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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. The 'debate' that comes closest to this one is, in my honest opinion, the never-ending 'debate' between Darwinian Evolutionists and Young Earth Creationism: In both 'debates', the deniers are by-and-large scientifically illiterate, rely on fatuous demands for 'equal airtime' and are financed by swivel-eyed right-wing loonies and a hodge-podge band of fossil-fuel lobbyists...But, unlike YECs, climate-change sceptics never provide any testable theories of their own? Have I missed anything?
  2. But, keith - that says nothing at all about global warming, global cooling, global anything...It's mighty cold in the US right now, however.
  3. That's the crux of the matter: they don't have anything.
  4. That's true, ti...But why can't we all agree to use nomenclature that we can all understand? What's wrong with 'old-fashioned' terms like 'major, minor, wave' depressions?
  5. Apart from on 2 occasions - 1981 and 2010 - all very early cold-incursions have been transitory in nature; and, it didn't seem to have any deleterious effects on the following winters...Was it the last Saturday in November 1969, or the first in December, that produced blizzard-conditions in Tunbridge Wells - for one day? ​IMO, the short blast of Arctic air currently being predicted by some model-runs is nothing out of the ordinary...
  6. I don't think so, keith...It was even higher back in April, May and June?
  7. Then again, should the models do their usual, we might enjoy optimal conditions for seeing whatever's left of Comet ISON?
  8. I think it's true to say that the ECM is marginally superior to the GFS - at least where Europe is concerned...But, IMO, that marginal superiority sometimes gets hugely exaggerated...Especially when certain folks get carried away by the 06Z.
  9. I'm thinking of spending the next 3 months in the GIN corridor...Anyone care to join me!
  10. Well, why shouldn't he 'stick to his theories'? I love cold, snowy weather; but I don't like being hyped into a frenzy of expectation about things that seldom verify...
  11. A lot contusion in the models just now. Makes disentanglement somewhat problematic?
  12. And when their 'forecasts' go pear-shaped, they blame the models rather than the weather. How perverse?
  13. The other reason is that neither they nor anyone-else can do much more than guess... Edit: by 'guess', I mean that the signal gets lost in the noise...
  14. That's nine-and-a-half-days away! I'm not one of those minded to 'bin the 06Z', but what little chance is there of anything like that verifying?
  15. This comet is dead, it has ceased to be, it's expired, it is no more... A kick in the Kahouteks!
  16. Quite normal, dallas...What seem massive deviations, in our tiny corner of the world, are often quite trivial when taking the NH as a whole...
  17. Not sure, Mucka...Was that the one that was no more than a re-post of a previous post?
  18. ^^ I agree, Mark - the models give us great insight into potential developments (and indications of the current state of the atmosphere), but they are not crystal balls...Moreover, they exert no control whatsoever over the weather... And, neither can anything (or anyone) else?
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