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Everything posted by drgl

  1. Indeed, It does seem hard to track down a simple graph that plots global sea levels since records began. Then again Google isn't what it once was with it ad fuelled greed these days. Perhaps someone on here can post a link to it?
  2. I remember ice on the toilet bowl & inside on the windows before we had central heating I hope this year doesn't start early, we have no radiators at all as due to a total house renovation they've all been taken out. It's like living on a building site. The wind blew the temp roof off on Sunday which was "fun"! It's supposed to be cooler this weekend.... Still, it's stopped the thermostat wars with the wife!!
  3. Wow, thanks for posting those up. Looks like a great storm & some excellent pictures captured
  4. Hmm, looks like its going off the scale!!
  5. That aside, it's hardly rocket science that CO2 levels are rising, as you say fossil fuel burning releases CO2. What doesn't seem to be happening is the run away warming that was predicted. When that didn't happen they suddenly say the oceans are absorbing the CO2 (to explain away the fact that CO2 levels are increasing to rise yet the rises in temperature are not following this). If we don't see a huge increase in temps (as in the 2-6 degrees now predicted) what then? More "new science" to explain what's going on?
  6. In the eagerness to reply you both seem to have failed to answer that simple question. Which is it? Is there a lag or not?
  7. & yet at one point (still?) we were told there is a lag of some 6-800 years between CO2 & temperature increases?
  8. Yes a prediction is in the future, if I predict I'll make £10 in 2 years & after 1 year I change that prediction to 3 years what has happened to the prediction? It's moved FURTHER into the future. When I see one single prediction that has been made by these experts (& the keyboard warriors on here) come true (maybe before 2100 though, eh?) I'll believe they know what they are talking about. As it stands they make predictions, they don't happen so they come up with new ideas (claiming science has moved on) and new predictions. Maybe the argument here isn't whether it's warming or not more whether these experts have a clue what will happen & when.
  9. Not really GW. What we would like to see however is some (any?) of the predictions come to fruition. Sadly they seem to keep moving into the future....
  10. Oh the irony GW, no wonder your posting is limited with drivel like that. Let's wait & see if some of your posts turn out to be correct or whether you will be made to look like a "buffoon" as you put it.
  11. The latter, it's the DM & frankly they should be shut down. In winter they "report" an ice age.
  12. I see the failure to understand climate & weather are intrinsically linked is coming around for the ninth time or have they changed the meaning of that word too?
  13. Science moves on...when it suits?? http://freepatriot.org/2013/12/11/russians-un-global-warming-proponents-deny-new-record-low-minus-135-8-antarctica-censor-sensors/ Assume the remote monitoring of ice cover is OK though....
  14. So you keep saying. Was the winter of 2010 in the UK nothing special either? Considering not so long ago we were being told snow in winter in the UK would become a thing of the past I'd say a winter like that was special. Not bad for a world that has apparently warmed so much & is continuing to do so. Even more impressive if you consider how much heat towns & cities that didn't exist in 1659 generate. http://www.weather.com/news/winter-ncdc-state-climate-report-2013-2014-20140313 No doubt if certain states record record heat there will be a fanfare about that!
  15. Hmm, concentrate of the flooding & forget the harsh winters we ourselves have just had & the recent north american freeze (that apparently was nothing special, I'd have thought any cold what so ever would be special given the predictions that some had made, never mind, that was bad science, it's moved on). Paid misleaders? Yep I'd agree with that, where we disagree is who are the paid misleaders.
  16. Not sure why it was deleted from the other thread but who quoted the DM? The quote was from the BBC which was quoting scientists.
  17. You could be pedantic & say he never said "ice free by 2013", but what he did say is there for all to see..... So the BBC could have had an even more alarming headline, but then it goes on........ Like I said, bet on red long enough...................
  18. I've read plenty of the scientific papers. I linked to the media reports as these cut to the chase. Also, it has been proven that the scientific papers get edited to save face, they forgot about the Google cache in that case though!!!! It's not really hard to see why so many remain sceptical about the whole CO2 agenda.
  19. It depends which part of the scientists quotes you read! Herein lies the problem, years & years of being told one thing for it to change because it didn't quote work out makes one wonder if they know ANYTHING. Keep betting on red and in the end red will come up
  20. I didn't misquote the BBC at all & to suggest I did is a complete lie. It's there at the top in a much larger & bold font in case you missed it...... Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'I linked to the article so others can see exactly what it says. Not arguments but science? So it's a scientific argument, to suggest otherwise is pedantry of the highest degree. They aren't facts are they? It's like chasing a rainbow waiting for this ice to melt.
  21. If you going to make quotes why not quote this bit too?? ""Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007," the researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, explained to the BBC. "So given that fact, you can argue that may be our projection of 2013 is already too conservative." Either way they said much earlier than 2040. Constantly fine tune? Please, they change their arguments (& some would say DATA!) to fit what is actually happening which makes their predictions for some 100 years in the future laughable. They couldn't hit a barn door with a canon ball from 10 feet.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_in_the_Arctic#An_end_to_summer_sea_ice.3F The Arctic ocean will likely be free of summer sea ice before the year 2100, but many different dates have been projected. One study suggests 2060–2080,[37] another 2030,[38][39] and, yet another, 2016.[40][41] A 2013 study showed that simply extending summertime ice melting trends into the future in a straight line predicts an ice-free summertime Arctic as early as by 2020.[42][43] Seriously just read that, If I draw a straight line for my bank balance(seeing as that was mentioned elsewhere) i'll be a millionaire next year So it could be 2020, 2060-2080 or maybe 2100. I'm not going to waste my time posting links to many reports like these so others can simply poo poo them as usual. The fact is the goal posts keep shifting because what they said would happen hasn't..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7139797.stm "ice free by 2013"
  23. Indeed, see above. Come back to me when the poles ARE ice free & cold winters ARE a thing of the past. I look forward to it. What this has to with your flippant remark about lung cancer I do not know. As for GW's reply, we've heard it all before. Perhaps you could enlighten us all as to how these marvellous models can predict the climate in 100's of years time yet we can't seem to make a model that can predict the temperature (or weather for that matter, climate is the word we use to describe weather conditions found in a particular place, or has that changed now too?) next week with any degree of accuracy?
  24. I guess we'll just have to wait until 2050 or 2100 to see who is right. Sadly I'll be long dead by then. Not that it matters. Come 2050 when the doom prediction hasn't happened (again) the goal posts will move(again) until 2100/2150. Planet Earth has warmed & cooled since the day it was created, the fact is the run away warming that the experts predicted hasn't happened (but but but it WILL!) & they still try & ram this down everyone's throat. Amazing how these experts can predict an ice free world in 50/100 years yet we don't have the technology to predict the snow/ice cover next week.
  25. Never mind that Keith, watch out for THIS!!!! http://www.vims.edu/newsandevents/topstories/ross_sea_thaw.php Researchers say Ross Sea will reverse current trend, be largely ice free in summer by 2100. Yes you read it right, 2100.
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