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Everything posted by GrangemouthBairn

  1. A late night plummet in the first temperature gave us an air frost. Was 0.6C at 6.25, but fell to -0.3C by the time I left at 7.20 and may have dropped a little further after I left
  2. Couple of wet snow showers in Edinburgh this afternoon. On the train home and just went through a very heavy snow shower in linlithgoe
  3. Nothing on the ground in Grangemouth. Drove home from work last night at 10 in really wild conditions with a mixture of rain, sleet and snow and by the end of that shower, the temperature got down to 1.3C so I thought we had a chance last night but didn't happen. Temperature was 2.1C when I left the house and Carol Kirkwood said that the snow level will rise to 200m this morning so I think the chance is gone. There was some slight covering of slush in places in polmont. On the train to Edinburgh I only noticed snow on the hill to the south of linlithgow and obviously the Ochils. Not reached Edinburgh yet but probably the Pentlands too
  4. -3.0C was the low here last night which must have been at 1 or 2am. Now its 1.9C/-0.7C and drizzle
  5. Low of 0.1C overnight. Frosty and sunny start
  6. Showers turning to sleet in Grangemouth. Temperature had been about 4C for last couple of hours but fallen to 2.3C in this shower
  7. Was at the Eskdalemuir observatory today on a trip with the university getting shown the different Met Office instruments as well as the seismic and geomagnetic instruments. It got as high as 6.5C in the afternoon and was very windy. It felt really cold though. Drizzly and very misty with visibility at 300 metres. Half an hour ago it was 9.0C here.
  8. Don't know. I was driving the other way and couldn't see but surely that's the only reason it would be on the road.
  9. Clouded over at lunchtime yesterday and stayed that way for the rest of the day. A little bit of light rain for about 15 minutes as well but that is all it was. Apparently a high of 10.6C but it think that's probably due to the 20 minute spell in the morning where the sun shines directly on my weather station Clouded over at lunchtime yesterday and stayed that way for the rest of the day. A little bit of light rain for about 15 minutes as well but that is all it was. Apparently a high of 10.6C but it think that's probably due to the 20 minute spell in the morning where the sun shines directly on my weather station. Can anyone understand why there was a gritting lorry on the M9 last night?
  10. A low of 2.0C at 9.15 after a high of 5.6C yesterday. After 4 sunny days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday) and 2 cloudy days(Tuesday, Wednesday), we're back in the sun. On the train it looks as if there is some cloud to the north and west.
  11. As I said a couple of days ago, they seem to do it any time the temperature goes below 10C. That might be an exaggeration, but certainly any time it goes below 5C. Grit just makes a mess of the streets. I would rather grit wasn't used even when it is icy or snowy. That would make things more interesting and there wouldn't be a mess left behind when things melted. After a week of no rain or snow, the paths and roads are finally dry in Grangemouth but I imagine they'll still be wet in Edinburgh as they always seem to be. A low of 3.0C overnight
  12. A Max of 6.6C here today and just under 6C at kings buildings in Edinburgh. Nearly 4C colder than yesterday due to the cloud cover. Cloudy all day in Edinburgh too. It's lower now at 3.8C here than it has been on recent nights and 1.9C at KB uni weather station
  13. Overnight low of 5.2C. Currently 6.0C. Completely cloudy and feeling much colder than recent days.
  14. Been thinking about that the last couple of days. I've always wondered why the streets in Edinburgh always seem wet in the winter even when it hasn't rained for a few days but the paths in Edinburgh seem to get gritted as soon as temperatures go below 10C. 5.8C, so looks like the third night in a row it won't go below 5C as I don't see it getting any lower than that with the breeze that is outside. Can't be too often where it is this breezy at such high pressure. It's just that this high pressure block has been so high that the isobars are getting tight below 1035ha. 1033.0hPa now.
  15. 10.4C was the high today. The last couple of days have been a lot sunnier than I thought they would be. On the 21.55 BBC forecast the cloud looked a little bit further east tomorrow, covering Grangemouth but not as far as Edinburgh. But obviously that is a guess because it is very hard to predict where cloud is exactly in this kind of set up. The breeze from the west looks as if it is going to prevent frosts here as it has the last couple of nights.
  16. Finally worked out how to reset the min and Max on my weather station. Friday night had a minimum of -1.8, Saturday had a Max of 8.4, and last night had a minimum of -3.9. The pressure got as high as 1042.7hPa as well last night. Must be a long time since pressure was as high as that in the UK. The sunset last night was amazing. Like some others I took a couple of photos but didn't do the redness justice
  17. -1.0C this morning. Colder than I thought it would be and thats because it was clearer than forecast. Today and tomorrow are also now looking sunnier than originally forecast a couple of days ago for central and southern Scotland
  18. Because I had a school bag on, they thought I looked suspicious. Just about made me late for my train. I've seen more grit on the roads in the last few days than ever before. For example, I've been living at my house now for 11 years and Friday night is the first time I can remember my street ever being gritted. Also last night on my way to Dunblane I seen 2 gritting lorries, one going in each direction and the motorway was just full of it. At one point I was behind a lorry and it actually whipped up a grit storm just like water spray when the roads are wet. I think the roads and some pavements are looking a bit of a mess at the moment with all the grit about. I suppose it does make it easier to drive in when it snows.
  19. Was -0.8C when I got up at 8.15 so the overnight low was probably about-1. It was +0.8 when I left for university at 9.15. Oh and I got searched by the police in polmont thinking I was a burglar!
  20. We've had 5 separate events of snow lying here. One in December, 3 in January and last night. That is much more than the usual winter. We usually get 1 maybe 2 or 3 if we're lucky so I have to say that this winter has been better than most for here. And it's only the start of February so there's plenty of time for more, although its starting to approach the stage where the sun is able to melt the snow quicker. On the train to Edinburgh this morning there was a little bit of snow lying near Edinburgh Park but around the central area and kings buildings it looks as if it missed that snow shower last night.
  21. Was -4.4C when I got up at 7.15. -4.1C when I left the house at 8.15. Dew point-6.8C
  22. Snowing here too. Turning white. 0.3/-5.9C. There is parts of the road which are turning wet rather than white. I got in 45 minutes ago and the sky was clear. Didn't expect this and it's quite heavy. Was in the meteorology lab at the top of JCMB at KB today in Edinburgh. It was cloudy and dry, but to the east there were big dark clouds and witg the visibility in that direction I'm certain there was snow falling from it. To the north there were clouds that had that blurry look as if there was rain/snow falling from it but when they passed over nothing fell. So that may explain the reason for the radar this afternoon.
  23. Temperature rose quickly from -5.3 after I got up at 8.15 to -2.3 when I left an hour later. Overnight low of -6.7C which beats the previous low as f -5.2C by quite a bit. I should have put in my posts last in night that the met office forecaster gave snow showers in Edinburgh a 20% chance tomorrow
  24. No. He basically put four graphs of ensembles up. One was for 2m temperatures, one for cloud cover, one for wind speed and can't remember what the other one was. He didn't show the actual synoptics for each run. But from the 2m temperatures, you could see the mean increased by a couple of degrees from about next Monday but that there were some, maybe about 3 which were significantly colder than the mean throughout. It was difficult to see how many exactly because the graph was quite small and I was near the back of the room. But he did use Friday 13th as an example of how ensembles can vary at longer timescales. He said for that day it was most likely to be 2C but could be anything between 6C and -10C going by that run. Not sure if that was daytime temperatures or not.Now -5.1/-7.4C and have just broken my record for coldest temp since I got my weather station as it did go down to -5.3C. So probably the coldest night of the winter so far.
  25. I've copied this from my post on the Scottish thread Was at a talk this evening at edinburgh uni from someone who works as a weather forecaster at the Met Office. It was very interesting and he put up a run of the Mogreps-Global model for Edinburgh. He summarised it by saying tonight would be cold and dry, temperatures about -2/-3. Tomorrow would be cold but cloudy with a chance of snow flurries in the afternoon from that decaying band that's moving south. The rest of this week as well as the weekend would be dry and cold. There were signs at the start of next week of the high pressure slipping west and slghtly further south with Atlantic mobility gradually asserting itself, turning a bit milder. He then said there were some members amplifying the high to the west around midmonth which would lead to further northerly outbreaks in the second half of February. But that is obviously a long way off. Feel quite special that I've seen a run of mogreps ensembles! 0 Quote
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