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Everything posted by mushymanrob

  1. i couldnt agree more mate.... however theres no sign of anything like that in the charts atm, in fact they are totally opposite what an abysmal run the 00z is, plus the ecm agrees, a huge high to our west with the azh and greenland high linking and staying put. too early to write summer off?.... well last summer i saw temps over 25c only 3 times! which was a write off IF you are looking for settled warm sunny weather. my only fear at this early stage is that the pattern for the next few months is being set... and like last year we might have to wait until autumn (september) to get any 'summery' weather. a return to settled, anticyclonic weather has been predicted to quickly follow on since that slow moving occlusion brought much needed rain slowly northward two weeks ago... that, even within a reliable timeframe has not happened... im NOT writing off summer, however my instinct is not looking very favourable for the forseeable future.
  2. my unscientific hunch is that summer will be another washout... why?, well we are in the middle of a long , dry, blocked spell, and simply i dont think it will last. just going on previous years dry mays, 1980 for eg... classic example of a warm/hot at times dry may, then followed a very mundane even cold at times summer.. 1978 was similar. but what happens if this blocking lasts?.... well, 1976 thats what! lol, drought, water shortages, hmm.. and old mushy going out of business!
  3. wow... thanks a bunch for shareing these pics guys.... awesome.
  4. thanks for shareing, its appreciated
  5. thats interesting.... but what about last summer '7'.. obviously the year number has no bearing on the weather, but this sort of random statistics dont half prove that you can stoke up 'spiritual' things out of nothing!
  6. nothing 'went wrong'... we had a normal winter which was far more frosty then many recent winters.
  7. dunno what you lot are moaning about... weathers LOVELY! you can keep yer cold cr@p , who wants to be cold?... :lol:
  8. after a mild winter? that would be a first! we have never had heavy snow in feb after a mild or 'non cold', dec/jan....
  9. thinking on... it depends upon what you mean by 'the last snow of winter'... i think its quite probable that most of us will see snow in a shower or summut, but i stick by my earlier statement that we will NOT see snow lying for more then a day, if that, over most of the uk. high ground is of course a different matter
  10. frankly no...lol.. i dont think we will see snow again, well nothing thatll settle for more then a few hours. like you ive not seen a decent snowy spell since '96. ive never known a cold snowy spell in february IF there was nothing, not even a threat of something cold in december and january. i dont expect this next month will buck the trend.
  11. not specifically as leaf fall takes place over a period of time, so for speciese no... but i have work diaries that indicate at what point leaf fall is at, but really its judging the bulk of the fall which is usually right now! tbh if anything this year will finish early as mentioned, the late droppers are falling now. the most notable year for 'lateness' was 2001, where the bulk of leaves was really very late, falling in the third week in november. i was leaf clearing (fresh fallen) in december, notable amounts too and not just stragglers or wind blown leaves. hi gw yep! lol the ash have fallen very early. they are the last of my trees to drop and they are all but off, 2 - 3 weeks early. they are dropping along with the acers which are on time, and some lime and chestnut which are late. i dont mind though as its dry! :lol: that makes leaf clearing so much easier.
  12. well... this years leaf fall period is a strange one! clearing leaves up (as many of you know) is my main task at this time of year. im self employed and work as a grounds maintenance contractor. i have been on one site continuously for 13 years now and another for 12. planing work to fit in with leaf clearing is rather tricky... if the leaves fall too early or too late, or if its wet, this can cause me problems scheduling work and keeping all my customers satisfied. every season theres on week where the bulk of leaves drop, i hope that it occurs within the week ive allowed for it! lol, this week, the first week in november. forunately the leaves have dropped (c80%) bang on time here in derby. leaf fall though usually occurs over the 2 months of october and november with the bulk right in between. what is odd about this year is that the speciese that normally drop earliest... lime, horse chestnut, poplar, are late by a week or two, whilst the late droppers, especially ash and thorn , are early! year after year i can find no pattern to leaf fall... temps, moisture, light, must play a role but what? ive never noticed any correlation between these factors and leaf fall. anyway, this years bulk is bang on time and because the 'late droppers' are early, it looks like november will be an easy month for me!
  13. love them speckled woods :lol: especially when freshly emerged.
  14. i hate snow and i hate crimbo even more.... a white crimbo = hell. :lol:
  15. an awful summer im glad to see the back of only 3 days of 25c+, all in august (three more then the last two augusts put together!) roll on next summer, i want to relax in my garden.
  16. tbh i too think that in general summer stretches into september, dispite the rapidly shortening days and lowering sun. but, thats about to only adjustment id make to the 'met' version of summer. to me june 1st-20th isnt spring, the suns high, days are very long and the weather is summer. likewise the first three weeks of march and december are imho spring and winter respectively.
  17. today... the only day this year over 25c... 28c today.
  18. i think that most of us accept that nearly every summer can expect a hot dry spell or two, or three or four! the point is that after several record breaking warm months, and a beautiful april, this summer should have at least been 'normal' with a couple of hot spells. unfortunately its been a wash out, ive still not seen one 25c which i maintain is remarkable. the worst summer since 1985 when i didnt see a 25c until OCTOBER the first!!!!!!!
  19. as someone who earns his living cutting grass (for over 30 years) im surprised that many lawns are looking rather sick. after all the rain and considering the time of year i expected large amounts of grass... this isnt the case.
  20. damn summer... watching this years blooms from my kitchen wasnt what i had planned for july
  21. exactly!... we shouldnt be disrespecting our planet wether or not we are killing it.
  22. still no sign of a 25c+ let alone a 30c! this must rate as a very unusual year.
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