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Paul R

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Everything posted by Paul R

  1. Another line of cells forming over the South Downs. One to keep an eye on; they seem to be intensifying quickly.
  2. Been quiet for the last five minutes or so and the latest radar output shows a weakening in the cell east of Basingstoke. Surprised at how quickly everything to the north has weakened also. I'm guessing the cell pulled in the energy and killed the others off. EDIT: Posting about the storm weakening seemed to work. Another cracking flash just then, this time to the ESE. EDIT 2: Really bursting back into life as it moves off. Some very vivid flashes and rumbles.
  3. The cell passing south east between Basingstoke and Farnborough is putting out sferics every few minutes. Very bright white IC from here. The last two strikes have been to the north east and south east of here. I'm about 3-6 miles away.
  4. Thunder and lightning a few miles to the east at this current time. Seems we wont get a direct hit; going east by a few miles. No rain yet.
  5. Following a brief thunderstorm with torrential rain around 6-6.30pm this evening, I'm currently awaiting the cells coming in from Oxfordshire. Looks to be intensifying as it heads down towards Basingstoke. EDIT: Can see lightning to the east from the West London cells.
  6. Following a brief thunderstorm with torrential rain around 6-6.30pm this evening, I'm currently awaiting the cells coming in from Oxfordshire. Looks to be intensifying as it heads down towards Basingstoke.
  7. http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en look at that...jeez. England looking very much like it's under a continental MCS.
  8. Lightning activity has visibly decreased as these thunderstorms have moved north. Some occasional flashes but I think for my salubrious district tonight's show is over. Good and umbrellas up to those in the midlands and the north.
  9. Sitting here observing the clouds above me, the wind has changed direction up top in the last twenty minutes. What I can see is going more NE now than directly north. Just an observation...
  10. Activity to the east has increased signficantly in the last five minutes. Still in the garden with a beer. Feeling quite lucky. Being in the clear patch between the western and eastern sets of storms, I'm in prime observational position. Could do with being a few miles closer mind...
  11. Sat in the garden with a beer watching lightning in all directions. Lovely stuff.
  12. Near constant lightning to the west. Some sporadic stuff to the east but most activity is towards Whitchurch and Andover. Hearing faint rumbles and noticeable drop in temperature.
  13. Lots of lightning to the west, can see distant flashes from the Bournemouth beast and more a closer to here. Getting the first rumbles. Looking like it'll not be overhead but a good show so far. Can also see an Anvil to the south east. Edit: Anvil to the south east put out a lightning bolt not long ago but most activity is to the west.
  14. Pretty sure I've just seen a flash somewhere off the east or south east.
  15. A cell has just popped up to the east of Crawley in the last few minutes, heading towards London. Looks like it could be an interesting one to keep an eye on.
  16. That cell near Skipton has gone from nothing to looking quite potent on radar within 25 minutes. No doubt the orographic influence of the Pennines will encourage its development as it trundles north.
  17. Moderate rain and some fantastic lightning I think just off to the north and west of me. By the sound of the thunder somewhere around 4-5 miles away, maybe a bit closer by the proximity of the last one. This storm incidentally is being made somewhat more eerie by the sound of chinook helicopters that are flying around the area at the moment. If people are unaware of http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en I'd highly recommend it - very accurate.
  18. Lightning visible just then, plus thunder. No idea where that came from. All looked quiet. Think it came from the south. Edit: Looks to be just to my south west, according to where the strike was plotted on lightningmaps.org Edit: Another flash and rumble. Something's starting up again...
  19. Anyone else think the line of precip to the west side of London will pep up a bit as it moves east over the capital?
  20. Very odd. Main core of that small storm has passed. about half a dozen white and red CC/CG flashes. Some very large blobs of rain for all of thirty seconds and that was it. Moving to the ENE now rahter quickly.
  21. Can't honestly say I've ever see a sky change so much so rapidly. Some more lightning in the last few minutes and the frequency is picking up.
  22. Thunder heard in Basingstoke. EDIT: Big CG a few mins ago. Sitting in the garden with eyes peeled to the north.
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