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Everything posted by Cloudwatcher

  1. Dull, grey and overcast. Again. 14c Different month same story.....
  2. In fact, have a look at both of our home locations on a map. Although you are further south, there are actually some telling similarities between the two. Similar Longitude, west coast, even the estuaries etc...I noticed it last year. Our weather is probably very very similar to each others. Including the lack of storms!
  3. Trust me, it's as bad if not worse...we do have our own little micro-climate up here...it mainly consists of featureless cloud and not much else! Oh, and because we are on a flight path for high level (mainly transatlantic) overflights....on the rare occassion we do get a clear sky, by about 10am it's clouded over and ruined by contrails!! lol. Last decent overhead storm here is getting on for 8 years ago now. Have fun up here though, Chester Zoo is excellent by the way!
  4. Absolutely foul, depressing weather out there today. Moderate rain interspersed with drizzle, no sun at all and barely getting above 13c and feeling colder. Depressing me now.
  5. hahahaha..........this made me laugh! Yeah come up to Ellesmere Port for some "interesting" cloud, drizzle, and, if you are very unlucky like we seem to have been for about 7 years...foul smelling Easterlies that carry nothing but sulphurous pollution from the Essar Refinery just down the road....
  6. Currently overcast,dry, and feeling cold in the brisk wind. Currently 10c. ie: the usual Cheshire gloom......!
  7. 100% overcast here, light rain earlier, now dry but feeling cold in brisk wind. Currently struggling to get above 11c......... It is June we are in isn't it???!!
  8. I have every sympathy with you on this one. And it's not "moaning" it's just abject frustration that our summers seem to have become a total non-event in the last six years or so, Interestingly what seems to be happening with us in this location at the moment is either a: sunny start till about 9am, then clouding over consistently to generally a bland featureless murk, feeling cool with moderate winds, then brightening again literally just before sunset......and no storms obviously b: dull start, dull day dull evening, featureless cloud, little rain, and no storms obviously c: the occasional half decent day (a handful this year), and no storms obviously! Yesterday held the most promise storm wise for us here, not necessarily from a scientific viewpoint, it just "looked" and "felt" stormy....but nothing. There just doesn't seem to be enough heating to set things up. And today although bright, we are under a thick-ish layer of white cloud that is just keeping things mundane. Maybe these comments belong better in the NSC I don't know but in the absence of anything resembling a storm, we don't have a lot else to talk about! lol.
  9. ...........................might....just ......re-instate my netweather extra subscription........
  10. Just had a moderate shower here that lasted about ten minutes. All quiet again now. Turned into drizzle
  11. Surprised if we see anything today. Feeling too cool, 100% overcast and dull here today.
  12. Very overcast, dull and feeling cool. Currently 15c. Depressing stuff.
  13. Brighter start than of late, sun's shining with scattered, medium level cloud. 14c
  14. Overcast, murky mess today, Feeling uncomfortably humid and warm.
  15. Cloudy and dull here today. Our default weather for June it seems!
  16. For a half decent overhead storm (ie not a distant clap of thunder about ten miles away)....i think it's coming up for 8 years for us but tbh I gave up counting long ago....still at least Lincolnshire are getting their usual quota....
  17. But bizarrely, whenever the action prevails from the east....development and action happens over due east of us ie: Lincolnshire...and then just peters out over the Midlands before it gets anywhere near us....we never seem to get re-ignition. Just wondering what topography and specific geographical features mean that we seem to be in this storm desert! It's well beyond my insight.
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