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Everything posted by Snowyowl9

  1. That does take some believing as we had 2.5inches (63.5mm) from 11a.m. yesterday to first thing this morning which is a record for May here by far looking back. :huh: From very dry to water literally coming out of the ground as it`s saturated.
  2. At long last plenty of welcome rain this afternoon early evening 0.5inches in all since then the wind`s really got up with gale force gusts! 13.8c max.
  3. Strong/gale force winds in Scotland today looking at xc gusting to 60mph. As for the rest of the week lows look to be taking quite a S-ly track with strong winds in the south with plenty of rain to come too not as we`ve had much yet this morning very little infact.
  4. Well if it`s stronger winds your looking for Scotland`s the place to be tomorrow. It`s the rain I want, which looks we`ll get next week with the atlantic coming back along with strong winds at times. The strongest wind in May here in recent years is this with strong-gale force S-lys. http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/2002/...00120020522.png
  5. Noticed the same thing today as a small hawthorn bush was in flower. Also 2 or 3 of the smallest ash trees are starting to come into leaf. I remember 1 year in the 90`s when a few of the ash here wer`nt fully out in the begining of July even!! can`t remember which year. There won`t be nowhere near as many ash seeds as last year either they were loaded then it`s every other year with ash,one tree will be covered though I noticed. By the way the oak were out before the beech this year!!
  6. It`s currently sunny and fresh in a east wind which has picked up during the morning. Colder last night as it dropped to 3.9c and now it`s well up to 17.5c.
  7. Same here ash is always the last tree to leaf here,but 1 year recently the oak came out very close to the ash, never known it come out behind the ash yet mind,but this year I havn`t seen the oak out as early as this year not as I remember,the ash is way behind though. And I went to lower ground today and the hawthorn is flowering,and I even noticed a laburnum tree in blossum already,our laburnum is only just come into leaf. But our horse chestnut is coming into blossum, as it came into leaf early like it use to years ago.
  8. Sustained of 39-46mph in the showers here gusting to 60mph possibly... 70mph in most exposed parts by the coasts in the SW not as I can find anything about it but it was very windy and cold that day here with gales.
  9. Here`s a wild late April day from this time 5 years ago with gales or severe gales.
  10. 12.9c for me. Here`s a couple of contrasting days With just a max of 4c here makes today seem very warm at 18c To exactly 1 year later 23c.
  11. April is tough to predict so I`ll have the first guess then at 8.3c.
  12. I wouldn`t be surprised to see a N-ly around easter with wintry showers about.
  13. Awoke to 2 to 3 inches and 2 or 3 heavy snow showers with brief blizzards on the hill. And a blizzard when the sun was out with no snow falling it was fantastic rare to see that happen these days!!! the wind just picked up out of nowhere, glad I went up there then the wind dropped off slightly but it still drifted until around 10 a.m. It`s all thawed besides the snow drifts and the temp reached higher than yesterday at 5.9c in the strong/gale NNW wind. Currently moderate hail shower and 2.9c and very windy.
  14. Now this is what I would call as severe blizzards. :o Where is Connor now anyway?
  15. Had 1 heavy squally snow shower which gave a dusting wind was gale force which veered more WNW at 4.30pm followed by 2 shorter blustery snow showers which blown off the roof,classic NW type day despite the wind being mainly west and the dry snow impressive. Temp now 0.8c and clear with snow showers on the horizon.
  16. Hi Carinthian Great to see the north wind has a real bite for next week. Not that many archive charts with upper air that cold over us in the past 30 years for around the same date. Here`s one from 1987. http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119870320.gif http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00219870320.gif Different set-up.
  17. Very interesting facts there Mr Data. I`ll just use 1975 as an eg from mild to cold. http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119750306.gif http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119750328.gif http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119750328.gif One year I don`t remember too young. So a cold 2nd half to March has happened 11 times in my lifetime with 2000 being the last so a 12th is looking rather likely and due for it and my 7.5c will be too high.
  18. April 3rd 1983 was the most disruptive easter snow it seems in the east with 10cms in part of kent. http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119830403.gif
  19. Thought this thread you started would be popular. Yes the Sun is the main part of the warming and cooling as far as I`m concerned. Another thing it said was Co2 comes off humans which was small compared with animals and dead leaves too and with all the deforestation over the years there were many more trees to lose leaves. The climate was much warmer than this during the last periods and the temperature rose quicker then to what it`s doing now,so it`ll warm up so much then cool off rapidly. Another thing about the upper air was interesting too it should be warming much quicker but it`s warming at ground level instead I`ve been looking at past charts upper air and there`s very little difference. There should be more programs like this on.
  20. I`d have to say 2 it`s one of the best darkest eclipses I`ve seen there usually brighter the ones I`ve seen but there was one very similar to this at around 3.00a.m. a few years ago. And Leo the lion is just to the north with one of the planets.
  21. Yes not like last autumn when summer just carried on into october it`s not normal. Something like this when autumns meant autumn started in late August when I was younger. http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119850825.gif http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/ra/19...00119850825.gif
  22. To summerise this winter well 1st of all since Nov 1st I`ve had 20 air frosts. But it`s been one of the most dominating atlantic winter`s ever with SW-lys westerlies no wonder it`s been so mild. And a very stormy one at that the dry quite cold spell over christmas was nothing special as it was gloomy and not that cold here. November did bring a day/night of sleet/snow showers though. February did give us 12 inches of snow though and powdery drifting snow on the first day in the east wind which was great as we had our coldest night of the winter at -5.7c before so I`m happy with that But overall it`s been a major disappointment after the last few winters. Here was our 1st severe gales of many this winter which is what I`ll remember this winter by and of the very heavy frontal snowfall and no snow showers which is unheard of. http://www.wetterzentrale.de/archive/2006/...n0120061203.png
  23. It`s a perfect clear night here for seeing the eclipse,I seen quite a few of these over the years usually lucky for clear skies.
  24. I really like that 1st photo that Russ has posted all types of clouds there from cumulus and stratocumulus just above the lower thicker cumulus cloud,then altocumulus just above the trees on the right...then cirrus and cirrostatus on the top end of the photo.
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