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Everything posted by NEVES SCREAMER

  1. Fair enough. But March and April were wet. The first third of May was wet. June had average rainfall in the West Midlands.
  2. It's done nothing but rain all year Beka. Can't remember a year like it for ages. No sustained dry spells. Just rain. And today .....well .... just cold and wet. If it's gonna be cold at least be dry with it.
  3. Could it get any worse? 2c all day. Rain all day. Shocking stuff.
  4. Weird that last Jan/Feb provided the most dry settled spell of the entire year. Well in Dudley anyway. Feb was loads better than March and April which were wet and cold. My post was to offer frustration that when you want high pressure in spring/sumner/early autumn (me anyway) to provide warm and sunshine it goes AWOL.
  5. The great British climate. It is now warmer at 22.00 (minus 1 admittedly) than it has been all day! Weird or what ?
  6. Truly awful. Dense freezing fog. Minus 3 at 10.15am. Sat here with a coffee in the living room in my big winter coat.
  7. Funny how the Cold brigade were happy with the omnipresent low pressure out to the West during Summer/Autumn. Now they hate it. On the flip side. Quite looking forward to a wet and windy winter
  8. Desperately looking forward to that 8c on Thursday. Positively tropical.
  9. Midlands always gets a dumping with a southerly tracked low under cutting the cold! Much to my displeasure
  10. The Vest from The West ready to embrace us soon and banish the horrid cold to the dustbin. Boom !
  11. As a fan of mild weather in winter would like to see a Euro high to the south centred over France thus giving a prevalence of mild SW breezes from the Azores. But having said all that if there is to be a cold intervention would like to see that late on in winter. Sorry to all the snow lovers but that's just me.
  12. Jolly chilly out there. All I can see in the outlook is cold and wet. Might as well be mild and wet save the heating bill. On the plus side the cricket season starts 18 weekson Friday.
  13. Not too bad of an Autumn so far. No frost. No snow. Long may it continue.
  14. It was mate. I stood at the bus stop yesterday evening and the breeze was with a chill even though it was officially mild. There is no warmth from now until April.
  15. It's mild . But it's still ****** freezing.
  16. My friendly winds from the SW to provide the Atlantic Blanket for the weekend.
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