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snow raven

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Everything posted by snow raven

  1. Ole ole ole ole Ole ole ole ole Feeling hot hot hot! I'm actually looking forward to doing the weekly shop at the supermarket later - think I'll stay in the freezer aisle for the day!
  2. Just got back from lunch - sun has finally appeared and it's warmed up quite nicely . Boy, I cannot wait to go home tonight - roll on 4.30pm!
  3. Cloudy again this morning - am hoping it breaks like it did yesterday... Am in the office based at London Bridge today - it means I don't have windows, but I do have air conditioning Weekend is looking a tad on the hot side - let's hope the heat is worth it and it brings a few decent storms to the region. Happy Friday peeps!
  4. They could well still be Jax - the bunch I work with here aren't the most sociable, only going out at Christmas!
  5. Any chance of that being accompanied with a bit of thunder and lightning?!
  6. Morning All, Blimey, it's a bit nippy nips out there this morning - although that said, it is nice for it to cool down before it heats up again over the weekend! Cloud is just starting to break up here at work (London southbank) and if the forecasted temperatures are anything to go by, it should be a very nice pleasant summers day out there today
  7. I can really relate to it - don't think you are the only one that feels that way, I know I do - wish I wasn't that way, but unless someone zaps me with self confidence, I think I will always be like it
  8. You Tube is blocked at work - all I see is a big pink square telling me the website has been blocked in accordance with Trust policy
  9. Funny enough, they were playing Summertime on the radio this morning - think I prefer that song, so will try and get that one in my head instead!
  10. Morning All, I couldn't stop singing U2's song 'It's a beautiful dayyyyyyyy' this morning (which is a tad annoying actually as I don't actually like U2) but I do think that song title sums up todays weather quite nicely!
  11. Morning! Back to work today after having yesterday off... only 2 of us in so far (out of a team of 11) 1 is on annual leave, gawd knows where everyone else is Another lovely day here, I could get used to having a summer at this rate...
  12. Evening All, Just been busy catching up with the thread as not had the chance all weekend. Glad we have all been enjoying this lovely weather (plus falling into bushes...?!!) Have to say, I was dreading the heat (as I don't tend to like it when temperatures go above 25 degrees) but being off work with ceiling fans on full blast has made it actually very nice. Shame there aren't any imports heading our way tonight - that would top off a lovely weekend! Mini-Raven performed at The Orchard Theatre in Dartford this weekend, and we went to watch her this afternoon. I must say I am a very proud mum! Came home and had a lovely BBQ in the garden... here's a picture of our bangers cooking nicely and Mr Raven's ice cold beer... And to top off a lovely weekend, I have annual leave tomorrow
  13. That building in the background looks like County Hall - just across the road from me... Wonder if I can pop up and grab a bottle?
  14. Just been for a walk along the river thames here opposite the Houses of Parliament. It certainly is one of those days where I wish I was on a river boat wizzing up the Thames enjoying the sights instead of having to come back and sit at my computer working
  15. Morning! Left Barnehurst this morning to clear blue skies, get to work and it's cloudy... reckon the sun will soon melt it away though. I've booked Monday as annual leave so I can enjoy the sunny (hot!) weather, as I think Sunday and Monday are looking to be the hottest before hopefully cooling down to more bearable temperatures to work in (fingers crossed!) Roll on the weekend!
  16. Pfft, if I did, you could guarentee mist, gale force winds and grey skies if Sunday was anything to go by!!
  17. Morning All I totally agree Jan - I love summer, I love the sun, but just not with temperatures of say,,,, 25c or more (although with a cool breeze it's a different story). Maybe I would feel different if I didn't have the pleasure of travelling to and from work on a train with temperatures that must be well above 100f and having to wilt in an office with most windows painted shut and no air conditioning. And to top it off, if the last few years are anything to go by, suffering the heat and humidity isn't even rewarded with a proper thunderstorm... Anyway, that's enough moaning from me - I guess we can't change what mother nature is going to throw our way next week - I only wish I had annual leave booked! Hope everyone is well
  18. Not sure what the weather is currently like at the moment - I am working from the broom cupboard in our office at London Bridge today with no windows . T'was nice a sunny on the way in this morning though, if a tad fresher than yesterday (not including the misty trip to Hastings )
  19. To be honest, we assumed it would be like that along all of the south coast! (or at least the Kent & Sussex coast) Maybe next time we will give you a ring to see how things are in Eastbourne!
  20. Morning All Woke up yesterday to glorious sunshine so decided a trip to Hastings was in order... we all jumped in the car, headed off down there, air con on in the car, skies almost clear blue.... got to Hastings sea front and it was cold, grey with a sea mist that meant we couldn't even see the top of the cliffs! Coupled with the gale force winds... let's just say we were probably better off staying at home! (that said, we did enjoy the fun fair and some fish and chips, so not all was lost!)
  21. I know the feeling CK - I was rich for a minute until I had to pay my yearly train ticket to work yesterday. £1,800 to go 8 or 9 stops down the line (depending if I work at London Bridge or Waterloo East) - as in the words of Catherine Tate's 'Nan' "what a f****** liberty!" As for the weather, cloudy again, but a lighter shade of grey this morning so hopefully won't be long before we see the sun for a minute or two today!
  22. Funny enough, so does Mr Raven's when I nag him later this evening to cut the grass...
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