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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. I'm not sorry that that pesky OPI, with its 100 percent correlation to a mild, crappy winter, has fallen off the radar!
  2. Indeed...It must make real forecasters (those who've spent years actually learning their stuff) weep to see shysters like those two make a mint out of it!
  3. I sense the first MetO 'epic fail' of the new season might only be a few weeks' away: 'They gave me a red warning and I only saw 45 inches'?
  4. Why do I get the impression that expectations are (as they do most years, at about this time) about to outstrip reality by a very, very wide margin...? Better stockpile the old Wilkinson's Swords peeps!
  5. Wall-to wall sunshine since early fog vanished...already close to yet another 20C+ day.
  6. Why do deniers feel the need to stretch the truth to the point where it exceeds its elastic limit?
  7. All that, and still you've nothing useful to say...I'd be more surprised if expectations didn't change with time.
  8. So...now your claiming to know more about uncertainty and error than everyone-else? I dunno, when added to your self-confessed omniscience on all other subjects, your position as the world's foremost climate scientist must make you a true polymath? The People's Polymath? Have the IPCC's predictions moved outside their projected margins-of-error yet? If not, be sure to let me know when they do...I'll be all ears!
  9. Though I'm nae looking forward to anything cold, this early in the season, the upcoming abrupt switch (if indeed it happens like that) from summer to winter is interesting...? I know the sample size so far is somewhat small (last March!?) but might the solar min be affecting things, especially around the equinoxes?
  10. I didn't know you deny evolution, MIA; I was certain you do not. Sorry if I've misjudged you, but seeing as you so readily admit it, what can else can I say? PS: I haven't read Sir Isaac Newton's Principia either...
  11. And there was me thinking that complexity and chaos were inherent parts of any deeply interconnected system. And, I'm also thinking that the world's leading climate scientists are very aware, too; knowledge of complexity is hardly the sole preserve of computer nerds...Ergo, uncertainty is also inherent. IMO, if Deniers' 'educative aspirations' were truly genuine, they'd have no need for scary demons: they'd concentrate on what is knowable, not on meandering expositions into the 'unknown'...? I look forward to perusing your upcoming 'in depth report' with baited breath!?️ PS: My use of the term 'denier' has nothing to do with the Holocaust...For example, what should one call a person who denies the fact of evolution? A nutter?
  12. BBC app thingy has us down for a very sunny 23C, tomorrow...How many more 'one more days' are we going to squeeze out, before the descent into cold, wet and windy autumn cack takes over?
  13. If you don't grasp the science/realities/potentialities of climate change itself, then no amount of 'other' stuff will ever compensate for that situation...You could have a PhD in the most advanced branch of mathematics/computing yet invented, and it'd still make little difference; it's the science (and the fundamental understanding of that science) that matters...Which is, to put it simply, why I'd always put the opinions of reputed scientists before those of programmers... But, as a dedicated Climate Change Denier, you'll only ever do what you've always done: accept only that which supports your own particular point of view - and, I nearly forgot, attempt to disparage/besmirch all those who don't want to accept your opinions as facts.
  14. Dry and brightening, 16C with a very light east wind. Not expecting temps to get anywhere near yesterday's values; though low 20s will still be okay, for mid-October.
  15. Never mind mate, I'm sure the ever-trusty CFS will deliver the goods!
  16. I fail to see just how having spent one's career writing computer programs bestows someone an in-depth understanding of climate science...? But what is abundantly clear is that folks like being told what they want to hear: AGW threatens the future occurrence of super-severe European winters and, above all else, that particular holy grail must forever remain untarnished. Then again, deniers always want 'proof' -'proof' that in fifty years' time, X, Y or Z will happen...Science doesn't work that way. Though clairvoyance might?? PS: I once spent years learning calculus, but it never made me an expert in Brane Theory!
  17. Blimey MIA - by the time you regard them as accurate, we'll all be over one-hundred-years-old!
  18. Or we could lower the bar a tad - seven successive months of 26C+?
  19. Thanks for that, Fred...Here's hoping!
  20. If the 'next' forecast spell of much colder, showery weather goes the same way as most of its predecessors, it won't materialise at all. Fingers crossed!
  21. Seemingly, it's now 24C+ over most of East Anglia. And London of course!
  22. Apparently, what I initially thought to be scrotes letting-off fireworks, yesterday evening, was in fact lightning. What a peculiar month this is turning out to be.
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