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Everything posted by cj114

  1. No one seems to have a clue and it will be Lampost watching, however I shall be very very drunk by then....................................... But will know by the time I wake up on Sunday afternoon. Night all, hope most see a Snowflake at least. [i kept one from the earlier falls]
  2. Oh well, as we apparently don't exist any longer, what should we call ourselves now?? Any ideas? [NO FISH RELATED NAMES PLEASE]
  3. Does anyone remember a similar synoptic pattern in the early 80s? when we were forecast rain but the Great Francis Wilson forecast rain turning to Snow? It was raining hard when I went to bed and when we woke up we had 4" of Snow!! He was the local forecaster for what was then "Thames TV". And the ONLY one to stick his neck out. A year later SKY nicked him! lol My point being, things can and will change at the last minute. I personally have had enough of digging my Car out both here and in Leeds.
  4. Thanks. It has been Blizzard conditions at times here, haven't seen anything like it since Jan '81 when I got locked out in one! lol Will wait it out then. I will have to be up around 6 so off to bed for me. Hope you all get some out of it before it turns back to rain. The last gasp, it's a doozy up here.
  5. Just thought I would pop in. Am in Leeds where we have had a good 5" of Snow and it's still belting down. Am at my Daughter's whilst she and hubby go out in York tonight and stay over. Have two small Children to look after, one a baby and I have to say the House is now cold!! Thankfully they have an aga which keeps the kids rooms quite warm. Am still hoping to head home on Sunday. Anyone got any idea if it would have cleared enough for the A1 by then? Cheers all. I see that you are in for a few inches anytime now. CJ. x
  6. Ah, Jo, you beat me by a good few cms. Well done. Well you didn't actually make the stuff, but you know what I mean.
  7. Hi Tom, 9 cms in the end here. Now going to try the A1 to Leeds. I must be mad. lol
  8. I have 8 and a half cms!!! It does include a half a one from yesterday which mostly melted just outside the back door! Jo, what do you have?
  9. Slim J. If icy I wouldn't bother if I were u. No traction control AND rear wheel drive? You will be all over the road. CJ
  10. Me too Jo. I'm going to put my White Stiletto's in there too. lol
  11. Quite heavy here now. Glad I decided against going to Leeds. Will try in morning. Mrs Merkel decided to let us have a bit of her Snow, only a bit mind! lol [from last nights, "Ze Germans are taking our Snow" thread] Which is jolly nice of her.
  12. Ha, Ha, I only have around 3 and a half now. We are not as posh as Ongar tho'
  13. Now I am really confused.................................shall I stay or should I go??? London to Leeds on the A1. Anyone care to comment please. Cheers.
  14. And for everything else there is Mastercard. lol
  15. Will drop Angela a line asking for our Snow back.
  16. Have decided to give driving up to Leeds a miss. Will go on Monday instead. Is this the Kentometer thread now? lol Tom, we did have 5cm and a very small Snowdrift of about 10cm due to Wind.
  17. Well worth watching The Big Freeze on BBC2. I do remember us not going out except to my Nan's who lived next door, but I was only 3 and my Sister had just been born. It must have been awful. Dad said he spent 80% of his wages on Coal that Winter! Hope it never happens again!
  18. I thought I might beat that Snow going up to Leeds, but it is coming up quite fast. Not wishing to spend the day on the A1 I may have to wait. Snow seems to be forecast pretty much all week so I have no idea when I'll get there now! Typical. lol
  19. I think you are forecast for a bit more than we are here. I would wait a bit in morning and check School website or call them first. Good Luck. x
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