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Everything posted by Ross90

  1. Still looks like a lot of uncertainty even in the semi reliable, the met forecast for my area has gone from dry to heavy rain all day to just a couple of showers next Saturday and that was just today alone. I don't think the models have any idea how to handle that scandi high, it could be gone on one run then parked over us on the next.
  2. 16 consecutive hours of 95%+ chance of heavy rain forecast here, you don't see that often. 90% is almost 24 hrs.
  3. All I've been seeing on the mod thread for the last few days is "Indian summer", "record temps", "late settled spell incoming" only to see we have 3 consecutive days of weather warnings.
  4. A bit more breezy in the last hour or so, maybe into the 40s but nothing damaging or disruptive other than a few bins blown over.
  5. That's in Ireland though, warnings should be more location specific instead of just covering most of the UK. The vast majority of people in the warning areas will not have experienced damaging winds today I have no doubt about that.
  6. It's just rainy with a moderate breeze here, total non event unless it picks up a lot later.
  7. Heavy rain here currently, forecast to last for the rest of the day so there might be some minor flooding.
  8. I really am not a fan of those overlapping warnings from the met. It just looks messy and difficult to pick out which warning area you're in.
  9. Even up here (central Scotland) doesn't look severe, 40-45 mph late tomorrow night is as high as it goes. Anything under 50 mph isn't worth a warning imo.
  10. Looks pretty much non existent for Scotland and yet half the country is covered by the yellow warning. The winds were stronger yesterday than they're forecast to be on weds but we had no warning. Honestly think until they come up with some sort of more standardised and consistent approach to warnings and named storms it'll just become ever more farcical.
  11. Issuing a warning for Wednesday almost 4 days in advance was nonsensical in my opinion, at least in terms of its scale. I can't remember ever seeing a yellow warning for wind when the max gust forecast for that period is 31mph...
  12. Quite supportive of the changes to be honest. He put the ball in the green lobbies court and so far none of them have properly answered why homeowners and renters should be expected to fork out their own money for half baked ideas that might not even be needed...
  13. 12c forecast for tomorrow after being 27c last Friday, quite the quick jump from summer to autumn.
  14. 26c today is the joint warmest Septmeber day up here that I can remember in the last 20 years. On the plus side it was getting to 30c + upstairs when we had those temps in June but the weaker sun means the windows don't feel like radiators anymore and the indoor temp is peaking just under 30c, currently 28.3c.
  15. There have been more 20c + days here this month than there were in July or August.
  16. Individual events or even summers can't be attributed to climate change. That's what scientists have been continually saying but it doesn't stop plenty of people on here and in the msm blaming everything on climate change...
  17. Hot, sunny and dry June. Cloudy, wet and relatively cool July. Average looking August... it has evened out as a fairly average summer up here. There have already been more days of 20c + than there were last year so it hasn't really been cool overall either.
  18. Can't see any extreme heat coming in now, not for the northern half of the UK anyway. Trying to get extreme heat in late August is like trying to get a snowy spell in late March, it can try but it won't amount to much or hang around for long.
  19. Wonder how they decided it was the 'worst'... highest wind speed, gust, impact?
  20. 'Cleaner' ships, Tonga volcano, el nino, climate change... its probably a combination of things. The fact that it's such an outlier this year pretty much rules out climate change as the main reason as that would only account for gradual increases year on year.
  21. I've also thought there could be truth in the theory that alien civilisations mostly likely destroyed themselves before they were able to leave their planet. We might well do that before we're able to leave earth.
  22. Definitely not a bad year for us heat haters. June looked like it could be the start of a long warm summer but it looks like it'll end up being easily the hottest month of the summer up here. I can't remember the last time that happened. Top temp in June here was 27c, July was only 23c and only had 3 days over 20c.
  23. Hottest July on record worldwide, coolest July I can remember here in decades. The top temp this month was 23c.
  24. There's also the possibility that the universe is infinite or there are an infinite number of universes in which case life on other planets is certain.
  25. If it is true then we're probably not being engaged, if anything it would suggest they're trying to avoid detection which would point towards them being hostile or at the very least unwilling to make contact.
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