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Everything posted by TwisterGirl81

  1. snowdog i think last year was all over the place let’s be honest, as other posters have said it was a poor year where the stats were bumped up by some stellar months amongst many poor dull ones. let’s hope the better weather is here soon
  2. I can feel SAD really start to creep into me now, of course it didn’t help watching the met office 10 day trend of yet more low pressure and rain, can only hope this years weather is a little more fairer and balanced than last year and dryer! Oh to feel the warmth of sun on my face, wear flip flops and summer dresses again.
  3. raz.org.rain That ECM hopefully it’s milder option, I don’t want a cold spring like last year and especially after this dull wet autumn/winter. We need a warm dry sunny spring to be honest
  4. East Lancs Rain it’s probably because it’s usually windier up north so umbrellas don’t help
  5. In Absence of True Seasons yes I was going to post a comment saying the same thing but was on my short tea break so had to be quick….You’re totally correct about the great months for sun bumping up the annual figures to average for some of us when it felt predominantly a duller year at least for these parts, fingers crossed we have a better overall spring and summer, so ready for warmth and clear blue skies
  6. East Lancs Rain here are the 2023 met office stats stats for the uk
  7. SunSean too true, hopefully we have a good few dryer than average spring and summer months with lots of sun. We really have had the short end of the stick weather wise the past 8 months overall, can only hope our luck will change. I usually don’t get the bad rap England has weather wise but the past year I do. Has anyone read and watched any thoughts on how this spring and summer could be like weather wise? Ie indicators? Give us some hope
  8. raz.org.rain I’ll be preparing…by dusting off my flip flops, summer dresses and garden parasol we must be due a long dry warm spell this summer, a wet one would be like a slap in the face after this autumn and winter…surely spring will be dryer?
  9. In Absence of True Seasons I agree, it was wall to wall sunshine all day here the other day and no more than 12c but felt very pleasant as the wind was light too. I’d be more than happy if we have a good percentage of days like that in winter but we often don’t, if it’s dry and mild it’s cloudy argh Can someone just lie to me and tell this spring and summer will be overall sunnier than average I think I’d be so happy
  10. raz.org.rain agreed, I know many of us are just desperate for spring, sun and warmth now…it’s this time of year we have had enough of winter weather and I can feel SAD kick in, last spring was just torture ie it wasn’t until mid May that it came, hopefully this year we don’t have as long to wait for proper warmth
  11. I just wish sunshine amounts were a bit fairer, it’s not rain amounts this country has an issue with, well not southern and eastern areas, it’s the amount of cloudy days, I really hope this coming spring and summer balance things out….So ready for clear blue skies and warmth for weeks on end rather than grey dullness. I dread if we have another late ssw event that delays spring like last year, can’t believe some people want that again.
  12. *Stormforce~beka* F that! Not again I’m hoping for a stunning spring and summer, changed my job last year and only do 3x12 hour shifts a week rather than working 2 jobs at 50 hours a week so at least have more free time to enjoy the weather come on warmth and sun, give it to us, you owe us
  13. I‘M very keen for some warmth and wall to walk sunshine for an extended period, the thought of having to wait until May for the warmth like past year fills me with dread. It would be unlucky to have a spring like last year so here’s hoping for some warmth to get here by April and lots of sunny weather through spring and summer
  14. @Frigid January has been very cold, it’s only been milder the past week. A cold dull spring 2023…then followed on by a poor summer saved by a stunning six week period from mid May…No way do I want a cold spring this year, I’d like lots of sun, warmth and overnight thunderstorms
  15. @markyo we had -8 here in Exeter one night and many others that were in the minus range that is not slightly below temps for us by any means
  16. @Frigid Lack of winter? We've just had two weeks of frigidly cold temperatures and two wind storms and a winter of temps around 10c (50f)....That is our usual winter, apart from northern areas of the uk we are hardly siberia. And I hope not for a cold spring, last years was more than enough thankyou, hopefully we can get some 20c temps in March with any luck
  17. @In Absence of True Seasons we do it’s just more changeable and usually less sustained
  18. @CLReeve I hope there is not a cold spell, was using around £8 a day on energy the last two weeks during the freezing cold spell we had (with no snow to show for it apart from A light snow shower once) now it’s milder it’s been a much less scary about a day at around £5. Roll on spring and hopefully some warmth @raz.org.rain after last year that would be a kick in the teeth, I’m not sure how people can accurately say how a summer will be 5 months away
  19. We just had a wind gust in Exeter, heard something move/rattle on the roof and the double glazing window creaked.
  20. Thankyou but the weather stations nearest me appear to not be accurate at all
  21. Wind gusts are getting a little stronger here, maybe to the low 60’s… im not sure where to find an accurate nearby weather station though reporting real time stats with wind gusts included
  22. Well it’s pretty gusty out but don’t think we’ve had over 60mph, I’m guessing strongest winds will be about 10/11pm here?
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