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Hairy Celt

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Everything posted by Hairy Celt

  1. 2C now and slowly rising. We had drizzle for about an hour, fortunately after the temp rose above freezing! Overcast, no meaningful wind now. Slightly milder now till Sunday then who nose what will happen?
  2. Temp here dropped from -1C at teatime to -7C about an hour ago after the cloud cleared off, but it now seems to be on its way back up. (-7C is cold for here, the sort of temp we get maybe a handful of nights a year at most. -6C is the usual 'bottoming out' temp.)
  3. Still exactly the same. There are lots of gulls flying around just below cloudbase, which is not very high at all.
  4. Flat calm, very overcast (but not foggy) and -1C with a few icy patches. If this is an Omega block, no thanks!
  5. So the Scottish health boards don't have access to some information from the Met Office because they can't afford the fees the MO would charge? The MO is funded by the gov't so why would they not provide advice to another state funded body that helps protect the populations health? That's a rhetorical question, but really what a state we've allowed the country to get in... Or what a state successive gov'ts have got us into...
  6. Bright and frosty start here but we're just about to be enveloped in a thick wet blanket... yeuugh, get away wi yer terrible stuff....
  7. I've been brutalised for the last few weeks Perhaps this explains my inability to distinguish between family-friendly banter and non-pc comments about other topics...
  8. Point taken, but I don't think a bit of cold weather in winter is that uncommon in England. Yet?!? Maybe this winter so far there's been a bit more of a north/south temp gradient than usual...
  9. Cold weather alert for England. Apparently they'll be getting the same temps as we've been getting the last few weeks. *To clarify: we've not been above 8C for about a month, and most days, it's topped at around 4C or 5C. It's winter. Cold weather alert: look at your calendar!
  10. Go for it if you can. I was in your shoes last winter with the Yeti and it was nowhere near as good on snow as new winters.
  11. A very wet afternoon and a wet evening to come... Omega block? It's one of those meteo terms that lurks in the background waiting to leap out and laugh in your face now and again.... 'Haha, you thought you knew what was coming! Haha, not so easy is it?! All the internet you could want and you can't figure it out!'
  12. I heard Ben Rich mention 'Omega block' last night - what does this usually mean for UK weather in winter? I have a niggly memory of a very unpleasant cold, dry and gloomy spell many years ago where the only feature of interest was the increasing brown-ness of the sky with increasing air pollution....
  13. I don't think that's an option for ordinary folk like us! We're stuck with the crappy ickle ones in the bottom right of that person's post. Make the best of a bad job. The outlook seems to be sinking towards cold and dry which I guess is better than December's cold and wet!
  14. If you hit the face button on your post then scroll right to the bottom, there's a few choice festive things like etc. Other ones are freely available with a bit of googling....
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