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snow raven

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Everything posted by snow raven

  1. I've been thinking more about the stuff we can all do in the summer, and sitting in a pub garden in the warmth of a summers evening is one of them... until I remember that normally comes with being tormented by wasps and me running around pub gardens swatting my hands in panic trying not to scream! Not so nice out there this morning - cloudy and quite chilly. Am looking forward to this weekend though, especially some nice warmth on Sunday. Think a trip out to the Countryside is in order
  2. Morning all, Well, what can I say? "Mother Nature, with this sunshine you are really spoiling us". (A slight tweek on the infamous Ferrero Rocher 'Ambassadors Party' advert there!) Another lovely sunny morning today - although slightly more cloud than yesterday. Also a lot milder this morning too - no ice to scrape off the car today. Have a good day
  3. It really did come over dark - thankfully it didn't rain and it seems to be brightning up a bit, although sadly not as nice as it was this morning It has been lovely leaving work during day light though - I even managed to get back to Barnehurst last night at 5.30pm and it was still light
  4. Hope it all goes well today BB Sadly it's clouded over here in Central London - and is actually quite dark where I work (London Southbank). Fingers crossed it doesn't start raining
  5. Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, la la la la la la la la, de de de de de de de! Lovely morning out there, clear blue skies and because of the time of year, the skies even stay a nice blue in central London instead of that yellowing blue that covers the sky during the heat of the summer. Happy Birthday Bjaykent, I hope you have a lovely day I guess I had better crack on with work - it's busy, but I have a weeks annual leave next week so all this extra work to clear up this week will hopefully be worth it! Enjoy the sunshine
  6. Less than an hour to go before we wave goodbye to winter '13/14... Good riddance as far as the lack of snow or any potential goes! Fingers crossed we have a perfect Spring - warm, sunny and dry. In the mean time, are we having a New Spring Party at midnight when we wave goodbye to winter and celebrate spring with some virtual fireworks?!
  7. Morning all, I hope all is well with you all. Going back reading over the posts the past couple of days I am pleased to hear your biopsy op went well snowlady36 and the results should be nothing to worry about. Tamara, sorry to hear you had a time of it the other night in the MAD thread - don't let a minority on this forum stop you from posting. Keraunophile, I hope the house move goes smoothly. As for the weather - it's been lovely the past couple of days as a whole, really felt spring was round the corner. Today it's horrible, cold and damp. On the positive side, it is Friday and the weekend is nearly upon us
  8. Morning all, A lovely morning out there so far today - why couldn't yesterday have been as nice as today? Snow Lady, I hope the tests go as well as they can tomorrow and the results come back negative. I went through something similar myself 18 months ago and had to have my first operation and biopsy all in one - I think it was the general anaesthetic that scared me more than the actual procedure! But I am pleased to say all the worry was for nothing and I am sure that will be the same case for you too. Good luck and we will all be thinking of you.
  9. Gooood morning all, And what a wonderful morning it is too - lovely and sunny with 100% blue skies - for once arriving on a weekend too! Chilly Milly, you are quite right re: AS's rant and I have apologised via PM this morning. Have a lovely day - and good luck clearing up after the boys this morning Martyn!
  10. I think we all know the Daily Express is cannon fodder when it comes to attention grabbing headlines... Let's hope Joe Public will no longer be sucked into the tripe they post about the weather too!
  11. Morning all, And what a lovely morning it is too - clear blue skies, and cold enough to have a little bit of ice on the car to scrape off this morning. Fingers crossed for a nice dry weekend - I feel the need to get out and do something on Sunday again - it really helped to blow the cobwebs away when we went to Hastings a couple of weekends ago. Have a good poets day - let's hope it goes quick so the weekend can begin!
  12. Morning all, Not a lot to say about the weather today - other than it being thoroughly depressing! Please Mother Nature, could we have a nice warm, sunny spring?
  13. You have my sympathies K with regards to moving home - when my mum and dad moved out of the home I grew up in I cried buckets (even now I get a bit upset that my safe haven and the place I have such happy memories has gone) - even though I moved out in 2000, mum and dad where still there until they moved in 2006. I think it was made even worse that the reason they had to move was due to the neighbours and not because they wanted to - I think it would have been different if they hadn't have felt pressured into it. But as my dad says, you have the memories in your head and heart and no one can take that away from you.
  14. Morning All, Not a bad morning out there today - the grey and murk is clearing and I reckon it's going to feel like a nice warmish springlike day - shame it doesn't seem set to last
  15. I really hope so - I could do with some thunder later today. It's been nothing but boring rain all morning!
  16. Afternoon All, I hope we all had lovely weekends and made the most of the lovely sunny day yesterday. I'm currently enjoying a couple of days off work - going back on Wednesday is going to be a killer! Today as been pretty good all in all weather wise - it's been dry at least and as I type the sun has made an appearance
  17. It's certainly windy here, but not the worst I've known in IMBY. I think St Judes storm was worse than this, but it might not have peaked yet?
  18. Following on from the above post, SE trains aren't running a service before 11.00am tomorrow morning. Soooo pleased I don't have to go to work in the morning!
  19. Just a heads up to those of us that use South Eastern Trains to travel - they are putting speed restrictions in place from 7.00pm tonight: http://www.southeasternrailway.co.uk/
  20. I think it's probably a good thing that most people will be safely tucked up in their bed when this storm arrives?
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