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Everything posted by skywatcher

  1. Power outage here in Belfast. Only lasted a few minutes but the situation is still unstable.
  2. Lights flickering like crazy. Early dinner just in case. Still snowing.
  3. Snow. Most definitely snow, varying from heavy snow to blizzard conditions.
  4. Absolutely lashing it down here, too dangerous to go out imho. I walked to the local shops, approx 1/4 mile if that - took an hour there and back and I was blown off my feet. Everyone else I met en route had had a fall. Large flakes now, no let up whatsoever and the radar says there's a lot more heading our way. Take care everyone.
  5. I've given up. It's stupid to try to get to Holywood - and more importantly, back again - in these conditions. I like my dentist but not that much - Meanwhile, Four Winds continues to be pounded. The gusts make it impossible to tell what's falling snow and what is being blown from the ground into drifts. Underfoot, it's surprisingly slushy but if things go to plan, temps will fall and it's going to be very dangerous indeed out there. I would estimate the average depth of snow at between 3-4 inches but there are many deeper drifts.
  6. 4-5 inches here. Am going out now, may be some time. . . .
  7. Anyone in Holywood? I have an appt over there in about an hour. Is the journey feasible? Assuming I can get out of Four Winds, of course.
  8. On the BBC website - 28,000 people in NI without electricity because of the storm last night.
  9. Reading through some of the posts I thought I was in the wrong thread! It's snowing heavily here in Four Winds, wind gusting it sideways at times. It seems to have been snowing all night and it's going strong. Atrocious conditions. inches and inches of snow. Anyone know if the trains are running? Bad luck, MS. I can see the side roads and they're all but impassable. I can only imagine what the crossroads at Four Winds itself is like - even more elevation than here and more traffic attempting the journey.
  10. Wild out there tonight, rain/sleet at the moment but as MS says, if this turns to snow during the night there's going to be more than a couple of cm waiting for us in the morning.
  11. Just back from Spain - sitting by the Mediterranean in warm sun yesterday, sitting in Belfast today reading snow warnings. I see I'm going to have to do some catching up on the charts.
  12. Just popped onto the forum in a quiet moment to see how everyone's getting on. Torrential rain here just south of Perpignan just started and for tonight but it's been glorious for the past two days. We're off to Spain tomorrow as it's going to rain throughout France for the rest of this week. I'm looking forward to the first bbq of the year. I shall think of you as the cold rain, sleet and snow lash down.......-
  13. Last week we headed to the south of france chasing the sun. We found snow. It started in rennes, got worse by toulouse and we crawled into carcassone in a blizzard I'm not happy, in fact I'm quite sad just in front of of convoy of snowploughs. For the first few days we didn't have heating in our motorhome as it failed. I'm thoroughly off snow now but very pleased to hear people back home have seen a few flakes. Not to make you jealous or anything but at the moment I'm looking out the window at blue skies and palm trees. Anyway, if you want a major snow event next year, head for the south of france!
  14. The Skywatchers are off to France on Tuesday, touring. That means it's bound to snow in Ireland. If we encounter any interesting weather I'll report in, otherwise I'll see you all at the end of March.
  15. The only flakes in this part of the world are in Stormont
  16. Worth watching - - Deputy Chief Forecaster Dan Suri on the snow risk. Originally posted in the Models Thread so thanks to the poster whose name I can't now remember.
  17. It won't snow in Belfast tonight, I can tell you this for a certainty. How do I know? The gritters have been out. They were out last night as well. Now ask if they were out before and/or on the two recent occasions when it snowed and I'll give you an answer when I stop laughing. Belfast tonight has the best-gritted roads in the UK or Ireland. However - no snow.
  18. From the radar that likes like it for this area though showers are still coming through futher south.
  19. Good morning. It's white outside - a couple of cm but haven't measured it yet - and still snowing. Not as deep as at Glengormley but quite respectable nevertheless.
  20. There looks to be about 1-2cm snow down outside with more to come overnight. We're doing well this year and it's good to hear other parts of Ireland are getting the white stuff as well.
  21. It looks as if there's lots of activity in the Derry area. More so than here.
  22. Cinderella has been invited to the party after all. It's snowing. And it's lying.
  23. Nada. Nothing falling from the sky, nothing lying, nothing wet. It's like hearing everyone else is at a good party to which you've not been invited lol.
  24. Short sharp shower here in Belfast just now which definitely turned to snow for a few minutes. I must say, I'm surprised. I thought this would be a non-event with snow -if any - after dark this evening. Lots of showers packing in behind so it could be an interesting afternoon.
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