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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. Well, I've done my bit; I've shaved my head. Whenever I shave my head, snow surely follows!
  2. Well, EE, I don't agree with you either...IMO, all the models are forever adapting to whatever new data they receive. So, I guess, in that respect, the are all 'playing catch-up'?
  3. I don't see how you can reach that conclusion - after all, we're talking about events 5 or 6 days in the future...
  4. lol Does that make-up for his previous 'Ungraded'? Steve?
  5. I think that our collective reasoning, on model-predicted snow-chances, has evolved? Back in 2003, it seemed that the 528 dam line was the Holy Grail; but no more: IMO (taking variables like distance from the coast, RH values, even wind speed, into consideration) an 850 temp of -8 to -10C is the thing to look for? In Jan, 2010, Inverness had sleet with 850s of -9C??
  6. TBH, I can't remember the last time any T+144 chart came to fruition?
  7. I like 'chaos in the models'...All the better(?) for low pressure, slack wind-fields and evaporative cooling, all occurring at the same time. On the other hand?
  8. Indeed, Mucka - the two approaches complement one another...And that is why, perhaps, the UKMET usually outfoxes less-mindful amateurs such as us?
  9. That's why I said 'or lower'... I think that -8C is the very warmest we can get away with - -10 is always better. As for wind direction - well, a NW'erly is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard and NNE'erly can often get warmed too much by a long sea-track?? I haven't worked-out the perfect direction yet...
  10. Could be good for Norfolk & Suffolk. Better still, if 850s fall to -8C or lower???
  11. It's been peesing it down here, since some time during last night. I wonder when it's going to stop.
  12. I must say, that I've never been fussed by all the 'shortwave hysteria'. I appreciate model 'downgrades' can be somewhat tiresome; but computers cannot 'downgrade' the weather...
  13. Ne ne nene ne... I think I need sleep; the Russian Standard has got to me.
  14. Try not to worry, Amanda...Just do all the things I didn't do in 1987: keep all your windows shut and roll-up under a duvet. You'll be all right.
  15. Happy New Year, Fred! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist!
  16. An 'improvement on the Pub Run'? It is the pub Run...
  17. Will that be due to the full moon, the half-moon or gibbous moon, Fred? I'm a tad weak on these things...
  18. Aye, and there is nowt preventing Ian from posting, apart from Ian himself.
  19. Judging by what the models are showing, there's little need for despondency: the MJO is looking like progressing through phases 6,7 and 8; the NAO/AO both look like going negative (I don't know to what extent) and GP's view of February and March, form a teleconnection perspective, look quite positive... From my recollection of 1975, February, March, April, May - and even early June - can deliver the goods...Today is 03/01/16!!!!
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