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Posts posted by Spikecollie

  1. A troubling piece of reporting from BFMTV that I have just watched over lunch which suggests that France is in the wake of Italy if you look at the evolution of the number of cases. The only difference, the piece points out, is in the number of deaths so far in France compared to the same stage in Italy.

  2. Travellers in tears in Amsterdam airport

    Gavin Lee

    BBC Europe reporter

    "Amsterdam Schipol Airport, one of the biggest transport hubs in Europe, now feels like a small regional airport because of the lack of passengers.

    There is one notable queue, at customer services, and it chicanes right around the side of Departure Hall 3. These are people trying to work out how to get home, and how to travel to the countries that are closing their borders. One significant travel ban is the US one imposed by President Trump, which has been in force since the early hours. It means airport staff here must turn away anyone who has been in one of the 26 European countries that share a passport-free travel agreement known as the Schengen Zone over the past two weeks.

    Although US citizens are exempt, I’ve spoken to a large group of American students in the queue who were backpacking around Europe but have cut their holiday short by two weeks to try to get home now. Karen, 21, from Seattle organised the trip. She lifts her face mask to tell me there had been many arguments between the group about whether they should leave or stay. They ultimately voted to go in case of any further restrictions.

    Further back in the queue, Stefania, an Italian studying in Bulgaria, is trying to return home to Sicily, but all flights to Italy are cancelled. She’s trying, like many in the queue, to get a refund, and then to work out another way to travel.

    In the past 48 hours there has been a domino effect on countries around the world imposing full or partial travel bans for foreign citizens - India, Russia, Norway, Israel and Argentina to name a few in a growing list.

    I’ve seen several people in tears here as they leave customer services. There are so many questions for the staff here. There’s now a 90-minute wait for those at the back of the queue. It’s an enormous task for the airlines, which are dealing with an unprecedented crisis." (Source:BBC online)

    What a misery...

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, kold weather said:

    I mean really those elections are not going to represent reality, would it not be better to postpone them? As you say, that is a huge contagion risk, especially for the older generation who are more likely to do in person as you say.

    Yes, a "double-edged sword" contagion and mis-representation of political/democratic intentions.

    The local democratic context here in France is a very important one, with Maires being very powerful figures and all levels of local democracy wielding very strong budgetary and strategic power.

    Yes, the elections should be deferred. You know as well, they happen over two Sundays - tomorrow and next. Two opportunities for damage...

  4. Interesting one from the French Health Minister advising against the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibruprofen or Corticosteriods as they enhance the virus in the body. I knew this generally but had not thought about it specifically in the COVID-19 context. Paracetamol is recommended for fever and pain associated with the infection...

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  5. Some hints of potential problems with the elections here in France tomorrow, the Interior Minister has been talking about measures to ensure that there are enough "scrutineers" for the process. There are also shortages of hand gel for voters. My opinion is that it is a major mistake allowing voting to go ahead. Many older people I have spoken to take their right to vote very seriously and while some have a postal vote, others do not trust the process or they want to be physically present and seen. Not a good contagion scenario...

    • Like 3
  6. 6 minutes ago, kold weather said:

    It is not fake.

    BUT it is actually from the 11th of March, I did a reverse image check to see when the picture was sourced and from where. 

    BEFORE the schools were shut down in Portugal (they were officially closed today). My guess is that is mainly uni students who were off at that point.

    Quit it! Fake news or not, we need to focus on the now.

  7. 1 minute ago, Snow Queen one said:

    My friend just rang to say she developed a temp yesterday and felt aches and pains with headache.  Took cold tabs and felt better developed a cough now and is self isolating. She came round for lunch on Tuesday. My question is what do I do now.?  Does she have the virus?.  I have had a cough and last Friday felt I'll with a headache now got a cough did I give it to her?  As they are not testing unless you end up in hostpital how can I tell?

    I have been home all week this week but have to say I have had one cold after another recently because I have been looking after pre school grandchildren.

    Crikey, I don't know. As I said earlier, my OH was in an awful way last night. He had cold symptoms but let panic get to him. No cough, just snuffly, blocked nose and feeling grotty. The aches and pains and cough would ring alarm bells for 'flu with me but given the times we are in just be careful that everything gets better rather than worse. No one can tell you whether you have COVID-19 unless you are tested. If you feel worried enough call the NHS...

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Snipper said:

    So why weren’t you infecting people right left and centre?

    I think the problem is that because we had a 'flu peak round about then, people can easily identify with the symptoms and make a false mental positive when it is suggested that COVID-19 could have been around. No one knows when it started outside China - do they?

    There are lots of suggestions around about symptoms too - everything from pneumonia to a cold-like affair. Let's face it, if you are not tested while you are infected you will never know. No point in speculating when it started - it is here now and we need to keep ourselves and those who are most vulnerable around us safe.

    Wash those handies after any external contact - I've gone completely mad on this. I shopped today and did my hands with gel before handling each item as I had touched the trolley handle. Yes, people could have touched the item before me but I think it's a less likely source of infection than the trolley.

    OH pointed out how skanky most supermarket baskets are too - full of nasty brownish gunk in the bottom. Maybe time to clean them up bosses...and yes, bosses, get stuck in and help your employees here, get your (often) fat pink hands dirty.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Summer Sun said:

    MP Nadine Dorries says her mum, 84, has tested positive for Coronavirus.


    That is awful. No time for political divisions - a sick Mum is a sick Mum - if Mrs Dorries is still in self isolation, it must be so horrible to know that Mum is sick and that she can't help...

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  10. 1 minute ago, nick sussex said:

    The last time I looked I think it was only Ariege that had avoided a case in France although that might have changed by now .

    And you’re right it’s a damned thing !

    It's just so awful, Nick. We had everything nearly sorted out. The house in the UK is ready to sell and the OH has done all the little bits and bobs that were needed. I have a CDI over here, exactly what I needed and it's a job that I love. Now we are faced with months of uncertainty.

    Added to that, the OH is sick and took the day off work over there. I'm 99% sure it's just a normal cold but he got into a complete panic yesterday evening and it took an hour on the phone to calm everything down.

    I#m not enjoying this.

    Never mind, I'm getting on with the "immatriculation" of our UK car here in France and the OH's residency stuff. And I'm going to enjoy this sunny and warm weekend. Today was lovely but I missed it because I was working - I did get a good ball game with Mylo this afternoon and a run at sunset this evening. The sky was amazing - it's nice to focus on mindful things. That's what running and doglet activities do for me.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Ryukai said:

    My mother does this with spiders, she has arachnophobia so always checks the corners of the rooms out to look for spiders......

    Another example is someone with a fear of flying. They'll look out for aviation accident stories and reinforce their fear with the. Natural disasters too for some people.

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Snipper said:

    I think many have a morbid fascination about various unpleasant things and find it difficult to look away. 

    It's called negativity bias and is really quite bizarre. If you are really frightened about something, you seek it out despite your fear and use it to reinforce that fear.

    We are weird animals!

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