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high ground birmingham

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Everything posted by high ground birmingham

  1. Pretty substantial thaw here today. Would be great to get a top-up tomorrow before next week’s fun and games
  2. That December 2017 event was pretty remarkable. Forecast was for 4 inches but like you said we got 8 inches. Stuck around fully for the next couple of days after that with only a little melting
  3. Yep starting to get heavier again here. My visual estimate is that 2 inches has fallen in Harborne, Birmingham
  4. Wow a winter wonderland out there! Looks to me like nearly 2 inches has fallen. The pivot is happening over a line over Worcestershire, Birmingham, Stafford, Stoke. Could be 3-4 hours more of this!
  5. There has been little or no snow melt here today. Very icy on the pavements. I do think we'll have another cold snap before winter/spring over. Probably a Northerly around Easter with wintry showers. Nothing substantial I don't think unless we get a slider. Overall, a fantastic winter with the following events: - 8th-10th December: special event with lying snow (8-10 inches) followed by another covering on 13th December evening - 26th-27th December: 2 inches fell which stuck around for 2-3 days -- 20-21 January: Falling snow most of the weekend with a dusting on the 20th. A temporary covering on the 21st -6th February: dusting of snow followed by falling snow for much of the day. Didnt really settle apart from on the soil and bins but nice to see 26 February- 3 March: Beast 1. Great snow event on 1 and 2 March. Significant drifting 17-18 March: Another great snow event. Average fall of about 4 inches with some drifting This winter has probably surpassed 2012-13 and the best since December 2010? Next event? Easter?
  6. So far so good here...I haven't been outside but looks like about 3-4cm has settled. Radar showing a shower stream that maybe looks like heading through North Birmingham/Walsall area. Harborne maybe a little too South but lets see
  7. Oh I have a BMW M Sport. No chance of that getting out anywhere soon
  8. Incredible winter for the West Midlands. On par with 2012/13 if not better
  9. Yes I have no idea why the negativity in here- its so depressing. Then I look outside and wow what an event! snow is still falling as I write this!
  10. And it is still snowing here with the small flakes! A great event... All Birmingham schools closed tomorrow and chaos on the roads here! Cannot really tell the depth as a lot of it is in drifts.
  11. Something to watch out for on the models btw...I am seeing a little potential for a snow event end of next week with a southerly tracking jet and cold air coming back south. Could be similar to Dec 10 2017 event. Too far away I know but there is potential.
  12. Something to watch out for on the models btw...I am seeing a little potential for a snow event end of next week with a southerly tracking jet and cold air coming back south. Could be similar to Dec 10 2017 event. Too far away I know but there is potential.
  13. This event reminds me a lot of Feb 8-9 2007. Totally different synoptics I know but that was a snow event on the Thursday followed by a complete surprise snow event the next day. Both events a Thursday and Friday.
  14. Haha yes there was so much negativity this morning. Keep the faith in Hirlam
  15. What an event this is turning out to be! Snow still coming down hard in Harborne. Good accumulations especially the drifts.
  16. If I am not mistaken, the GEM was touting this idea for quite some time. The ECM has picked up this signal. Would be incredible if it came off and a massive coup for the GEM
  17. No I disagree. Wonderful cold spell so far. Next 3 days should be ice days. Incredible for March. There is a covering of snow outside...albeit 1cm or snow. We could get some more tomorrow in showers and then later in the week frontal. I think maybe you are comparing it to 8-10 Dec 2017 which was exceptional in itself. We are getting spoilt here- I also really enjoyed the 26-27 Dec event which gave 2 inches here that stuck around for a couple of days.
  18. This is a rather bizarre post considering the breakdown hasn’t yet occurred. There’s still scope for further changes in the output. A correction of 100 miles south is pretty much what’s needed for most people. Scotland and N England never really lose the cold air by the way.
  19. Thanks Swebby. That’s really quite helpful. I’ve always wondered why. I have lots of friends in Germany and they always seem to get more shower activity in this flow. Given that places like Munich are not near the sea, I’ve always asked why doesn’t the U.K. get the same shower activity.
  20. I’m not sure where the correct place is to make this post. I think it is model related. just wanted to know when an easterly is modelled, why is it so difficult to get showers to move across the country whereas in mainland Europe, the showers are more frequent over land with the cold air not moving over any sea. For example, Rome and Monaco gets snowfall as well as most parts of Germany. Whereas in the U.K., it is a struggle to get showers to the west despite the North Sea. would somebody be able to enlighten me?
  21. I just want to get someone to enlighten me. I’ve always wanted to know why it is so difficult to get showers across in this country even across relatively flat land? Whereas in Europe (Germany, France, Italy etc), it is much easier to get snow across even though the cold air is travelling across land and not sea. ive always wanted to know the answer to this question...please enlighten me. Many thanks
  22. I think the northward progression of the low into the U.K. is highly likely. The reason I say this is that the models have firmed up on the cold flow turning from an ENE flow to a ESE giving encouragement to the system to move up. however, I do say a little perspective is needed in here. Remember 10 Dec 2017? there was an almost 50-75 miles correction south within a few hours of the event. What was Manchester/Liverpool’s loss was N/E London’s gain. This could and probably will happen here.
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