Doesn't look on the face of it much life in this after mid morning. Hopefully I'm wrong. JK
  17. Although freeze later is this evening according to latest BBC forecast it' got 6 degrees at 3pm on south Wales? Winds also getting further north so that front pushing milder air further north. That would scupper original predictions of snow line going further south later.
  18. Yes slightly wrong steve! Gonna freeze later as well.
  19. BBC forecast still not showing it in my area but shows it stalling and fizzling out around 10am.
  20. Going on some of other threads they are obviously disappointed. This snow has had a dramatic southward change and snow line should reduce through day.
  21. I agree - it' suppose to get colder from now onwards today so snow line will drop down also. JK
  22. BBC probably not updated Steve. Twitter now saying there is a 50 mile southerly shift in predictions - good job it' a Sunday and not as many people got to wake up for work. I got to walk and get my missus from Blackwood later!
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