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Everything posted by Dangerous55019

  1. Morning @Windblade I’m thinking exactly the same. But trying to look on the positive side, the sun is now that much higher in the sky, and I’m hoping that this coupled up with the instability could give us an impressive start to the storm season. As always, only time will tell, but it’s good to see convective outlooks already being issued. Here’s hoping.
  2. Evening @CreweCold To be honest, anyone of us could be right, or wrong... After all, it is mother nature that we're dealing with here. But hey, isn't trying to work out what'll happen half the fun? Evening @- 40*C No, no reason other that I forgot to mention it... But in my defence I did say that it was from memory, and mine has gone a bit misty and foggy. Lol
  3. For what its worth... At the moment I'm kinda torn between how this year feels... Its currently like 2006 (which had cold and snow in early March) and 2013?
  4. Speaking from personal memory alone, and also from a totally IMBY perspective, these are the long hot summers that I have lived through... 1975 - For those who want a long hot summer, then this was one to remember, the only problem was it got outshone by what happened the following year! Also don't forget that this summer started with snow falling at the beginning of June! 1976 - Goes without saying really. 1983 - This again was a long hot summer 1984 - Another hot summer, but not as consistently hot as what happened the year before, hence this one tends to be forgotten. 1989 - But of a strange one this... Plenty of sunshine, but there appeared to be a three week cycle... Hot and sunny for a week, then a occasionally thundery breakdown, and the gloom tended to last for a few days afterwards, then a week of very pleasant sunshine, but not to hot, and then the heat came back! ... Rinse and repeat! 1990 - June was a bit well... Ish... It was in July (mid July from memory) that the heat got going, and got going it did! It was sweltering! This lasted until August... But (again from memory) September was also warm with a very humid feel to it, as was (up to) mid October. 1995 - Another very long and hot summer. 2003 - Well, what can I say, this one was a scorcher, when it got going! Plenty of warm sunshine, and then it turned hot... Very hot!! 2006 - I remember this starting in early June and then it just kept going into July... It was very, very hot! Day after day of hot sunshine. In fact when the cool down came at the end of July and into August it was a most welcome relief. 2013 - It was July that was hot, and from memory August wasn't too bad at all either. Now then, there are plenty of what I'd call good summers that I haven't mentioned here... A couple of recent ones that spring to mind are 2014 and 2015 (yes i can all ready hear the cries of 'WHAT?? Are you out of your tiny little mind?' ... But let me finish... 2014 Had a pleasant summer but with a two week hot spell in July. 2015 - Now speaking as someone who works outside this was a lovely summer! With the exception of a very hot start to July, which also gave us a very impressive set of thunderstorms, and another Spanish plume around the 22nd of August(?), which also went bang big time, this was a very sunny summer, but with the temps peaking at around 18 - 20 degrees celcius. Now this does beg the question, do we only class a good summer as one that has been an absolute scorcher (like 75, 76, 83, 90, 95, 03, 06 etc), or are we happy to take a sunny summer that only goes hot when we get a Spanish Plume event? For me personally, I'm happy to take a sunny summer that peaks out at 18 - 21 degrees... But I'd be happy to sacrifice that for something hotter as long as it goes bang big time, and many times.
  5. Good afternoon all Well, I don't know about others, but I for one have had enough of this winter now, I've had my cold and snow fix, and I'm starting to feel really quite storm starved. So I thought I'd have a quick look at the Cape and LI charts to see if there is anything of interest showing on the horizon. The 00z run from the GFS is showing this for Thursday afternoon! Don't get me wrong, I'm not building my hopes up for this to produce a supercell, or even any thunder and lightning, but hey, its a start for very early in the season. As always, good luck to everyone in here, and lets hope that 2018 is a good and convective one for all of us.
  6. Unlikely to go bang... But we’ve got some amazingly convective skies around here at the moment! ... Oh if only this was summer...
  7. Just popped in to Tesco’s on my way home from work, and I noticed this little beauty trying to hide behind the trees. ... Not the best photo in the world... But it’s still nice to see some strong proper convection starting to get going.
  8. I’ve just realised/remembered that today is the cross quarter day of Imbolc... The day when we leave the solar winter (the dark part of the year) and say hello to spring! *looks out of the window at the grey skies and rain* *sigh*
  9. I’ve had a couple of notifications on my phone that we had a couple of lightning strikes during the night! Can anyone confirm this please?
  10. Another day of very strong convective cloudscapes over towards the Liverpool area.
  11. Ok... I may have not had any wind last night () but I’ve certainly got some beautiful convective cloudscapes today. ... Oh if only this was late spring/summer this would be looking very promising indeed.
  12. Looks like there has been a lightning strike just off the coast of Blackpool! Can anyone confirm this?
  13. A very stormy looking afternoon here, although it amounted to nothing more than a few little spots of rain. This photo really doesn’t do justice to the size of the towers going up over towards Liverpool at the moment. If only this was happening later on in the year we could be on for a good evening of thunderstorms.
  14. Couldn't agree more @Chris.R, this storm was nowhere near as bad as Storm Doris! Plus as @Mokidugway has also said, it was just a run of the mill winter storm, speaking from a totally IMBY perspective. But one thing that I did find weird about Storm Eleanor, was the wind sound! At about 05.30 this morning the dog wanted out, and although it was blustery, at a much higher level, you could really hear the wind howling and roaring... Much stronger than what I was experiencing on the ground. Even the dog kept looking up, as it did sound really wild at say another 100ft or so above where me and the dog were standing.
  15. After the squally rain bands yesterday evening it's been very calm here today... Since about 15.00 we've had drizzle... And a lot of drizzle at that! But I've just felt the first strong gust of wind... Here comes Eleanor!. ... I think? EDIT: The wind is starting to pick up now!
  16. As someone who looses interest in the loss of daylight shortly after Halloween, I have to say that the extra light of an evening time is starting to become noticeable of an evening now, even on cloudy days... Not by much, but enough. In fact I went out to watch the sunset the other day, and I can confirm that for my neck of the woods (with the topography of the land etc, etc), the sun was setting eight minutes later than it was! Soon be thunderstorm and barbecue season
  17. Its quite blustery here in North East Wales at the moment, but nothing out of the ordinary.
  18. Here’s the backend of Corwen’s thundersnow event. But sadly I’m too far away to hear the thunder.
  19. We had a couple of flashes of lightning during the night (about 01.00 ish), and other folks around my area have confirmed thunder as well!
  20. And as I’m stood up to my ankles in mud, here’s the back end of that hail machine, that also gave us the thunder and lightning earlier.
  21. Looks like we’ve got a little thunderstorm breaking less than ten miles away! Always a nice way to start off a Saturday morning.
  22. Morning @Chris.R My eyes shall be peeled mate, and fingers crossed that we do get to see and hear something. But if not, it’s still nice to see ... Ahh well, only another six months to go and we’ll be back in full storm hunting season. Lol
  23. Some very nice convective cloudscapes going on at the moment over towards Liverpool. I have to be honest, I wasn’t expecting to see anything like this today, so it’s come as a bit of a welcome surprise to me.
  24. So today is the final cross quarter day of the year - Samhain. Samhain is the old traditional end of autumn, and the start of winter... The dark half of the year. So I'm using this as an excuse to draw a line (for me personally) under this dull, grey, colourless, drab and dreary autumn. Normally I'm more than happy for autumn days to carry on, and on, and on... But not this year. So farewell autumn 2017, I would love to say its been a pleasure as always, but it hasn't. You watch, now I've said that we are going to get some stunning north or north westerly's with gin clear blue skies, and fantastically convective cloudscapes, and/or some proper wind storms, and or proper misty foggy mornings/days/evenings. Lol
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