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Everything posted by Rich44

  1. The radar isn't looking encouraging the yellows seem to be falling apart and losing it
  2. The green has arrived and with it the first of the snow for the evening, teeny weeny little flakes but it's heeeeeere
  3. This is gonna cost me a fortune, no street lights here so have got the outside lights on LOL Must resist temptation to make a joke..... arrrrgh
  4. Currently underneath dark blue on the radar but still nothing falling, still the green is not far away hopefully THAT will drop something
  5. Well according to the radar we're sat under the precipitation but naff all falling at the moment. Hope i'm being unduly pessimistic but I have a baaaaad feeling about this... (maybe reverse psychology will work...)
  6. I think I will cry if we only get 2cm after all of this roller coaster ride esp with being in the east lol. Fingers dependencies everyone later on. I want a snow day monday please!
  7. I'm starting to get the feeling this is going to be a bit of a non-starter even in the East I will keep my fingers crossed but several models across several runs are now showing it to be v short lived with the "potential" for another easterly later on but.... Hope i'm wrong but I don't think we're going to see significant snow at least here anyway.
  8. The MetO are driving me nuts, i'm sure they have their reasons but I hope the info being put out to the councils is a little less bullish otherwise we're going to be in big trouble if we do get a snowfest
  9. It'd be so light nothing'd come of it though, same for me up near the coast just not cold enough (yet)
  10. Now lightly snowing in Wells NR23 am watching it out of the window - lovely shame it's not settling though but still welcome to see
  11. Shame we don't have any lamp posts that's the trouble with being rural I will have to put a torch in the garden.... LOL
  12. Don't forget the radar isn't infallible and of course if convection starts those showers won't give up much warning on the radar before starting. Anyway I shall be firmly keeping my fingers crossed
  13. A few flakes blowing around in the breeze this morning on the North Norfolk coast, very heavy dark skies as well could be an interesting day, would love Jim Bacon to be wrong after listening to him yesterday morning
  14. No one has said that though have they? What has been said is that without a warming event we're unlikely to see high lattitude blocking. I have seen posted many times recently that doesn't mean we cannot get cold but that sustained cold like we have been spoilt with the last 2 years is more unlikely to occur, unlikely NOT impossible
  15. It's been snowing on/off this morning here. Teeny weent flakes blowing around but quite pretty, not come to anything mind but more than welcome lol Since when was Diss near enough to the coast for the (very) low sea temps to affect it? We're less than 0.5 miles from the coastline and it's been snowing here already
  16. Very very very light SNOW here at the coast it's definitely snow and not rain, sleet etc
  17. Bah stopped short of going orange here I expect it won't make it this far, I reckon TEITS has been up to something front stalling over Peterborough - lol Good luck to you all!!
  18. It's close enough to the coast in this context and our post town is Holt but we're 6 miles away so his postal town could be Beccles yet from a village in the surrounding area which could I suppose be over the border into Norfolk - seen enough straw clutching on here the past few days with snow wishes so thought what the hell... lol
  19. I'll believe it when I see it Friday tbh first of all it was Thursday last week, then Saturday then Tuesday then today and now it's Friday. Ok so vast swathes of the country have seen a lot of snow but all of those opportunities and not enough to do owt with here so I shall reserve judgement on Friday as a Nowcast situation
  20. Well I know that but how you can say see where it's heading when there's nothing falling where what's heading? Clouds with nothing falling from them? The point was that other areas were reporting snow the radar showed snow pretty much ALL day and yet all we've had is a few useless flurries. Never had a problem with the radar before now just seems to be in this cold spell or more specifically the last 48 hours <_<
  21. We had snow this afternoon but according to the radar we were permanently under snow which was far far far from reality and we're STILL under a puff of pink with nothing falling
  22. The radar is just garbage and bears no resemblence to reality at all tbh
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