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Posts posted by Paul_1978

  1. Been a pleasant summer overall so far - June was too hot, and since then we've had some rain to put up with, but on the whole it's been alright as far as I'm concerned. Plenty of useable weather, whereas if it was baking hot I'd be doing nothing but sat down doing nothing because of the heat.

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  2. I have an interest in Sunday’s weather due to an event taking place in North Yorkshire. Yesterday’s forecast showed the rain mainly across the south:

    Today’s forecast shows the rain a lot further north:


    The Met Office shows the main band of rain further north still, with showers elsewhere.

    So frustrating….

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  3. 1 hour ago, Scorcher said:

    I don't understand what pleasure anyone takes watching the models in periods like this- apart from those people who enjoy wishing summer away (I know a few do).

    It's monotonous, depressing and there is absolutely nothing of interest- the worst possible setup. It's pointless even looking.

    If it's September by that point it won't matter, as it simply isn't the same- doesn't feel like summer even if it's hot.

    Well I’m not a fan of hot weather, but yesterday was ridiculous - it was like October, and that I do not like. 

    Dry and pleasant would be great, but I’m not sure even that’s on the table at the minute. At least the water companies will be happy that the reservoirs are being topped up.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Scorcher said:

    Think that's a bit of an exaggeration today- very dull yes but I went out in long sleeves this afternoon and was surprised by how warm it felt.

    Indeed - I'm enjoying the current set up.... very useable weather, warm in the sunshine, rain to help the reservoirs, farmers, plants and wildlife. As regards the models, the omega block continues to persist, but I've noticed this little feature on a couple of recent runs - maybe this will shake things up a bit and get us out of this impasse. 

    Could contain:

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  5. 12 hours ago, S Bragg said:

    Our luck's going to run out eventually but I'm determined to make the most of this weather while it lasts.  I'll do some weeding in the back garden later and probabl give the front lawn a trim too.  Get some work done while the weather's useable.

    Indeed, there’s 2 months of summer left and we’re bound to have a warm/hot spell at some point. To be honest the main problem with me has been hayfever, and the cooler damp weather we have now keeps the pollen low. I guess I won’t mind warmer weather so much once the grass pollen season has passed 🙂

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  6. 53 minutes ago, Uncle_Barty said:

    Must be the summer equivilant of The mo dern winter


    GFS looks unsettled again this m orning, seemingly having the same low parked north of, or over the UK from next weekend for days on end.

    Indeed, another great run if you don't like heat and humidity, so should feel fresher for most - yesterday evening onwards was a great relief. 

    However with the trough staying to the west, there is always the risk(?) of winds being drawn up from the south.

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  7. 17 hours ago, Pewkzii said:

    Hey everyone not posted here much but i can’t take this heat anymore 😭 I’m literally praying for Summer to end so we can be cold again! When it’s hot there’s no air in my house upstairs it’s like sleeping inside an oven! How is this nice!? When it’s cold you can whack on a duvet a jumper a onesie! When it’s hot what can you do!? Other then spend £10 a day running fans and air conditioners so you don’t feel like you’re dying! I just don’t understand why anyone enjoys this!? 

    anyways our time will come like they keep saying and i for one can’t wait till it’s freezing cold and im able to sleep once again! 


    I’m in Wakefield too - awful last couple of days. Bring on the fresher weather and rain. It can’t come soon enough.

    • Like 4
  8. 3 hours ago, Alderc said:

    HEALTH ALERT - Do not look at the this mornings GFS, it’s the worst output we’ve seen so far. If this comes off I might need some counselling. 

    No ridge early next week, and temps really really struggling under multiple fronts. 

    It doesn’t get any better, full on Atlantic storm blasting in later on in the run 🤮


    Indeed......... whilst I personally don't like HOT weather, I'd be more than up for it being WARM and PLEASANT, however next weeks looks distinctly AUTUMNAL!

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Frostillicus said:

    Hay fever through the roof at the moment. Can't stop sneezing. Wish this wretched season would go to hell 😩

    Funnily enough mine has been ok since Sunday. First 2 weeks in June this year were as bad as it ever has been for me though. Should be ok next week though in the rain. 

  10. On 19/06/2023 at 19:57, stodge said:

    My hayfever the worst of the season so far - didn't sleep well and have felt tired all day.

    Hopefully this is the worst - I'm not really seeing any strong heat on the models tonight - the 20c 850 stays down over the Med and Iberia. Warm yes, perhaps very warm briefly early next week but nothing to panic about too much yet.


    I’ve enjoyed the last couple of days as the pollen has been suppressed and my hayfever has been pretty good overall. Might be a different story from Thu to Sun, but the cooler and wet weather next week should keep pollen low. Don’t mind it warming up a bit once the grass pollen season has passed, but no more than 24/25°C will do nicely!

  11. Don't mind it being warm, but don't like it being hot.

    No one really needs it any warmer than 25C suerly - any hotter and you can't really do anything other than sit around.

    In other news, hayfever is really kicking off for me now, so personally I am wishing away the next 6 weeks until the grass pollen subsides at the end of July. Hope the last week in July arrives quickly!!

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