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Everything posted by StormyLincs

  1. In summer that D10 chart would bring warm and sunny weather with a scattering of thunderstorms, which is what we will get soon if that D10 doesn’t get any closer.
  2. And we know those outcomes are about as rare as unicorn in a temperate climate like ours.
  3. There’s a lot to be said for information overload like we have in current times. I remember the farming forecast every Sunday as well. You watched it, digested it and then got on with your life instead of being glued to each model run four times a day which invariably change each time. Ignorance was bliss back then as far as I’m concerned.
  4. It seems to be increasingly difficult to get any snow that’s vaguely powdery down to sea level these days. I put it down to higher sea temperatures and global warming in general.
  5. I share your pain. Contrary to what folk in the south might think, some areas in the north like me have had no snow yet.
  6. Except for that tiny sliver where I live on the east coast
  7. I just hope the models are finally ‘making their minds up’
  8. Please please please don’t anyone say that word “nailed” at this delicate stage.
  9. Proper northern blocking of days gone by Vs 21st century northern blocking where the only people that benefit from it are in the north of Norway or the The Svalbard.
  10. Well seeing as I’m nearly at sea level that 528 line is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard. I’ll go with the 522 if they ever appear.
  11. The mid-Lincs snow shield has been running at full power this winter. I’ve still not seen any snow lying and very little falling
  12. I sometimes wonder whether us folk on low ground and not far from the coast are the first ones to begin to feel the effects of global warming. I guess it stands to reason with warming seas right on our doorstep. This is the most snowless winter in the 20 years I’ve lived here.
  13. Still a member of the no snow club here on the Lincs coast as well. There’s been snow to the north, snow to the south and snow just a few miles west inland of here. I think there’s some kind of North Lincs snow shield has developed over us. Oh well, roll on summer.
  14. Yep, there’s more wedgies than I used to get from the school bullies, and more straw clutching than a thatcher about to fall off a roof.
  15. That would be great, but we need dry and warm and not wet and warm.
  16. Even here oop north it reached 19c if I remember right. If that’s not climate change then I don’t know what isn’t.
  17. Didn’t it hit 20c last February or the one before, so it’s quite possible.....and desirable from my point of view.
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