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Everything posted by Cloudwatcher

  1. That's you out of the NSC then...haven't even had that. Just rain.
  2. Quiet in here....not surprising as virtually the whole of the country is under storms....except here!
  3. anyone who thinks I'm making up the fact we have a Cheshire/ Merseyside Storm Shield...just take a look at this grab from 5 mins ago...you literally couldn't make it up...
  4. I'm probably the one person you can't shock with that statement haha. And nothing in the pipeline for tomorrow either CC
  5. Netweather forecast yesterday had us with an 85% chance of storms at 9pm...and as usual absolutely nothing. Glad some people got to see some action today...think it's another blank year for us! Give up lolol!
  6. That was when I checked an hour ago.We aren't anywhere near 25c yet but it does feel more humid and warmer in the last half hour. Still got lots of cloud cover though
  7. We are still overcast and up to a mind blowing 19c at the moment CC....
  8. Turning into the usual Cheshire yawn-fest here lol...shutting down for the day/ night/year.... Still overcast and cool.
  9. Can't believe the difference 20-30 miles is making. Still under stubborn white cloud here, no sign of sun and still at around 15c. Unbelievable....
  10. I'd love to be proven wrong but there just doesn't feel to be enough heat around, and this blanket looks like it's here for the day. We'll see I guess! :-)
  11. Cloudy, 100% overcast drab, miserable morning here, currently 14c. Not sure where these "storms" and +30c temperatures are going to come from today. Another false alarm I think!
  12. stand by for lots of .........................................................
  13. I will put money on it being a non-event up here. As usual. As per every year....
  14. Excuse me if I don't get excitec about all this...going to be another non-event up here. 7 years and counting....
  15. already booking my usual place in the NSC...nothing for us here as usual....
  16. Yay....! Just grumpy from lack of sleep today I think! And sun-starved!
  17. It's that annoying higher level white veil cloud we often get around here. It's just taking the shine off the day. Some blue showing through here and there now.
  18. so where's this "summer scorcher" again....hazy sunshine at best and now starting to grey and cloud over here (surprise surprise)...be surprised if we top 20c at this rate, never mind 30c....
  19. I'm obviously not local to you guys, but no, you are not the only doubter. People are whipping themselves up into a frenzy (the best spell since 2003/2006/1976!) +30c etc...?? Given the dreary dross we have had to endure here for the past 6 years I'm somewhat jaded and pessimistic but I truly believe there are going to be a few red faces this time next week (and it's not from the sun)....
  20. another truly awful day here. Haven't topped 14c, fairly consistent rain/ drizzle and zero sun, again. Lights on at 6.30....
  21. I see something on the horizon too....more wall to wall cloudy murk and drizzle for us in this unadulterated ****hole of a region (weather-wise)...fed up with this never ending greyness now. No end in sight
  22. Just watch these charts get more and more downgraded as the week goes on...Horrible day here today and I just sceptical about how next week is going to pan out. Think there might be more than a few disappointed people on here next week
  23. Wall to wall cloud here as usual today...13c but feels colder than that. This weather here is getting more and more soul destroying by the day.....
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