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emmett garland

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Everything posted by emmett garland

  1. Cant get Channel 5 in Ireland is anyone else showing ,I would love to see.. I was 18 years old and traveled to the UK for my 1st ever trip abroad in early November to London and still saw signs of the damage. My friend in borehamwood said the hanging baskets in his house were never seen again..
  2. That must mean northwesterly wind so Polar maritime for 3 weeks..UUUGHHH
  3. I'm sure it was called rabies and terrified me and Mostly I remember a man foaming at the mouth on a bridge looking into the water and they said if you have rabies you get a phobia for water. Mad. Anyway that year for me is the wonderful summer at a young age and the new romantic music peaking at that time.. Also first kisses LOL.
  4. puffy made me laugh ..Thats all I wnted to say
  5. i feel like an idiot but why cant i quote in the Scottish thread
  6. Who in the league is playing today near Charlewood.. Boiling Charlwood
  7. Ah the oirish indeed I was fortunate enough to get a high tide swim in at 1 20pm ,really beautiful so I really hope you acquire a residence by the coast Tom.
  8. Everybody move to Ireland the chimneys still smoke in july
  9. Can anybody put me int right direction to order a persnal weather station.Is there a thread or what are the best ones out there. Thanks
  10. Irelands all time record in Kilkenny was in 1887 what was the daily C E T in UK if possible and was there any records that day
  11. I have a vague recollection of Phlip Eden quoting July 16th as the hottest day of the year on average although this would have been about 20 years ago.
  12. 18.3 degrees. Sun is trying to come out. Wonder if we will reach the mythical 20 degrees
  13. Another cold windy drizzly mornig followed by a dismal cloudy day.Awful .
  14. I would also like to mention the fact that Brisbane shivered through its coldest June day in 16 years with a maximim just touching 20 degrees and a minimum of 4.9. Cold for them.. Its there December in reality but it just makes you wonder as here in Dublin we had excactly the same temperature and I was over the moon with our 1st 20 degree temp and felt good wearing T shirt and shortsand summer is upon us..
  15. Well living in Ireland its like having your face right up against the air conditioner .Freezing . Easterly all day long for us..
  16. We have not seen a 20 degree day yet in Dublin , its dreadful really and not a hope in sight.
  17. oops edited late..By the way Dublin has yet to reach the magical 20 degrees
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