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snow raven

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Everything posted by snow raven

  1. Oh wow, I would have loved to have seen that. I work literally next door to the Shard (only day this week I work from this office) and typically enough, I miss out on most of the storm due to having no bleeding windows! I hope someone caught the Shard being hit by fork lightning on camera - would make an exceptional shot!
  2. Managed to escape from my windowless office just now - only for a couple of minutes. Heard a couple of rumbles of thunder but sadly didn't witness no lightning. Am hoping the storms are still around when I finish work at 4.30pm...
  3. Raining in the London Bridge area and our Urgent Care Centre has sprung a leak with water cascading through the ceiling! Heard the odd couple of rumbles in the distance after escaping my windowless office to take a peek outside. Roll on 4.30pm when I can escape from here!
  4. Cheers Harry. I'm currently at London Bridge, working in an office without windows, so am relying on yours and others living/working near by reports. Fingers crossed
  5. Exactly what I thought when I looked for the storm action on the radar!
  6. Exactly my thinking - guaranteed storms for London now the weather warnings have been removed
  7. I can't say I am convinced we have much of a chance in this region myself today, however, I normally find that when things aren't forecast, they normally happen and visa versa (well, that's what I am clinging onto today!) Well, that, and this latest headline from The Express http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/476905/SHOCK-FORECAST-Worst-thunderstorms-in-FIFTY-years-to-rip-through-Britain-THIS-week
  8. I really hope so - I'm well jel of those lucky so and so's in Wales this afternoon!
  9. Just catching up with the thread - all I can say is, you lucky peeps in Wales! Can't beat the build up and excitement of storm potential, even if it is currently for other areas of the country and not my little corner. Enjoy
  10. Really started to cloud over in central London - although from the little square of sky I can see, there are quite a few of those cauliflower type ones (that's as technical as I get) that are usually associated with brewing storms (usually we brew them for those oop North!) Still really humid though! Edit - also forgot to say, great pics yesterday from Jax and Reefseeker
  11. Yes, I can only voice what has been said above. Sorry to hear of your loss Alixzandra, I appear to have missed your post and only realised following references to it this evening - I have PM'd you.
  12. Yep, have to say it's a glorious day here at London Southbank. Roll on 4.30pm and my weekend starts! Am thinking a couple of drinks with friends in a pub garden is on order this evening Have a good weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
  13. I dunno - I could do with a north sea breeze blowing through my boiling office at the moment - with half the Victorian windows painted shut and with radiators blasting out heat, I can't say I am the most comfortable I have ever been! Still, it's nice to have some settled weather ahead for the coming weekend.
  14. Just popped on line to see if there are any storms about in the area. It's come over really dark in Barnehurst and has just started to rain... (although not v heavy)
  15. Morning all, Woke up to wall to wall sunshine in Barnehurst, get to work and it's cloudy and really quite windy out there. I'm full of cold so roll on 4.30pm where I can go home and get some rest! Have a good day SR
  16. Morning all, Sorry to hear about your loss PP - loosing a pet is like loosing a member of the family - well it is in our household anyway. Very dreary out there - fine drizzle - of the kind that makes me wish I had put some frizz ease on my hair this morning! Doesn't feel too cold out there though. Fingers crossed we hear a rumble or two later!
  17. Morning All, After a cloudy muggy start, the sun is now breaking through the clouds. Took a trip to Broadstairs yesterday - not been there for years! Also had our first BBQ of the year on Sunday - I do love this time of year SR
  18. Morning all, Left Barnehurst this morning in fog, got off the train at Waterloo East to warm bright sunshine. Just a shame I am chained to my desk at work! Have a good day SR
  19. Morning all, Bit of a boring day out there so far this morning - much like yesterday morning - dull and cloudy. Hopefully it will brighten up later. Good to see the Bank Holiday weekend is still looking settled as we have a BBQ to go to on the Sunday and hope to get out and about on the Monday. We are thinking of taking a drive to Greenwich and then getting a river cruise up into London. Makes a change from the boring train journey I have done most days for the past 17 years anyway and it's nice to take in the sights of London as a tourist for once, rather than the usual treadmill of the working rat race!
  20. Morning all Looks to be another day of descriptions beginning with the letter D Damp Dull Depressing Dreary Dank (is that even a word? It sums up this morning quite nicely!) Oh well, hopefully it will brighten up later with the odd storm thrown in for good measure! Have a good day SR
  21. Exactly how I am feeling. This stubborn cloud simply refuses to budge. Still, hopefully some of us in this region will be lucky this afternoon/evening, fingers crossed!
  22. Morning all, Been a while since posting in here, but the hope of a few storms later on has brought me back. Can't beat a bit of weather anticipation, be it the prospect of either snow (although as some said yesterday, not this time of year!) or storms. I am hoping the complete lack of anything cold last winter means we are in the firing line for some spectacular storms this spring/summer! As for today, it's pretty murky out there with the top of the Gherkin building shrouded in mist - the Shard has no chance of being spotted this morning! Fingers crossed for some storms later today - although I see a couple of us in this region have already struck it lucky with a few rumbles this morning!
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