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Everything posted by birdman

  1. 3c at the moment and quite gusty. Doesn't feel particularly cold although tonight it will get colder with the possibility of an ice day tomorrow.
  2. Wet snow now. Can't imagine it will last long though. Let's see what the next few days brings!
  3. Well I'm just East of the Cotswolds and it's a tropical 4c and raining
  4. Haha that made me laugh. I also feel like an imposter but I like the south west more than the south east!
  5. Just have to be patient. Can't expect the white stuff right at the very start of the cold spell. When the deep cold is entrenched snow could pop up anywhere! Let's hope everyone gets some.
  6. Ah excellent! Well I have a lamp post right outside my house so I'll let you know. Lovely little village Alvescot and right near my favourite raf base!
  7. Never had Scottish gin. I'm sure it's very good though! The best gin I've ever had is my local(ish) Cotswold gin. That one you have to try it's superb. Goes cloudy when you mix with tonic as it's packed with botanicals. The Hendrix Luna is perfectly drinkable, it's just a slightly different blend I think.
  8. Indeed. Our lamp posts replaced with LED ones last year. Nasty white hue. Not sure why they can't use a warm white?! Anyway gin sounds like a very good idea. I've got a bottle Hendrix too, Luna variety! Do any other Oxfordshire folk actually hang out in this thread or flit between them all? Lol Who cares, it's 3c here and raining a little!
  9. Yes let's hope Oxfordshire sneak into the action! I'm sure those yellow warning will change over the next 48hrs. I might just colour in the barren white strip of hell yellow to make myself feel better lol
  10. Yeah would be awesome if everyone can get in on the action. I'm definitely hopeful without getting carried away! Even some super frosty days would be great.
  11. Been said countless times, snow depth charts should be ignored. Nowhere near a timescale where they can be looked at
  12. Think people need to give the cold a chance to establish before worrying about other factors! There is alot of uncertainty even at this late stage. Sure this spell will bring many surprises!
  13. Thanks Matt. So although this event/setup is fairly rare for our shores we're not talking historic cold or snow at this stage but it has the potential to be significant and memorable at least.
  14. Should we expect Ice Days from this Easterly and how do the modelled temps fare compared with the previous 2018 BFTE? Are there any similarities? Thanks
  15. Have you tried the option to open the desktop site? Chrome browser you can.
  16. Nah they're just bragging about having a ticket! No one has won anything yet lol
  17. Well, a North v South meltdown currently in full swing over on the MAD thread. Admin gonna be very busy when they log in lol. All based on something that will probably chop and change quite alot over the next few days.
  18. Wrong thread! However detail is not nailed on... far from so keep hold of your toys for the time being!
  19. I'm not that great with charts but try and glean what I can from the helpful posts but Ive just read the last page and some on there are just making it an IMBY confusing mess lol.
  20. I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen in 6 days time dude.
  21. Seems the MAD thread is on the verge of meltdown. Happens from one run to the next almost everyday. Then you get the pleas for calm and logic which immediately goes out the window along with toys. Rinse and repeat as they keep on saying lol
  22. Haha thanks. I still like those odds and obviously pleased the signposts are there like everyone else is. It's just that spanners often appear out of nowhere and.... BAM! Fingers crossed though!
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