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Everything posted by ArHu3

  1. If you want to kill sick and compromised people just bring them to a hospital, a sure bet they will catch the nastiest most resistant bug there
  2. That should probably have been done, the outbreak was known in November but now really all measures are to late except in isolated populations and now all we can do is let Corona run its course
  3. if testing specificity is low if the a priori chance is low the chances that you test false positive are much greater and you waste a valuable test kit
  4. suppose you are an at risk person, you run the risk that one of the delivery people is infected, or your groceries are whereas in a virus free zone that risk is 0
  5. well that assumes you can "not leave" your home for weeks
  6. The Netherlands has thousands of subterranean hospital beds all over the country build during the cold war, the UK probably has too
  7. like i said it's a no brainer, if you are not infected you have less chance of being infected yourself, if you are though luck for others
  8. dumb for the other people for the people fleeing it's a no brainer. Flee and not get infected or flee and infect others, you can't lose really
  9. or having a health care system where doctors are rewarded for hospitalizations (i really don't but i don't doubt that this, or the exact opposite, could be involved explaining the difference between countries)
  10. way too late, should have done this before any infections, now it's just pointless
  11. I probably won't visit my mother either but I already made peace with the fact that I will catch the virus, it's almost guaranteed with my work and not even having mouth masks available. I haven't been sick in years though, so I'll probably be alright
  12. For now the virus only seems to affect those with pre-existing conditions or those critical of the chinese government
  13. What would you suggest I do? I can't stay quarantined for 2 weeks, I would have no income nor someone to do groceries. I should starve myself because I have a cough?
  14. Kids are virtually immune for corona, there have been 0 patients younger than 9 years old and when they do get it the symptoms are very mild. Really the whole world doesn't need to grind to a halt what for most of us isn't even a real (influenza) flu. 25-30 years ago before we started vaccinating at risk populations yearly for influenza strains we didn't panic either
  15. No, I wouldn't. The small minority of people at risk should take care of themselves not 97.5% of basically healthy people not at risk
  16. I do know for sure that when I get flu like symptoms I will surely not report to the doctor unless I get into respiratory distress and risk being forced into quarantine for 2 weeks, although that's probably better than a hospital where you run the additional risk of getting a severe secondary nosocomial infection
  17. Yes I think I saw someone post a research paper a few years back, apparently northern blocking is more prevalent in the ascending phase ( between minimum and maximum) Hopefully we'll get a few good volcano eruptions in the mean time which are also supposed to be more prevalent during solar minimums, so the ash blocks some of the sun
  18. Who do you think, could only have be one green gremlin
  19. I've been to the alps, just after the new year and even there there was not a lot of snow, especially not in the lower parts.
  20. 30 Daagse: Geen koude signalen | Weer in het nieuws | Weerplaza.nl WWW.WEERPLAZA.NL Slecht nieuws voor de winterfan die zijn laatste hoop op februari had gezet. In de nieuwe 30 daagse verwachting zien we totaal geen... Today's EC's 30 day forecast, nothing to get excited about unfortunately
  21. Also interesting is the link between seismic activity and solar minima, there are probably much more scientific papers out there but below is a start Solar Minimum Correlates with Volcanoes & Earthquakes | Armstrong Economics WWW.ARMSTRONGECONOMICS.COM QUESTION: I live in Indonesia. I am amazed that the entire world is not known on your door. I understand that your model puts everything together and provides a whole new perspective. Your warning... ,
  22. Wow, if this is accurate and I have to say the gefs hasn't been too bad regarding the MJO this winter, we could be in for quite a nice finale to this winter
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