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Everything posted by Daniel*

  1. I'm up again I was parched Moderate snow right now millions of flakes whooshing down settling as well!
  2. After a lull it has picked up again, I'm exhausted night folks I'm glad our perseverance pulled through.
  3. Very therapeutic to watch those white flakes fall to the ground so elegantly. Accumulating on the shed roof & grassy surfaces. Upped in intensity
  4. Light snow currently. Moderate snow inbound all snow from this point on!
  5. Well I've been waiting to say this all day but I think I have light v wet snow falling.
  6. Lol is my answer to that Well it does appear to be breaking up a tad the heavier pulses to Milton Keynes may come this way.
  7. These last few winters have really been abysmal I'm not factoring in this one yet. A dry gap has opened up over London, it does seem to be getting tugged at but radar imagery is interesting enough to keep me up a little longer, past midnight is when I expected it to turn more favourable.
  8. It is snowing to the N/E/S.....bloody sleet here. I remain confident but accumulations ain't a hope in hell.
  9. Patience can only stretch so far..what we've lacked is intensity and most ironically most of it seems destined for Essex & Kent, I'm not calling it a day the night is young.....last winter there was one particular day when something similar was going on showers were feeding in our direction from Cheshire gap, and I called it a day at 5am after one measly snow shower, I do think I have a problem?...
  10. Indeed David I might be sectioned after this potential trauma. I'm sure it is throwing down with the White stuff on the tops of skyscrapers ect, wetter than a fishmonger out there. The temperature is falling it has been a little on high side, the Gritter just went past so I anticipate they expect it to turn to snow Lord help me.
  11. I'm quite sure there is snow mixed in or I'm hallucinating I'll stay up until it kills me.
  12. Well I'm getting the soaking wet surfaces... I'm happy some of you/many of you have seen some snow the wait goes on in SE16.
  13. Dissapointing isn't it? Well around midnight I'm hoping it will flip to snow or I will drown my sorrows. In this regional I'm probably the worst placed if snow is what you are after Grrr.
  14. I'm with you on that it is turning increasingly to snow here...watching the lamppost like a hawk.
  15. lol same here encouraging even when it is light you can distinguish some wintriness mixed in at least.
  16. Sky does have that orangey hue to it which I associate with impending snow.
  17. I know so more than a fraction a country mile the extent is far too west and not enough east by quite a degree, honestly it's quite poor that even I can can see this?
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