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snow raven

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Everything posted by snow raven

  1. Those who are disheartened by the latest model out put, please don't be. It's just one run! No more Winter is over posts please
  2. I thought that might have been the case! It's not actually unusual for them to just do a forecast for the next day or two most of the year, so I wouldn't read into anything at the moment.
  3. I think it's more just now casting - taking each day as it comes and keeping an eye on the radar!
  4. Good old Pub Run - you have saved 829 lives from addiction to prozac!!!
  5. The main thing is, the cold is FINALLY here! Let's not look ahead to a weeks time on the model thread (as some of the wrist slashers are) but just take each day at a time 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours ahead! Personally, I would be happy with a Feb 2009. A night and morning of snow, but enough to see a foot of snow fall and build a snowman in the back garden!
  6. Things are looking up for us Monday onwards (yes, that is this Monday and not 8 Days away finally!!!!!!!!!) Will it or won't it snow?! :w00t:
  7. Really? In my neck of the woods, the end of November 2010 was better than Feb 2009 Mind you, after this winter, 1cm would be enough for me!
  8. For any of you that enjoyed the banter and chat on facebook tonight while NW was down, there is also a thread you can visit and post on here. It's been pretty quiet of late, but would welcome your posts http://forum.netweather.tv/topic/70860-general-conversation-banter-no-weather/ It's not all about pretty coloured weather charts - if you fancy a break, feel free to visit the above thread and chat away about anything (other than the weather!)
  9. That would be my dream senario (as long as it was timed perfectly so I was at home and not at work when it happened!)
  10. Sadly, thats always the case for us lot in the SE when looking at model charts in FI. Mind you, just maybe one day they might be right!
  11. Fingers crossed Jayces. I've just been pondering purchasing a sledge myself - but can't quite bring myself to do it in case I jinx the rest of Winter! During quieter times on the board, the London & SE thread will temporarily close, hence we are all posting in this thread. Fingers crossed there will be some proper wintery weather on it's way soon and we can ramp away until our hearts are complete in the London & SE thread
  12. How I miss those old graphics - there was always something exciting about the cloud/snowflake one and whether you would be under 1, 2 or (on very rare occasions) 3 snowflakes!
  13. Funny enough, after being drenched waiting for my train this morning, and then being blasted with ice cold gale force North Westerly winds on my walk to work, I was thinking the same - and thats only after a couple of days! :lol:
  14. I was standing waiting for my train when that squall passed through - boy, did it chuck it down - even with an umbrella up (well, when it wasn't blown inside out!) I ended up drenched! Also, a work colleague who travels in from East London mentioned she heard thunder when the sqaull passed through - didn't spot any lightning though.
  15. Does anyone think this has the potential to be worse than the storm the UK experienced yesterday?
  16. Certainly very gusty out there now. I suppose I had better let the cat in
  17. a pretty depressing outlook (well, up until mid January) for us lot in the South. This just has to be up there with the depressing Christmas period of 1988... mild, grey, unexciting....
  18. Just in case I don't get the chance to visit the forum before Christmas Day, I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas - and here's to a snowy January, February and March! (fingers crossed!) :smiliz65: :w00t:
  19. We had the windows open last night for an hour or so as the house was so hot when we got home from work (mind you, forgetting to turn the heating off all day probably didn't help!)
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