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Everything posted by Sunny76

  1. Yes it’s that time again, but I often say once we hit my birthday, which is late May it’s September again lol. I never wish for it, but once we move through June, the year tends to move faster, but maybe that’s just me. And once we enter August, that high summer twilight vibe is replaced by a late summer feeling. The darkness subtly creeps back in around the 15th of August. Anyway, that’s ages away. We are at the same level of light evenings for early August. We are now moving into the peak period of lighter days until late July. I really love this time of year. Like I said in my last post though, once we get past the late May to June period, it’s mid August before you know again lol.
  2. I can’t remember August bank holiday 2018 for some reason. I remember late august bank holidays of 2017 and 2019 being hot and sunny with temps around 30c. 2019 was a bit of a letdown I think. I didn’t really enjoy the hot spell in July that year, as it was mostly cloudy and humid around it, and we only had a few really nice sunny days.
  3. And to think the year started on a very mild note at around 15-16c, but that was soon forgotten as it was followed by frosty weather in early January. A very mild spell in winter is wasted, as the daylight hours are limited. Anyway, I digress lol. I predict the first proper burst of warm to hot weather will happen during the second half of May, and some storms might appear towards the end of the month or early June. Just have a feeling we will see some better storms this year, after a few years of a lack of storms.
  4. And crappier. I’m so glad we are flying to Sicily this June for some hot sunny weather. I can’t bear another dull cloudy summer.
  5. Despite the recent warm sunny weather, it still feels chilly at times when the cloud is around and the breeze picks up. Nights and mornings are still cold, and I’ve still needed to put the heating on for short periods.
  6. Late March to early June 2020. The first week of June 2020 was still sunny and clear, but it became cloudier and unsettled with some storms I think during the day(correct me on that), as I was sitting at home during the first lockdown, and teams were split in two. The other team were in central London and mentioned the storms. I heard the distant rumblings, while in west London. I think this was June. Late June ushered in a heatwave for a few days, and no storms showed up in the London area. July was dull until the last day. So yes, the 2018 sunny period was better, and it was placed in a better time of the year, starting in late April and finishing in early August. The main summer was really good, unlike 2020 where the spell had collapsed somewhat by mid June. I won’t knock 2020 too much, as June was still useable weather for cycling and walking even during those duller spells.
  7. Easter was in late March/early April that year. It was still cool and dull. Easter 2019 was in the second or third week of april, and the weather was nice and warm. I remember having problems trying to paint the garden walls for a client in mid April, and the temps were still on the cold side, accompanied with damp conditions. The cold weather was still lingering more or less from the Feb snowy spell of 2018, and the early spring did have some more snowfall, although not the same amounts. We had snow flurries in mid March, and daytime temps were definitely in the single digits with a raw cold windchill. Early April was cold and dull, but around the third weekend I think it became warmer. From this point on, the dry sunny spell continued into May, and it became much warmer. Like you say, May 2018 and 2020 were exactly the same in terms of long spells of warm sunny days with cool nights. The only difference is, May 2018 became more humid towards the end with thunderstorms on a Saturday night, and some more storms broke out during the late May holiday. May 2020 was settled from start to finish if my memory serves me well. June was another lovely month, nice and hot, and plenty of sunny days. July was also hot, although we had one or two weekends during the World Cup, where temps would drop to the low 20s and felt cool in the breeze, then would shoot back up to the high 20s by the following week. We also encountered a windy day at the beach in Eastbourne during July, and I was watching Spain getting knocked out by Russia in a penalty shootout. That day was around 30c in London, but think it was only 22-23c with the onshore breeze, which made it feel a bit uncomfortable in the wind. The beach was half empty that day, but the skies were clear. August was still hot and sunny until the second week, then it became dull. By that stage though, we had already experienced one of the sunniest summer spells ever, probably something to 1995 levels or even better, so wasn’t really complaining. I was kind of glad of the cool down, as the heat, despite it being dry at times, was still uncomfortable at night. A lovely summer, and this continued on and off during September and early October. Unfortunately, the following winter was a much milder affair. 2018 was a classic year in my book, and Southgate took England to the Semis in the World Cup.
  8. It can take an age to pass when you in your 40s also. Seems like ages ago since summer 2018, which in my book was the last decent lengthy spell of summer weather. 2020 had a nice spring, but apart from a few hot days in June, at either side of the month, and the hot spell of early August, it was overall mediocre.
  9. I think it was hot, but also had that convective chill in the air, where you could feel it becoming unsettled. Was sitting in Hyde park on the Saturday, the first half of the day was quite warm or even hot. I would say it was at least 26-27c, but after we left the park probably around 3ish, the clouds moved in and it turned darker. We had a storm for a good half hour or more. Constant rumblings before and after the storm moved away. It’s strange this is now 10 years ago lol.
  10. I think this was the summer when the Euros were held in Poland and Ukraine, and during one of the matches a massive supercell storm caused the game to be postponed. It was pitch black darkness, similar to the August 1981 conditions. We are also overdue a settled summer like 2018. 2019-21 were disappointing overall.
  11. Yes 1985-87 was poor for sunshine, but I seem to remember better sunny spells than 2012, but maybe that’s my childhood blurred nostalgia affecting my memory. I recall 1987 having some hot days in July and middle of August, same goes for 1986 in the June of that year. 1985 had a couple of decent warm weeks in July. 2002 was worse in my book for longer spells of dull and damp summer weather.
  12. Yes it was. I remember an afternoon thunderstorm during the third Saturday of August in the London area, does anyone recall this? The only other time we had decent weather was during the last two weeks of May. It was mostly cool or cloudy throughout June and July. A rotten summer overall.
  13. Going for a cool first half, with many dull and cloudy days with longer spells of rain. Second half will see some proper summer warmth with a few days touching or exceeding 25c. Will be still be a dry heat with hot sunshine and a slight breeze, but gradually turning more humid and muggy with overnight storms during the last weekend of the month.
  14. I think 2022 will buck that trend, just like 2018 did with the 8s.
  15. Years ending in 2 seem to be a inbetween affair. 1982 and 92 were poorish summers, but still contained some spells of hot sunny weather, and both were stormy. 2002 and 12 were very poor though, with long periods of cloudy weather.
  16. Maybe that’s why the storms were severe that summer. The cold air was still knocking about in June and July. These days there’s not enough cool or cold air to bump into the warm air to produce cracking storms. Mind you, we only have to go back to 2016-18 when most of the country experienced some nasty storms. Especially the ones in July 2017.
  17. Apart from ‘those warm Septembers’ that spell doom for the following winter I think I lost count how many times that statement mentioned during last winter.
  18. A summer month like August 2006 is poor in my book. I think a cloudy summer by many would be regarded as poor, even if the weather is dry. Most people prefer a 1983 or 84 summer with longer spells of warm sunny or even hot periods.
  19. It had the best August since 1976, but was still a poor summer overall, and part of a poor run of summers since 1977.
  20. This is a year I wished I was old enough to remember vividly. Only 5 at the time. Don't recall anything about the winter of 80-81, but I think it was milder than average, and no snow fell in the South until April. The standout event was the severe thunderstorms of August 5th/6th 1981, when during one morning storm the sky went so dark it was like midnight. My mum was babysitting at the time, and all i remember were the lights in our living room being on at 9am, and the long periods of pitch black darkness. Haven't witnessed anything like this ever since, and don't think the London region has experienced a more severe storm. The cold winter of 81/82 seems like a classic, and a December to rival 2010 and 1995. Strange how very cold Decembers have come about every 14-15 years (1981,1995, and 2010) during the last 40. Maybe we are due another one during the middle of this decade.
  21. I mean the overnight temps. Daytime has been improving gradually. Earlier last week it was still a bit chilly in the wind. Shame, as it was the reverse where I was. I think summer 2021 was possibly one of the poorest summers I’ve experienced since the year 2000.
  22. It’s not been warm at all. It’s not very cold at night like it was, but still cool.
  23. Where in the South East are you? We went to a local park in west London, and it was quite warm. But, I will say this, even yesterday and Friday still felt cool in the shady spots and anytime after 5pm, you would notice a fresh feel to the air. 20-22c at this time of year is nice and warm, but the atmosphere is still cold from the late winter. I think we need a few 25c days for it to feel really warm, even when a wind is blowing. Fresh breeze in 20-21c in a shady spot in a beer garden, and you can feel uncomfortable really quickly. Probably why we’ve held off going to the coast until May, because it’s not warm enough just yet. Still pleasant, but a little nippy for the beach. Hiking weather though, and it’s perfect.
  24. Spring 2022, and can’t grumble so far. From my observation it’s been something of a gradual warm up. Not like Late March/ April 2020, and not the long drawn out cold of Spring 2021. This year has been somewhere in the middle, or maybe it’s my imagination. Not too hot, but it’s still April, and not too cold either. The nagging chill was still around not so long ago, and the trees in some areas are only now just starting to blossom a bit more. If there’s a mix of unsettled weather coming up, I still hold out some hope for maybe a decent summer this year, but a poor month between June and August possible.
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