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Everything posted by Cloudburst

  1. It might be currently in use, CTL, ALT, DEL and end WeatherD.exe if its there. :lol:
  2. do you have office xp or office 2003 installed
  3. hit print screen on the keyboard (or it may say PrtScn), then use something like paint to paste it and then upload it in your post. :lol:
  4. In the weather display setup are any of the 'Release com port' options checked, also are there any times in the list on that page.? I think what ios happening is that somewhere the PC is realeasing the COM port and so the console after a given time period cannot send anymore data.
  5. o.k put it back to comm1. So have you only just set the weather station up or have you had it working before? - may be worth checking the Consle port and computer port, and just check that they are firmly in place. :lol:
  6. Try changing the comm port to 2, then click o.k exit the software go back in and see if it collects the data. (all the readings should update)
  7. I think it is 38 seconds, its basically the point at which the console sends data to the PC, and the spec i have read says the time. Do you have any basic software that came with the W/S to see if it is responding O.k?
  8. Mine said that also, when my display locked up, i think my console has gone caput :lol: What is your update rate for the console? EDIT: Just found it to be 38seconds. Silly question but is the correct W/S set up in weather display.?
  9. Well you can get W/D to test the comm port by going to 'View' , then find 'data logger and setup info' (or something like that) should be in the bottom of the panel just to the right, with a toolkit symbol. Click it and go to 'get data' at the top of the new screen and see what happens.
  10. Max here was 17.6c, but i think we were lucky to get those temps at this time of year, usually about a max of 10-13c here.
  11. Stange this is mine did that this morning :o My Console completely locked and i had to take the batteries out, loosing all readings etc. As for weather dispplay what type of W/S do you have as it will only say connected at the time that the console sends data, which on mine is every 15 mins, also do you have 2 or one red lights under the forecast graphic? Another thing is to check which com port the W/S is plugged into, commonly be COM1 or COM2, thesde you can set up in 'control panel', setup within W/D
  12. Well TBH everything we have on this earth could eb classed as natural. I mean the stuff we are putting up came from the earth itself, and when you look at the carbon cycle, it always goes from one form to another. We are not helping the situation, but 1 supervolcano is the equivilent of about 10 years worth of pollution from humans. Think about how many volcanoes that there are active every minute of every day, throwing huge amounts of sulpur dioxide, Hydrocarbons etc. I mean the fossil fuels we burn are natural, the fumes and pollution they give off is natural not man made(by process it could be condsidered as man made), as you can find exaclty the same scenerio in volcanoes.
  13. o.k thanks i'll try that out, so is that address correct that i posted?
  14. i ahve the software set up now, but what i found to be my ip address, when i type it into I.E i log into my router, not the software.
  15. Ok, i'll just download the software. should my computer ip address start with 81. ? or is that external.
  16. Cheers for that I shall give it a whirl, but the last streaming software i used couldnt seem to get through my router(hopefully this will be different).
  17. Well, you along with the METO if you are wrong.(not that that will improve your confidence) :lol:
  18. Theres appears to be a family of them living in thorn bushes (and a mess of vegitation) behind my garden. Heres a picture i took at sun set tonight:
  19. . No i think your quite right with that, this summer is being predicted to be wamer than average, obviously the cooling effect in action. :lol:
  20. Whats with the attitude mate. :lol: Sorry Andy my bad, should have read the title first :lol: erm as for wildlife, i have noticed alot more blackbirds in the past few weeks.
  21. Well i saw the first thundery sky lookalike, whereby theres really low vis, with what appear very large cumulus rising in the gloom, with a faded clear blue sky above it. Ofcourse definetly not thunderstorm producing but if that same sky was in 3 months i would be monitoring those lightninig detectors every second. :lol:
  22. Overcast 11.8c 1024 - rising rh 52% dew 2.1 10mph E
  23. How do you explain the past (talking thousands of years) hot summers and warmer than average climate when ther was no Gulf stream? in any case o.k so it will shut off, but if the global temperature goes up by 5c anyway, surely that will mean that we wouldnt really see any difference, temperature wise.
  24. Well i mean the fact we have had colder weather doesnt mean our climate itself is cooling down. Think about it, to our north, north east and east, in winter are very cold plumes of air. All it needs is a slight change in wind direction or pressure core movement and it draws the air over us, this doesnt mean our climate is cooling, surely if our climate was cooling we would see this effect all through the year, when in actual fact the years are proving to not stick to a definet pattern. The earth is always dynamic so surely no definet pattern can be given as it could suddenly change thus rendering the pattern useless. I dont see any evidence of the globes temperature decreasing at present, and are we not currently recovering from the last 'mini' ice age? and i believe that the climate is affected more by nature itself (i.e such as Volcanoes such as tambora, that created the last mini ice age in 1816).
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