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Everything posted by Sunny76

  1. Summer 87 seemed better than 86. I remember more warm sunny days in July and August, in between all the cool cloudy weather. It was also quite hot and humid in mid August during the night time.
  2. One of the most memorable from the 80s. I remember the snowfall from January. It was well below freezing for a number of days. Coldest temps were recorded since 1947. Warm sunny April, and Easter. Very warm and sunny, during the two week school break. May 1987 was wet, but we had a break in Bournemouth during the late May half term. I remember a few days being quite warm and sunny, despite the month overall being cool and damp. June was a washout. Just remember lots of rainy weather. Late July thunderstorms, during the daytime in London. This was at the start of the school summer holidays. Mid August severe storms overnight, Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd August. Hot spell of weather, followed by some violent storms moving into the London area on the Friday evening and into the night. More storms arrived later into the night, and another thunderstorm rumbling in the distance during the Saturday afternoon. September was warm and sunny to start. Think it became cooler later on. The Great Storm in October. Hard to forget this night. Christmas Day in London, bright sunny skies and very mild.
  3. 1986 feels like a year of cold nothingness. I just remember it being depressing for the most part. Definitely the worst year for weather in London, if you are a fan of sunshine and warmth.
  4. I remember it being cold a lot of the time, and very grey. I'm glad we will probably never experience a summer like 1986 again, although 2012 came close in more recent times. 1986 was probably the worst summer of that 85-88 era.
  5. My memories of this year are, the constant cold and gloomy weather during January-March. A hot sunny spell in June, which coincided with my day trip to France. Was a hot sunny clear day from 5am, as we had to get up early that day. Clear blue skies all day and into the evening. Think that was the best spell of sunny weather in 1986, from what I remember. Overnight thunderstorms on a Sunday night/Monday morning in mid August. August being mostly cloudy dull and cold. A horrible summer.
  6. It would have been surprising to see the snow, but I’m sure people had higher expectations for a better summer even by 1979. The country had already experienced two hot summers in 1975 and 1976.
  7. 1979 sounds like a horrible year if you like warmer sunny weather. Good for snow though.
  8. I think that’s right. That’s the main reason I consider most of the recent summers as poor. When cloudy days outweighs sunny ones, the summer is a bust in my opinion.
  9. Apart from the very cold and snowy January and February, what was the following summer like? Only 3 at the time, but have a very vague memory of getting caught in a thunderstorm in Hyde Park, while walking around with my mum. We had to take shelter in the Serpentine cafe. The following winter was milder and exceptionally so at the start of December. Mild weather has always been a feature of U.K. winters.
  10. A long hot sunny summer is just what we need. Especially after the dire summer of last years cloudy damp and miserable conditions during most of summer 2021, and a cold dull May. We haven't had a long hot summer since 2018.
  11. It would be classed as a cold month by the wider population, especially away from the northern regions.
  12. I hear you, but I feel like I've been conned a little. If I have to suffer a dud summer like 2021, with lots of cloud, I want to at least be rewarded with a snowy spell in winter. Likewise, if winter is mild, I want a warm to hot summer. It doesn't happen like that every year, so like you say, take it as it comes. I would like a sunny cloudless April to June period, if we are to suffer another poor summer, with some storms thrown in.
  13. 1994 provided snow in February, and snow fell in the previous November, even as far south as London. January 94 was average. There's still time for something cold and snowy to happen.
  14. 1990 was just as mild in February and March was warm and sunny that year. Maybe the Azores High moved north during the time of the Great Storm of 1987. Seems the westerly winds have become stronger since that time.
  15. I think it yet again, depends on the region people are in. For London, I would class Jan 2022 as a chilly month overall, and the very mild weather, was only for the first 2-3 days. That mild snap was easily forgotten by the 7th of January, when I noticed quite a few sunny and cold days. It's been a much more seasonal winter month, but just non-descript. Here's hoping for more interesting weather as we head into late winter and early spring of 2022.
  16. I remember the thunderstorms in June, think it was the 5th, as the weather was hot during our canal trip. My mum had a cold, due to mist rolling in on one of the evenings, so a change must have happened during that week. Also recall the blue sky sunny days in spring, similar to 2020, but memory can be a strange thing. Have no recollection of the dull cool summer. It sounds like a cooler version of summer 2021 in the south.
  17. What are your weather memories of 1980? I was a bit too young back then, but vaguely remember some summer thunderstorm while on a canal boat trip in Hertfordshire. Think it was sometime in June, but not sure.
  18. I think warm September comment has been mentioned on numerous occasions recently. I don’t agree with it. September 1985 was hot, and the following winter was cold.
  19. I wouldn't class this January as mild, as it's been cold for the most part in the south. Only the first 2 days were very mild and only now has it returned to daytime double figures. 'Extreme mild' is a slight exaggeration.
  20. We used to get them in mid to late August. My favourite thundery plume events were August 1987, August 86, and June 1994. 1992 seems to be a forgotten summer for thunderstorms, but I remember one happening during the night in late May, and a daytime evening one in mid July, which made it turn dark, and another one in August.
  21. Same as people who thought we would get killer heatwaves, and they don't happen. We have a few days or a week of 30-35c weather in some summers, and the rest of the time its a bland cloudy 21-23c. 2020 had some nice weather, with that long dry sunny spring and early summer, but the main summers since 2019 have been hit and miss.
  22. My birthdays is May 24th. I'll go for one happening around that time. An evening one, and an overnight storm to follow it.
  23. We saw a bit of snow last winter, not much but still a small amount. I think some people on here have way too much expectation, when it comes to wanting snow in the UK, especially in the South. Global warming or not, we have always been a maritime climate. Possibly, or just a winter where it wasn't cold enough. Walking around central london yesterday, and it certainly felt very cold.
  24. Similar to when you guys had the good summer weather last year, and the south was experiencing some of the worst weather for June-August period. Come summer when we've barely had a week or 25c days, some folk will be moaning its too hot.
  25. Up until now, winter 21/22 has been a nothing type of winter. Despite this, it's not been mild or very mild. In fact, the mildest period was between the 30th December 2021, until 2nd January 2022, which produced the very mild spell of 14-16c. Before and since then even more so, I class this winter as fairly chilly. It's by no means severe, but like others have mentioned, it's been noticeably on the cold side, with many daytime temps ranging between 3-8c, with very few days of the 11-13c variety. Much prefer this current spell as opposed to boring wind and rain. At least its usable and seasonal, despite the lack of snowfall. I just hope the dullness doesn't spill into the better part of the year, mainly between May and August, which would be a kick in the teeth.
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