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Posts posted by Spikecollie

  1. 3 minutes ago, swebby said:

    This just now on the guardian.

    Now, i'm not someone qualified to do any kind of risk assessment on something like this, so PHE might be absolutely correct in a deep clean not being required.


    If someone from that school, that is not in the self isolation group, now comes down with the virus, what do PHE expect the reaction of the parents and the press to be?

    A sad sigh and muttering of "oh well" under their breath?

    Or the village mob brandishing pitchforks and burning torches baying for blood?

    The deep clean might not be required, but that is not the same thing as it not being prudent.

    Oh come on! If there's a case in a school, everyone in close proximity needs to self isolate and the person needs to be named so that this can happen.

    What's going on with this?

    • Like 6
  2. Interesting statement from the French Chief Medical Officer that Iam translating for you:

    "It resembles 'flu but you aren't protected. There are no treatments and no one is immunised. It can cause severe forms in people who are not aged and who have not got underlying conditions." Make of it as you will...

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, nick sussex said:

    Unlikely .

    Its an indication of what happens when the health system becomes overwhelmed.

    Fatality rates go up especially as doctors are now having to make decisions they’d not normally have to .

    The psychological damage to many doctors there is going to be huge. Essentially they’re dealing with a war situation where they have to decide with finite resources who will get a ventilator etc .

    They know that their decisions mean a likely death sentence for some of their patients.

    Its a horrific situation. 

    I would imagine that many doctors and other healthcare workers will suffer some degree of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This will put further pressure on the system as things (may) gradually begin to return to some something resembling normality. Some may never work again,,,

    • Like 3
  4. 57 minutes ago, nick sussex said:

    Some  data from France . Looking at who is infected clearly working makes a big difference .

    Which is logical as you come into contact with more people.

    Under 18 -7% 

    18 to 64 -64% 

    65 and over 29%

    The case fatality rate is as follows .

    Under 40 0.2%

    40 to 49 0.4%

    50 to 59 1.3%

    60 to 69 3.6%

    70 to 79 8%

    80+ 15% 

    How's your bubble, Nick? No information on mine yet...

  5. 1 minute ago, northwestsnow said:

    Italy officially paralyzed.

    Will that country ever recover? Remember, it's not stable, politically to begin with and it's a social minefield with much "richesse" but also much, much poverty.

    "I remember the back streets of Naples
    Two children begging in rags
    Both touched with a burning ambition
    To shake off their lowly-born tags..."

    • Like 1
  6. School closures, bit by bit, now being mooted by the gorvernment here in France...

    1 minute ago, Allseasons-si said:

    Luna was 60+kg she was like a lioness

    we have a female cat now,no trouble what so ever

    stay safe over there and keep the reports coming in,the more info the better.

    Hugs and kisses to you three. I'll keep posting and Mylo sends his love...he has lots of it!

    • Like 4
  7. 6 minutes ago, Allseasons-si said:

    Sadly i don't think i mentioned her in that pets thread(forgot what it's called),but sadly we had to get rid of her(Lunar) as she was too big and she brought my partner down face first on the tarmac and busted all her chin open and had several stitches,it was a hard decision but she went to a good home who we know well

    anyway,i don't want to derail the thread

    i too smoke and drink but not to the extent some folk do,i limit myself through the week drink wise to 4 cans/bottles a night,i have done since some family trouble from the past that so i don't speak with my mum or dad and brother(personal)but i wished that it hadn't come to this

    at times like this you need your family but that is too late as far as i am concerned,i do not speak to them but i wouldn't wish them dead either and certainly not with this virus

    i prob would speak to them again if things got out of hand with this virus but it would be on strict terms for me.

    P.S i still have storm(the male)


    Not going off topic too much again,, Mylo and I have had our crashes. He's 27kg, I'm 54kg but he now respects me and we get along just fine. Whe I tell him "it's slippery" he slows down and looks up at me for guidance.

    Sorry you had to rehome Luna - I don't know what else to say...

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Allseasons-si said:

    Yes a great community on this site and a great thread,there are so many knowledgeable people in here and out,and i feel like we are all a big family

    i view this thread more than the MAD thread nowadays,just shows how important all of this is

    can you imagine all this some 20-30 years ago without the internet but just relying on other sources like tv and radio and phones,we wouldn't be worrying so much,but i am getting slightly worried now and the Gov need to act now big time

    on the vit's pov,i take multi vit's daily and try to keep myself active where/when ever possible

    stay safe all.


    You've got that beautiful hound of yours to act as personal trainer. What more do we need to keep active and keep perspective? How's she doing?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Paul Faulkner said:

    Aldi / Lidl with a slight breach of personal data there lol

    For the Universe's sake! Where? North, south, midlands? You can see the FOMO effect taking place- one grabs another follows...

    As I said earlier, although in no way a religious believer and firmly scientific in belief - the psychological ripples that these people create will bite them on the bum eventually a - handshake from someome to whom they have denied sanitiser by buying it all up, or someone who has poo all over their paws through lack of bog roll and no idea that you can use the shower!

    • Like 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, feb1991blizzard said:

    Agree with first point, had to just stop the once as my eyes went bright yellow, thought i had liver failure but got severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms (delirium) - severe hallucinations but while i needed drink, i thought my liver would fail, never properly diagnosed although did go to hospital, i am pretty sure now the yellow eyes were caused by a bout of acute pancreatitis, thats  the only explanation as yellow eyes due to liver problems through drink is nearly always chronic and permanent and not temporary and acute like pancreatitis, in pancreatitis the pancreas becomes inflamed and so can squeeze the sphincter of odi where the i think its called the common bile duct meats up with the pancreatic duct and so forces the bile back up, bile then fills the biliary tree and spills back into the bloodstream - usually would be conjugated bili as its already been through the liver.

    PM me to discuss further. We can't divert this topic...

  11. 2 minutes ago, feb1991blizzard said:

    Yes i have high scores, LFT - 58 - t-bili mid 20's, that was 4 years ago but have drunk between 60-100 units a week ever since and been doing it for 20 years now.

    Don't just stop - it could be dangerous for you - but taper your units very gradually. 60- 50- 40 -30 - 20 - 10 - 0. You can do it. Ask yourself, honestly, why do you drink? If you need help with depression/anxiety/loneliness it is readily available...

    Don't want to get too off topic, but PM me if you want to discuss further...

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, feb1991blizzard said:

    Thanks for that but i don't like any of those foods, but just wondering if ramming a load of vitamin D overdose tablets down me will prevent coronavirus or not, or would it take months and years?

    Vitamins in bulk and taken as artificial supplements are rarely the answer. Vitamins and minerals need others to be absorbed properly and to do their jobs (I'm keeping this simple). Most of what you need you will get from a good diet but there would probably be no harm in taking a multivitamin supplement if your diet is/has been lacking. No vitamin will stop an infection. They are just chemicals that help our cells regerenate and keep our bodies in optimum condition to maintain health and fight infection. You might not like those foods now but little and often and you will acquire a taste. Your body will soon tell you what it likes and dislikes and before long you'll be eating just what you need not what you want or crave.

    You mentioned before that you drink a lot of alcohol. Eggs have a lot of cysteine which is very good for your liver. Go easy on vitamin C, it is hard on your liver.

    I went through a very dark period several years ago where I was drinking too much because I was depressed and anxious. My wake up call was a blood test which showed elevated liver enzymes and I never looked back. I don't drink any alcohol now and have never felt better. I run, cycle and do Canicross. I have super blood pressure, no liver problems and a very healthy heart! Go for it...

    • Like 4
  13. 4 minutes ago, feb1991blizzard said:

    Is it too late now for me, i never have curtains open and when  i do go out  it is usually cloudy and wet here, i would suggest we have low sunshine hours anomaly compared to most of Britain, i eat really unhealthy, have no fruit whatsoever and just east meat, so if i quickly started ramming vitamin D down me now, would it be too late to prevent coronavirus?

    Nothing is too late as long as you are still alive! Get eating fruit and veg. Lot of green leaves like spinach and cabbage - preferably raw. It tastes good if you use lemon juice and pepper as seasoning. Cook it gently if you must. Please look after yourself - you're a precious human being.

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