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Weather Enthusiast91

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Everything posted by Weather Enthusiast91

  1. My winter preferences in order: - Cold and snowy - Cold and dry (and sunny) - Mild and stormy (a named storm though, not just the usual rain) - Mild and dry - Mild and wet (no storm, just rain or drizzle)
  2. We're British. Moaning about the weather is what we do best, no matter what it's doing.
  3. If the UK had a more continental climate then I think a lot of us over here would feel exactly the same way in regards to snow as it wouldn't be a novelty. Snow is like gold in today's UK climate. I have a friend in Mexico who isn't a fan of the heat and he tells me that he would love to experience our generally mild summers. As for snow, he'd be in heaven.
  4. It's difficult forecasting what the weather will be doing in 2 days time, let alone in 2 months.
  5. I am guessing it's for the same reason why those who love the heat but hate the cold are happy with persistent low pressure during the winter but hate it during spring and summer. Low pressure during winter more often than not equates to lack of cold, much like low pressure during summer more often than not equates to lack of heat. I love both the heat and the cold (at the right times of the year), so I am not a fan of persistent low pressure at any time of the year. Though I do like a good storm or two every now and then.
  6. I keep hearing people say that the older they get, the more they lose interest in cold and snow and favour milder conditions. I am the exact opposite. Up until around 10 years ago I hated the cold and wanted it out of the way as soon as possible. But the older I get, the more I appreciate it (at the right time of the year). I love how the air feels nice and fresh on those calm and crisp sunny days. I also love watching snowflakes gracefully fall to the ground. Snow makes the landscape all bright and cheery in an otherwise dreary season when everything is dead. I do agree with SummerShower though that snow does lose its novelty after a few days and isn't the same once it has turned into slush.
  7. My summary for each autumn month this year. September - Summer returned just in time for the schools to go back (typical). A very welcome spell of weather which I enjoyed very much particularly after the disappointing summer, though the latter couple of days of the spell did feel on the humid side. After the 10th, the month was more mixed and there were a couple of stormy days later on in the month, most notably Storm Agnes on the 27th and 28th. The 20th was also a very unsettled day. October - Started off on a quiet note, followed by an unseasonal warm spell lasting from the 6th to the 11th with temps in the mid 20s being recorded. Whilst nice, I was by this point no longer interested in that kind of setup and wanted something more appropriate for the time of year. My wish came true as that spell was followed by a much cooler but settled one with plenty of sunshine and chilly nights. Once that spell had faded, the rest of the month was more of a mixed bag. Unsettled at times but with periods of sunshine inbetween. November - The quietest month of the season and fairly average on the most part. Sunshine amounts have been decent enough and there was a bit of a cold snap during the last few days to see out the season.
  8. A decent start to winter here. Crisp, sunny and frosty. Some snow would be nice, but if we can't have that then I will take the former.
  9. Yes, I think people would probably appreciate this time of year more if we had more days like what we've just been having. I luckily don't have SAD, but I do love the sun and can understand why dreary sunless days can get people down.
  10. Lucky you. Even though it's not settling, it's still better than nothing and it is nice watching snowflakes gracefully fall.
  11. No snow over here. But at least it's crisp and sunny which is the next best thing.
  12. Just had the heating on for a couple of hours. Indoor temp currently a nice comfortable 18.9°C.
  13. It's looking like another great start to the winter season is on the cards. Some snow would be nice, but it's early days yet and I do love cold, crisp sunny days. We are at that time of the year now where mild more often than not means overcast and on the unsettled side. We have had more than enough rain now as well as above average temps. I like seasonal weather, whatever the time of year.
  14. With all due respect, if it gripes you that much then you are probably in the wrong place. Being a forum for weather enthusiasts, people getting excited over the prospect of extremes (during both summer and winter) is surely to be expected, is it not? It would be like joining a gaming forum and complaining about people showing great enthusiasm in a game. We all know that extreme cold is more unlikely rather than likely these days, but there is no harm in getting excited over the prospect.
  15. I am personally enjoying the more seasonal feel we have been having and what is looking to be contiuing into December. Would be nice having another great first couple of weeks of December, similar to last year. Snow would be a bonus, but it we can't have that then I'll take cold, sunny and frosty. I appreciate that many don't like the cold (with the exception of snow on Christmas morning maybe), but more often than not these days it is milder than average and there are many ways to help keep yourself warm.
  16. A winter like 2020/21 would be nice. It was a mixed winter with some great cold and snowy periods. A colder (but dry) than average February would make a nice change too.
  17. I don't suppose you know the next winning lottery numbers?
  18. This evening on my commute home from work was the first time this season my hands felt like ice. Time to start digging out the gloves.
  19. It's certainly a trying climate. All too frequently we have the right weather setups but at the wrong times of the year. Something which has been a common occurence this year in particular.
  20. A pleasant autumn day today, 13 Celsius and the sun is shining. November has been quite decent this year for this neck of the woods. Seasonal temps but not a washout either.
  21. I meant a summer where temps in the 30s or 40s are the norm. To be fair, I wouldn't manage too well with that either. I love the heat, but that would be taking it way too far. Mid to late 20s would do me just fine during the summer months.
  22. Those who hate the cold are actually very fortunate these days as the general pattern for our climate consists of above average temperatures. Proper cold winters nowadays (pre mid 1980s) are rare. If the temps being forecast for this weekend are cold, then I am kind of curious to see how long they'd cope with an old school British winter. You can also forget about double glazing and central heating. I don't at all mean for that to come across as guiltripping in any way as we are all different, I am just curious. Likewise, it would be equally as interesting to see how long those who hate the heat would manage in a proper hot summer.
  23. Elsewhere, 1976 must be the most mentioned year. It gets mentioned whenever there is a hot spell during the summer. That year is mentioned every single year without fail.
  24. I don't understand people claiming that a mild winter would be best to save using the heating. Even the mildest of winters in this country are usually still cold enough to put the heating on for many people. And dampness (which our winters often are) makes it feel colder than what it actually is. So we may as well have cold and sunny, as opposed to mild and damp. I'd rather have that than prolonged wind and rain.
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